5 Public Bills
Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.*
*For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills
to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.
A General Summary
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
| |
started in the Commons
| 22 |
Government |
17 |
Private Members'
| 5 |
brought from the Lords
| 8 |
Government |
8 |
Private Members'
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 30
| |
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills
| |
started in the Commons
| |
Government |
6 |
Private Members'
| 140 |
brought from the Lords
| |
Government |
0 |
Private Members'
| 4 |
TOTAL: | 150
| |
Progress of Bills
| |
introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons
| 139 |
passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
| 1 |
introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session
| 6 |
passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons
| 2 |
passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons
| 2 |
passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 150
| |
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords
| 180 |
B Bills which received the
Royal Assent
* denotes a Government Bill
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each printing
*Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing [7] [93]
*Care [Lords] [123] [168] [208]
*Children and Families [5] [171]
Citizenship (Armed Forces) [13]
*Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies [Lords]
Deep Sea Mining [14] [156]
*Defence Reform [84] [118] [197]
*Energy [4] [133]
*European Union (Approvals) [Lords] [119]
*Finance [1] [18]
*Financial Services (Banking Reform) [2] [142]
*Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) [8] [185]
*High Speed Rail (Preparation) [10] [96]
House of Lords Reform (No. 2) [15] [155]
*Immigration [110] [128] [206]
*Inheritance and Trustees' Powers [Lords] [172]
*Intellectual Property [Lords] [102] [166]
International Development (Gender Equality) (changed
from Gender Equality (International Development)) [28] [144]
Leasehold Reform (Amendment) [45] [149]
*Local Audit and Accountability [Lords] [101] [129]
*Marriage (Same Sex Couples) [3] [94]
*Mesothelioma [Lords] [100]
*National Insurance Contributions [112]
*Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) [9]
*Offender Rehabilitation [Lords] [88] [138]
*Pensions [6] [91] [183]
*Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments)
*Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) [86]
*Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning
and Trade Union Administration [97] [108] [158]
*Water [82] [146] [201]
C Bills which did not receive
the Royal Assent
1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but
Amendments not agreed to
2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but
not by the Lords
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
European Union (Referendum) [11]
3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings
suspended to next Session
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
*Consumer Rights [161] [180]
*Criminal Justice and Courts [169] [192]
*Deregulation [162] [191]
*Finance (No. 2) [190]
*High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) [132]
*Wales [186] [205]
4. Bills which received a Second Reading
5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Access to Mental Health Services [106] |
Dropped |
Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) [Lords] [124]
| Withdrawn |
Apprenticeships and Skills (Public Procurement Contracts) [17]
| Withdrawn |
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) [71]
| Lapsed |
Asylum Seekers (Return to Nearest Safe Country) [36]
| Withdrawn |
Asylum (Time Limit) [61] | Prorogation
BBC Licence Fee (Civil Debt) [46] | Withdrawn
Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) [62] |
Prorogation |
Charitable Status for Religious Institutions [52]
| Withdrawn |
Child Maltreatment [23] | Dropped
Communication Support (Deafness) [24] | Dropped
