Scrutiny of Arms Exports and Arms Controls (2014): Scrutiny of the Government's UK Strategic Export Controls Annual Report 2012, the Government's Quarterly Reports from October 2012 to September 2013, and the Government's policies on arms exports and int - Committees on Arms Export Controls Contents

Glossary of Acronyms

ATAS    Academic Technology Approval Scheme

ATT    Arms Trade Treaty

BIS    Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

BTWC    Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention

CAAT    Campaign Against Arms Trade

CAEC     Committees on Arms Export Controls

CBRN    Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear

CBW    Chemical and Biological Weapons

CCM    Convention on Cluster Munitions

CCW    Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons

CTBT    Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

COARM  EU Council of Ministers Working Group on Conventional Weapons

CWC    Chemical Weapons Convention

DFID    Department for International Development

DSEi    Defence and Security Equipment International (Trade Exhibition)

DTCT    UK/US Defense Trade Cooperation Treaty

ECO    Export Control Organisation (within the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills)

EGAD    Export Group for Aerospace and Defence

EU    European Union

FAC    Foreign Affairs Committee

FCO    Foreign and Commonwealth Office

FMCT    Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty

GTRP    Global Threat Reduction Programme

ICT    Intra-Community Transfer (ICT) Directive on arms transfers within the EU

ITAR    (US) International Traffic in Arms Regulations

MoD    Ministry of Defence

MTCR    Missile Technology Control Regime

NPT    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

NSG    Nuclear Suppliers Group

NWFZ    Nuclear Weapons Free Zone

OGEL    Open General Export Licence

OGTCL    Open General Trade Control Licence

OIEL    Open Individual Export Licence

OITCL    Open Individual Trade Control Licence

OPCW    Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

OPTs    Occupied Palestinian Territories

OSCE    Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe

OSJA    Overseas Security and Justice Assistance

PMSC    Private Maritime and Security Company

PQ    Parliamentary Question

PSC    Private Security Company

P5    The 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council

SALW    Small Arms and Light Weapons

SIEL    Standard Individual Export Licence

SIPRI    Stockholm International Peace Research Institute

SITCL    Standard Individual Trade Control Licence

SITL    Standard Individual Transhipment Licence

UAV    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

UKTI DSO  United Kingdom Trade & Investment Defence & Security Organisation

UKWG    United Kingdom Working Group on Arms

UNROCA  United Nations Register of Conventional Arms

WA    Wassenaar Arrangement

WMD    Weapons of Mass Destruction

WMDFZ  Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone

WMS    Written Ministerial Statement

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Prepared 23 July 2014