3 Improving the claims process: DWP's
the process
18. Dr Litchfield considered the process
for claiming ESA as part of his fourth review of the WCA. He recommended
that, in the medium term, DWP carry out an impact assessment into
changing the process so that DWP, and not the assessment provider,
issues the ESA50 and decides whether a paper-based assessment
can be completed or whether obtaining more evidence is necessary,
either through a face-to-face assessment or seeking further documentary
evidence. Where a paper-based assessment was judged to be sufficient,
DWP would not then need to refer the case to the assessment provider.[23]
19. Dr Litchfield believed that the
current system was "over-complex" and that "stripping
out some of that complexity would help in speeding things up."
This would also improve the process, because the DWP decision-maker
would then be at the "front end", which would "reinforce
the injunction that they are in control".[24]
Dr Litchfield also suggested that changing the system in this
way would avoid a "potential conflict of interests"
that may arise from the provider of face-to-face assessments also
making the decision about whether a claimant needed to be assessed
face-to-face, for which it receives a payment.[25]
DWP has agreed to carry out the impact assessment recommended
by Dr Litchfield.[26]
When we asked the Minister whether he considered it important
to make a decision about whether to adopt this change before the
new contract was drawn up, he told us "A lot of this will
be in the contract."[27]
20. As part of this revised process,
DWP would make the decision about whether further evidence was
necessary and how best to obtain this. Currently, when a HCP assesses
the ESA50 and any additional evidence initially provided by the
claimant, they can decide to seek further evidence from the healthcare
professional named on the ESA50 where they consider that "there
is a clear possibility that an examination [face-to-face assessment]
may be avoided".[28]
We have heard evidence that they primarily seek this evidence
from GPs, even though, as Mind pointed out, a claimant's GP may
not always have the best insight into the effect of the claimant's
condition on their functionality.[29]
Aside from this, responsibility primarily lies with the claimant
to obtain supporting evidence if they want it considered as part
of the process. Claimants can have a number of problems obtaining
this evidence, including health professionals charging for it,
or even refusing to provide it.[30]
21. DWP has frequently stated that the
claimant presenting further evidence at the tribunal stage is
one of the key reasons for so many decisions being overturned
on appeal.[31] When we
put it to the Minister that DWP being more proactive in seeking
the evidence at an earlier stage would address this problem, his
view was that, whilst DWP would "help the claimant as much
as possible [
] at the end of the day the claimant is doing
what it says on the tin; they are claiming a benefit."[32]
We also heard that it not always clear to either claimants or
care professionals what types of additional information would
be useful and relevant to DWP and the assessors in coming to a
decision.[33] The Minister
accepted that "there is some work to be done" to make
sure professionals know what evidence will be most helpful.[34]
22. Dr Litchfield believed that putting
DWP at the forefront of the process in the way he suggested would
increase the number of paper-based decisions, which would also
result in "speeding things up".[35]
In 2012, almost 62% of the new ESA claimants placed in the Support
Group were assessed on paper only and around 68% of the decisions
to place reassessed IB claimants in the Support Group were made
without a face-to-face assessment.[36]
A number of witnesses would like to see an increase in the amount
of Support Group decisions which are made on paper.[37]
Zacchaeus 2000 Trust (Z2K) pointed out that face-to-face assessments
are distressing for claimants, and that more paper decisions where
possible would save money and reduce the delays for face-to-face
23. New ESA claimants can only be placed
in the Support Group on a paper-based assessment; it is not possible
for them to be placed in the WRAG without a face-to-face assessment.
However, IB claimants being reassessed for ESA can be placed in
either the Support Group or the WRAG without a face-to-face assessment.
Between autumn 2010 (when the trials of IB reassessment began)
and March 2013, 214,000 IB claimants were reassessed and placed
in the WRAG without a face-to-face assessment.[39]
24. Z2K did not consider it to be "adequate"
for claimants to be placed in the WRAG on the basis of a paper-based
assessment. Parkinson's UK also criticised this process because
it meant that the decision was not being made on the basis of
evidence about the claimant's current state of health.[40]
Iain Walsh from DWP explained that the rationale for the distinction
between the use of paper-based assessments for IB reassessments
and ESA new claims was that there "will be more written evidence
available and relevant" about an IB claimant because of their
existing claim. He did however emphasise that claimants would
only be placed in the WRAG on the basis of paper-based assessment
"when it is proper to do so".[41]
25. The current ESA process is too long
and complex. We agree with Dr Litchfield that it would be improved
if DWP itself, and not the assessment provider, issued the ESA50
and decided whether a face-to-face assessment and/or additional
evidence was necessary. This would both speed up the process and
put the DWP decision-maker at the heart of the process. We recommend
that this change be implemented when the new provider starts delivering
the WCA.
