Sessional Returns Session 2013-14 - Sessional Returns Contents


The Sessional Returns were first published in consolidated form for Session
1986-87. Returns of:

i.  Closure of debate in the House and in Standing Committees dating back
to 1887 and 1907 respectively;

ii.  Delegated Legislation from Session 1974-75;

iii.  Private Bills and Private Business from 1981;

iv.  Sittings of the House from Session 1960-61; and

v.  Special Procedure Orders from Session 1972-73

have been placed in the House of Commons Library where they may be inspected by Members. Copies have also been supplied to the Parliamentary Archives, where they are available to the public for inspection. Requests for inspection should be addressed to the Parliamentary Archives, Houses of Parliament, London, SW1A 0PW (020 7219 3074). Hours of inspection are from 9.30am to 5.00pm Mondays to Fridays. Electronic copies of the Sessional Returns from 1997-98 onwards can be found online at

Public and Private Bills and Delegated Legislation are also listed by session in the Part II Index to the relevant House of Commons Journal. A great deal of other procedural information can also be derived from this Index, for example the date of each stage in the passage of a particular Bill through the House of Commons, and instances of closure in the House and in Committees of the whole House.
The Journal is published by The Stationery Office Limited and is available on the Parliament website at

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© Parliamentary copyright 2014
Prepared 12 September 2014