Cycling Safety - Transport Committee Contents


In 2013, 109 cyclists were killed, and 3,143 were seriously injured in road accidents in England, Scotland and Wales. An increase in the number of people cycling in the past decade may mean that these figures hide a decline in risk of cycling, as the proportion of cyclists killed or seriously injured per journey falls. This, however, is no comfort to the families and friends of cyclists who have lost their lives, nor does it improve the perception of risk around cycling. We are clear that there is far more that can be done to improve the safety of our roads and to encourage more people to cycle.

Reducing the dangers faced by cyclists on the road—including poorly designed junctions, aggressive driving and unsegregated, narrow cycle lanes—will mean thinking about the kind of communities we want to live in. Our roads must be safe for all who want to use them, whether pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists or cars. Infrastructure projects should consider cycling from the earliest stage, with road design treating cycling as a valid form of transport, rather than as an afterthought. There is no one-size-fits-all solution that is right for all our villages, towns and cities, so we call on local authorities to work with cyclists and local residents to develop and design ways of making roads safer.

We repeat the recommendation in our 2012 Report for greater political leadership. The Prime Minister's support for cycling must be demonstrated by a steady and planned increase in the funding for cycling, which should reach £10 a head by 2020. The Department for Transport can and should do more to promote a culture of mutual respect and safety among all road users by, for example, increasing the availability of cycle training, amending the driving test and reducing risks associated with HGVs. Above all, as we stressed in our 2012 Report, improving road safety requires a cross-departmental effort. We are concerned that this has not yet materialised. We look forward to a clear commitment, backed by a timetable for action, on making our roads safe for all users.

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© Parliamentary copyright 2014
Prepared 18 July 2014