26. As part of this new process we
recommend that DWP decision-makers (DMs) proactively seek additional
evidence, from both health and social care professionals, rather
than placing the onus to do this on claimants (although claimants
should retain the right to submit evidence with their ESA50 if
they wish to do so). DMs are best placed to know whether additional
evidence is necessary, whereas claimants may not know what evidence
would be most useful or from whom to seek it, and may not be able
to afford the significant charges which some GPs and other professionals
require. Although this change may lengthen the decision-making
period and may incur some additional public expense, this is likely
to be balanced by a reduction in the number of appeals, which
are expensive, time-consuming and stressful for claimants. DWP
should also make clear guidance available to both professionals
and claimants on what evidence is most useful in the process.
This guidance should explain that supporting evidence needs to
set out how a condition affects a claimant's functional capacity.
DWP might also wish to explore options for providing training
on this for GPs and other professionals.
27. We also recommend that DMs give
much more careful consideration to whether a claimant can be placed
in the Support Group without having to undergo a face-to-face
assessment. Paper-based decisions are quicker, cheaper and less
stressful for claimants, and may well be possible for a greater
number of claims than is currently the case. However, we do not
believe that paper-based assessments are appropriate for placing
people in the WRAG, as can currently happen with IB reassessments
(but not ESA new claims), because moving a claimant to a lower
level of benefit should be based on the widest available evidence,
particularly given the additional job-search conditionality which
arises from being in the WRAG. We recommend that DWP change this
policy urgently so that IB claimants are not placed in the WRAG
without a face-to-face assessment.
Frequency of reassessments
28. ESA claimants are reassessed at
regular intervals, either on paper or face-to-face. DWP considers
that reassessing claimants is important in order to
] ensure that they are receiving
the support they need for their current capabilities and needs,
and determine whether the impact of their health condition or
disability has improved or worsened, and whether they have adapted
to their condition.
The DWP DM decides when the claimant
will be called for reassessment, and the "frequency of these
repeat assessments will depend on the prognosis given by the health
care professional at the previous assessment." [42]
HCPs can give the following prognoses: 3 months; 6 months; 12
months; 18 months; within 2 years; and in the longer term.[43]
According to DWP, the prognosis of when a claimant should next
be recalled for a reassessment is not an indicator of when a claimant
is expected to be fit for work.[44]
29. The issue of the timing and frequency
of reassessments has been raised repeatedly by claimants, representative
groups and by the independent reviewers.[45]
It is disappointing that so little progress has been made. Dr
Litchfield recommended that DWP consider a new reassessment period
of five years for claimants in the Support Group "for people
who have very severe incapacity resulting from brain disorders
that are degenerative or which will not realistically improve."
DWP's acceptance of this very limited specific recommendation
was qualified by reference to it being "subject to the outcome
of further scoping work".[46]
30. Professor Harrington believed that
the frequency of reassessments was "illogical" and that
the system did not take sufficient account of individual conditions.
He believed that, with people with conditions such as Parkinson's,
"you might as well leave it for quite a long period of time"
before they are reassessed because "unfortunately, the chances
are that the person will have deteriorated in that length of time".
He acknowledged that the WCA was not a "diagnosis-based assessment",
but argued that "for certain diagnoses, such as Motor Neurone
Disease, you know what the outcome is going to be, so the clinician
has to take that into account, even though they do not use diagnosis
alone as the basis for the assessment".[47]
The Minister told us that the frequency of reassessments is "something
else we are looking at at the moment."[48]
31. In our 2011 report, we also pointed
out that a number of claimants were being reassessed shortly after
a successful appeal outcome.[49]
Dr Litchfield recommended that DWP consider introducing a minimum
period between a successful appeal and being called for reassessment.
The Government agreed to consider the appropriate minimum period.[50]
32. We acknowledge that reassessments
are a necessary feature of the ESA system, to ensure that claimants
remain in the correct benefit group with the right level of conditionality
placed on them. However, reassessments are occurring too frequently,
particularly for claimants with progressive conditions and ones
which are unlikely to change. They also often take place too soon
after successful appeals. Unnecessary reassessments are distressing
for the claimant and a waste of public money. We recommend that
DWP implements the recommendations of the independent reviewers
on reassessment intervals without further delay, and that it looks
again at whether its current reassessment criteria are in the
best interests of claimants and are a good use of public funds.
A speedy decision on this would assist the new contractor to plan
its work.
Communication with claimants
33. A number of witnesses criticised
the way in which DWP and Atos communicated with them as being
unclear and confusing. Advice Plymouth told us that claimants
were "confused by the array of terminology which the DWP
use when confirming which group they have been allocated to".[51]
Dr Litchfield recommended that all ESA-related letters and forms
be "comprehensively reviewed" to ensure that they meet
"Plain English standard" and that "decision letters
set out clearly what the outcome means for the person concerned".
