Ensuring access to working antimicrobials - Science and Technology Committee Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the Committee's inquiry web page at www.parliament.uk/science. INQ numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1  Dr Ranjan Ramasamy, former Professor of Biochemistry and Immunology  AMR0002

2  Novartis  AMR0003

3  The Society of Homeopaths  AMR0005

4  Medical Schools Council and Association of UK University Hospitals  AMR0006

5  WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Influenza  AMR0007

6  European Herbal and Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association  AMR0008

7  Professor David Graham, Newcastle University  AMR0009

8  All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Tuberculosis  AMR0010

9  Research Councils UK  AMR0012

10  Professor T H Pennington  AMR0013

11  Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Antibiotics Network  AMR0014

12  Cambridge Infectious Diseases, University of Cambridge  AMR0015

13  British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (BSAC)  AMR0016

14  Antibiotic Discovery-UK  AMR0017

15  AstraZeneca  AMR0018

16  National Office of Animal Health (NOAH) Ltd  AMR0019

17  Research Council for Complementary Medicine  AMR0020

18  Universities Allied for Essential Medicines  AMR0021

19  Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI)  AMR0022

20  Dr Ian M Gould, Consultant Microbiologist, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary  AMR0023

21  Professor George Lewith University of Southampton Medical School, and
Dr Peter Fisher Clinical Director, Royal London Hospital for Integrated
Medicine, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust  AMR0024

22  Durham University  AMR0025

23  BioIndustry Association (BIA)  AMR0026

24  Public Health England  AMR0027

25  Paul Burnett  AMR0028

26  GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)  AMR0029

27  John Innes Centre, Norwich  AMR0030

28  International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene  AMR0031

29  British Pharmacological Society  AMR0032

30  Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH)  AMR0033

31  Imperial College London Centre for Infection Prevention and
Management  AMR0034

32  Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics  AMR0035

33  Society for Applied Microbiology  AMR0036

34  The British In Vitro Diagnostics Association  AMR0037

35  EPSRC Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration in Early Warning
Sensing Systems for Infectious Diseases  AMR0038

36  University College London  AMR0039

37  Society for General Microbiology  AMR0040

38  Society of Biology  AMR0041

39  Dr William Gaze, University of Exeter Medical School  AMR0042

40  Department of Health  AMR0043

41  Discuva Ltd  AMR0044

42  Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (RUMA)  AMR0045

43  Veterinary Medicines Directorate  AMR0047

44  Novolytics Limited  AMR0048

45  David Livermore  AMR0049

46  Royal Society of Chemistry  AMR0050

47  Wellcome Trust  AMR0051

48  Group of international scientists - Jean-Yves Maillard, Sally Bloomfield,
Joana Rosado Coelho, Phillip Collier, Barry Cookson, Séamus Fanning,
Philippe Hartemann, Andrew J McBain, Marco Oggioni,
Herbert P Schweizer, John Threlfall  AMR0052

49  Royal College of Physicians  AMR0053

50  Academy of Medical Sciences  AMR0054

51  National Farmers Union  AMR0055

52  Sustainable Food Trust  AMR0056

53  The British In Vitro Diagnostics Association (supplementary to AMR 37)  AMR0057

54  Guy Chapman  AMR0058

55  British Veterinary Association  AMR0059

56  Expert Group on antibiotic resistance  AMR0060

57  Society of Biology (supplementary to AMR 041)  AMR0061

58  British Veterinary Association (supplementary to AMR 59)  AMR0062

59  British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
(supplementary to AMR 016)  AMR0063

60  Technology Strategy Board  AMR0064

61  Alliance to Save Our Antibiotics (supplementary to AMR 035)  AMR0065

62  Redx Pharma Ltd  AMR0066

63  Royal College of Nursing  AMR0067

64  Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Antibiotics Network (supplementary to AMR 014)  AMR0068

65  Department of Health (supplementary to AMR 043)  AMR0069

66  The Institute of Cancer Research  AMR0070

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Prepared 7 July 2014