Government motoring agencies - the user perspective - Transport Committee Contents


1. We welcome the Committee's interest in the motoring agencies and the important work they do to keep people safe on our roads. Our vision is for motoring services that put the consumer and business at the heart of what they do.

2. The Department for Transport published its response to the Motoring Services Strategy in 2013 which set out our strategic direction and aims. Since then we have achieved a considerable amount:

·  We merged the Driving Standards Agency and the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency into one agency, the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA). This enabled us to set out a clear vision for driver and vehicle testing, and provide a more efficient and improved delivery of motoring services to users and business.

·  We invited tenders for a new commercial model for the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA)

·  The Reilly Review of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) made recommendations for a future business strategy which will enable digital service transformation and a step change in efficiency for the Agency.

3. We have made good progress in achieving our aims, but agree with the Committee that the time is right to consider how the motoring agencies might operate in the future - building on their successes and focusing on how we can utilise digital capacity more widely and reduce costs and burdens on business.

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© Parliamentary copyright 2014
Prepared 19 December 2014