DWP has accepted this recommendation.[52]
34. Jason Feeney from DWP told us that
"there is an awful lot of difficulty in terms of communication
with such a broad range of people". He said that DWP was
continually "updating" and "trying to review the
letters" but pointed out that the legal basis for the decision
has to be set out.[53]
The Minister commented "I think that we would all agree that
we can try to use more user-friendly language, but it is a very
technical benefit, and that is part of the problem." He believed
that "the language that we are using in our letters has improved"
but acknowledged that "it is not perfect, and we need to
make sure that we improve it more."[54]
35. DWP pointed out that one of the
ways it has improved communication with claimants is by introducing
the "Decision Assurance Call". Instead of the claimant
only being informed about the outcome of their claim in a letter,
they first receive a telephone call from the DM who has dealt
with their claim. These calls were an important part of the communication
process as they offered an opportunity for decision-makers to
explain the reasons behind the decision and to ask the claimant
whether there was more information that needed to be taken into
account. These calls were now reaching 85% of claimants compared
to 35% last year. [55]
36. We welcome DWP's acceptance of
Dr Litchfield's recommendation that all ESA-related forms and
letters should be reviewed. We recommend that DWP improve the
way it communicates with claimants, both in writing and in telephone
calls. It should ensure that forms, including the ESA50, and letters
are user-friendly and in plain English; the language used should
be clear, with explanations of the more technical terms; and confusing
legal explanations should be in footnotes or annexes rather than
the main text. The terms "limited capability for work"
(for those placed in the WRAG) and "limited capability for
work-related activity" (for those placed in the Support Group)
are very confusing for claimants. We recommend that DWP finds
more meaningful terminology to use in explaining decisions on
ESA claims to claimants.
37. Since 30 April 2012, contribution-based
ESA claimants placed in the WRAG have been able to claim the benefit
for a maximum of 365 days (including time spent in the assessment
phase while the claim is being processed). There is no time-limit
on claimants in the Support Group or on income-based ESA in the
WRAG.[56] We expressed
concerns about the implications for claimants of the Government's
decision to restrict ESA in this way in our 2011 report.[57]
38. Witnesses in this inquiry identified
that contribution-based ESA claimants placed in the WRAG often
failed to appreciate what this meant in terms of their benefit
coming to an end or the options for challenging the decision.[58]
Claimants have a month to request mandatory reconsideration and
then to appeal;[59] but
if these claimants do not understand that their benefit will come
to an end, they may not realise until it is too late that they
could have appealed to be placed in the Support Group instead.
Citizen's Advice believed that, if the Department persisted with
this time-limit, its consequences should be clearly communicated
to claimants, including information on the right to appeal.[60]
39. Communication with contribution-based
ESA claimants placed in the WRAG is particularly important because
they need to understand that their ESA will terminate after a
year. The consequences for claimants of the 12 month time-limit
and the options available to request mandatory reconsideration
of the WRAG decision and to apply for income-based ESA at the
end of the time-limit should be clearly set out. We recommend
that DWP ensure that these claimants receive specific and clear
information on the implications of this claim outcome, including
when the time-limit starts and when it will end, both in the decision
letter and in the Decision Assurance telephone call.
Appropriateness of the WRAG for
people with long-term conditions
40. A number of witnesses were concerned
that claimants with progressive conditions, and a prognosis that
they were unlikely to see a change in their functional ability
in the longer term, were being inappropriately placed in the WRAG.
Between October 2008 and September 2013, 11,800 new ESA claimants
and 73,100 IB claimants assessed for ESA were placed in the WRAG
with a prognosis of "two years or more".[61]
DWP has explained that "a prognosis of two years or more
is defined as unlikely in the longer term."[62]
41. As noted above, Atos HCPs give "prognosis
period advice" about when they think a claimant should be
recalled for reassessment, based on "when there would be
reason to expect a change in the claimant's functional abilities".[63]
A number of organisations representing those with progressive
conditions point out that DWP guidance recommends that claimants
should be given the prognosis of a change being unlikely in the
longer term where the assessor finds "a substantial degree
of functional impairment resulting from a serious medical problem
which is chronic or will inevitably deteriorate further, even
with optimal treatment."[64]
42. Donna O'Brien from Parkinson's UK
questioned why people with progressive conditions were being put
into the WRAG on the basis of this prognosis. She argued that
anyone with a long-term prognosis should be placed in the Support
Group.[65] Parkinson's
UK, along with a number of other organisations representing people
with progressive conditions, believed that these prognosis statements
were "totally contradictory to the purpose of the WRAG",
given that this group was for claimants capable of work-related
activity, and who are expected to be fit for work in the future.[66]
DWP has told us that it is looking into this issue.[67]
43. More than 80,000 new ESA claimants
and IB claimants undergoing reassessment, many of them with progressive
conditions, have been placed in the WRAG since ESA was introduced,
with a prognosis statement that a change in their functional abilities
is unlikely in the longer term. The purpose of the WRAG is to
provide work-related support for people who are expected to be
fit for work in the short to medium term. Work-related conditionality
accompanies this designation. We believe that it is wholly inappropriate
to place people in the WRAG if they have a condition which is
unlikely to improve and which makes their prospect of returning
to work remote. We therefore recommend that DWP changes its practice
so that claimants with this prognosis are allocated to the Support
Group and not to the WRAG.