Communications (Unsolicited Telephone Calls and Texts) [21]
| Dropped |
Control of Offshore Wind Turbines [68] |
Prorogation |
Coroners and Justice (Amendment) [113] |
Dropped |
Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) [120]
| Prorogation |
Delivery Surcharges (Transparency for Consumers) [19]
| Dropped |
Drug Driving (Assessment of Drug Misuse) [20]
| Dropped |
Education (Information Sharing) [26] | Dropped
Electronic Patient Records (Continuity of Care) [134]
| Prorogation |
Employment Opportunities [69] | Prorogation
Energy Demand Reduction [150] | Dropped
European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) [33]
| Prorogation |
EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) [70]
| Prorogation |
Executive Pay and Remuneration [105] | Dropped
Extension of Franchise (House of Lords) [Lords] [111]
| Dropped |
Face Coverings (Prohibition) [31] | Prorogation
Football Governance (No. 2) [198] | Prorogation
Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the United Kingdom) [35]
| Withdrawn |
Foreign Nationals (Access to Public Services) [66]
| Prorogation |
Gangmasters Licensing Authority (Extension of Powers) [78]
| Prorogation |
Graduated Driving Licence Scheme [22] | Dropped
Hate Crime (People with Learning Difficulties and Learning Disabilities [122]
| Prorogation |
High Cost Credit [12] | Prorogation
House of Commons Members' Fund [145] | Dropped
House of Lords (Maximum Membership) [67] |
Prorogation |
Housing Benefit and Universal Credit in the Social Housing Sector (Regular Payments) [174]
| Dropped |
Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) [63]
| Withdrawn |
International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) [74]
| Dropped |
Jobs Guarantee Scheme (Research) [75] | Prorogation
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (Amendment) [89]
| Dropped |
Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) [30]
| Dropped |
Local Government (Review of Decisions) [77]
| Dropped |
Margaret Thatcher Day [48] | Dropped
Medical Innovation (No. 2) [107] | Withdrawn
National Service [32] | Prorogation
Planning Regulations (Removal of Provisions in Respect of Gypsies and Travellers) [87]
| Withdrawn |
Prime Minister (Replacement) [59] | Dropped
Prisons (Drug Testing) [27] | Withdrawn
Private Landlords and Letting and Managing Agents (Regulation) [16]
| Dropped |
Property Blight Compensation [25] | Dropped
Public Services (Ownership and User Involvement) [160]
| Prorogation |
Railways [81] | Prorogation
Recall of Members of Parliament [193] | Prorogation
Registration of Stillbirths [153] | Dropped
Regulation of Gambling Advertising [195] |
Prorogation |
Regulation of the Private Rented Sector [114]
| Prorogation |
Romanian and Bulgarian Accession (Labour Restriction) [56]
| Dropped |
Sentencing Escalator [44] | Withdrawn
Sexual Impropriety in Employment [64] | Dropped
Smoking (Private Members' Clubs) [47] | Withdrawn
Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) [76]
| Dropped |
Train Companies (Minimum Fares) [72] | Dropped
United Kingdom Corporate and Individual Tax and Financial Transparency [29]
| Dropped |
United Kingdom Parliament (Sovereignty) [136]
| Dropped |
Unsolicited Telephone Calls (Caller Line Identification) [126]
| Dropped |
Young Offenders (Parental Responsibility) [34]
| Withdrawn |
Zero Hours Contracts [79] | Prorogation
TOTAL: 67 | |
6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords,
but not printed
Title of Bill |
Stage at which progress ended
Additional Charges for Utility Bills Not Paid by Direct Debit (Limits) [173]
| Lapsed |
Adventure and Gap Year Activity Companies (Accreditation and Inspection) [157]
| Prorogation |
Agricultural Accidents (Records) [200] |
Prorogation |
Animal Welfare (Electronic Collars) [159] |
Prorogation |
BBC Privatisation [57] | Withdrawn
Benefit Claimants (Automatic Transfer to Alternative Benefits) [125]
| Withdrawn |
Brown Hare (Protection) [184] | Prorogation
Capital Punishment [40] | Withdrawn