23 Dr Litchfield, An Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment - year four,
December 2013, Chapter 6, para 30 Back
Q274 Back
Q275 Back
Government's response to the year four independent review of the Work Capability Assessment,
March 2014, Annex A, recommendation 26 Back
Q486 Back
Training and Development: ESA Filework Guidelines (for Health
Care Professionals), June 2012, p 17. Atos is also required to
request further evidence from the named medical professional in
certain circumstances, including where there is reference to self-harm
or suicide on the ESA50 - see p 18 for details. The guidance also
states that further evidence "should not be requested simply
to confirm that an examination is required or to obtain further
information to assist the examining HCP." Back
Q30 Back
See for example Z2K (WCA0019) para 41; and Centre for Mental Health,
Hafal, Mental Health Foundation, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness,
Royal College of Psychiatrists, Scottish Association for Mental
Health, (WCA0142) para 19. The current policy on seeking further
evidence is subject to an ongoing judicial review, with ESA claimants
arguing that DWP should always seek further medical evidence for
an ESA claim from those with a mental health condition, and as
a minimum, DWP should always consider doing so - see 2013 UK UT 259 AAC
and [2013] EWCA Civ 1565 for further details. Back
See for example Qq478 and 489; see also oral evidence taken on
29 October 2012 from DWP witnesses on the DWP Annual Report and
Accounts, Q104; and evidence taken on 21 November 2012 from DWP
witnesses on ESA Q62. Back
Q515 Back
Diverse Cymru (WCA0133); Oxfordshire Welfare Rights (WCA0068)
para 4 Back
Q516 Back
Qq274-75 Back
DWP response to FOI request 2014-69, 4 February 2014 Back
See for example Q26 [Citizens Advice]; and Q48 [Z2K] Back
Qq31 and 48
and Zacchaeus 2000 Trust
(Z2K) (WCA0019)
para 8 Back
DWP response to FOI request 2014-69, 4 February 2014 Back
Qq31-32 Back
Q484 Back
HC Deb, 28 February 2012, col 238w Back
HC Deb, 1 July 2014, col 528w Back
DWP supplementary written evidence Back
See for example Q48 [Parkinson's UK]; National Association of
Welfare Rights Advisers (WCA0116), para 15; Disability Benefits
Consortium (WCA0173), para 40 Back
Government's Response to the year 4 independent review of the WCA,
March 2014, p 41 Back
Q197 Back
Q483 Back
Work and Pensions Committee, The role of incapacity benefit reassessment in helping claimants into employment,
para 148 Back
Dr Litchfield,
An Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment - year four,
December 2013, Chapter 4, para 43; DWP, Government's Response to the year 4 independent review of the WCA,
March 2014, p 37 Back
Advice Plymouth (WCA0179), para 6.1 Back
Dr Litchfield, An Independent Review of the Work Capability Assessment - year four,
December 2013, Chapter 4, para 42; Government's Response to the year four independent review of the Work Capability Assessment,
March 2014, Annex A, recommendation 13 Back
Qq415-16 Back
Qq416 and 497 Back
DWP (WCA0196), para 7; Q417 Back
DWP, Changes to contribution-based Employment and Support Allowance,
May 2012, page 2 Back
Work and Pensions Committee, The role of incapacity benefit reassessment in helping claimants into employment,
paras 158-169 Back
See for example Disability Benefits Consortium (WCA0173), paras
54-56; and Advice Plymouth (WCA0179), para 6.1 Back
DWP (WCA0196), para 47 Back
Citizens Advice (WCA0160) para 50 Back
DWP supplementary written evidence Back
HC Deb, 1 July 2014, col 528w Back
DWP supplementary written evidence Back
Cystic Fibrosis Trust, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Parkinson's
UK and the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (WCA0154), para
19 Back
Q32 Back
Cystic Fibrosis Trust, the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Parkinson's
UK and the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (WCA0154), para
18 Back
Q501 Back