Causing Death by Driving Whilst Disqualified [140]
| Prorogation |
Collection of Nationality Data [65] | Lapsed
Community Hospitals [151] | Prorogation
Contaminated Blood (Support for Infected and Bereaved Persons) [187]
| Prorogation |
Co-operative and Social Enterprise (Development) [179]
| Prorogation |
Credit Union (Armed Forces) [148] | Lapsed
Decarbonisation [141] | Prorogation
Department of Energy and Climate Change (Abolition) [49]
| Withdrawn |
Descendants of Deceased Adopted People (Access to Information) [116]
| Withdrawn |
Domestic Violence (Legal Framework) [176] |
Prorogation |
Drink Driving (Repeat Offenders) [85] | Prorogation
Driving Offences (Review of Sentencing Guidelines) [152]
| Prorogation |
Driving Whilst Disqualified (Repeat Offenders) [139]
| Prorogation |
Electoral Register (Access to Public Services) [95]
| Prorogation |
Energy in Buildings [188] | Prorogation
Equality and Diversity (Reform) [43] | Withdrawn
Fishing Grounds and Territorial Waters (Repatriation) [38]
| Withdrawn |
Flooding Prevention for New Developments [167]
| Withdrawn |
Food Labelling (Sugar Content) [210] | Prorogation
Football Governance [80] | Prorogation
Foreign Aid Ring-Fencing (Abolition) [51] |
Lapsed |
Freedom of Information (Private Healthcare Companies) [109]
| Prorogation |
Funding for Local Authorities [117] | Withdrawn
Gibraltar (Maritime Protection) [115] | Prorogation
Government Departments (Amalgamation of Scotland Office, Wales Office and Northern Ireland Office) [41]
| Withdrawn |
Health and Social Care (Amendment)(Food Standards) [Lords]
| Brought from the Lords |
Illegal Importation of Dogs (Fixed Penalty) [189]
| Lapsed |
Investment Management (Fiduciary Duties) [170]
| Prorogation |
Letting Agents (Competition, Choice and Standards) [83]
| Withdrawn |
Licensed Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles (Closed Circuit Television) [121]
| Prorogation |
Lobbyists (Registration of Code of Conduct) [73]
| Withdrawn |
Local Government Boundary Commission (Public Representations) [165]
| Prorogation |
Married Couples (Tax Allowance) [50] | Withdrawn
Mental Health Outcomes (Measurement) [147] |
Prorogation |
National Health Service (Right to Treatment) [199]
| Prorogation |
National Insurance (Renaming) [175] | Prorogation
National Parks (Governance) [194] | Prorogation
National Planning Policy Framework (Community Involvement) [203]
| Prorogation |
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Abolition) [58]
| Withdrawn |
Parental Bereavement Leave (Statutory Entitlement) [104]
| Withdrawn |
Permitted Development (Basements) [127] |
Prorogation |
Prisoners (Completion of Custodial Sentences) [37]
| Withdrawn |
Private Rented Sector [182] | Prorogation
Prohibition of Unpaid Internships [209] |
Prorogation |
Public Interest Disclosure (Amendment) [130]
| Withdrawn |
Pupils at Risk of Educational Disadvantage [204]
| Prorogation |
Recall of Elected Representative [137] |
Lapsed |
Regulation of Refractive Eye Surgery [131] |
Prorogation |
Representation of the People Act 1981 (Amendment) [99]
| Withdrawn |
Residential Roads (Adoption by Local Highways Authority) [42]
| Withdrawn |
Safe and Sanctuary Rooms (Exemption from Under-Occupancy Penalty) [202]
| Prorogation |
Sale of Tickets (Sporting and Cultural Events) [177]
| Prorogation |
Same Sex Marriage (Referendum) [53] | Withdrawn
School Governing Bodies (Adverse Weather Conditions) [39]
| Withdrawn |
Scotland (Independence) (Westminster Representation) [196]
| Prorogation |
Selective Licensing (Housing Standards) [98]
| Prorogation |
Sex Establishments (Regulation) [164] | Lapsed
Slavery [90] | Withdrawn |
Smoke Alarms (Private Rented Sector) [207] |
Prorogation |
Surveillance of Telecommunications (Judicial Oversight) [143]
| Lapsed |
United Kingdom Register of Places [154] |
Prorogation |
United Kingdom (Withdrawal from the European Union) [60]
| Lapsed |
Unsolicited Telephone Communications [Lords]
| Brought from the Lords |
Victims and Survivors (Northern Ireland) [92]
| Prorogation |
Wind Farm Subsidies (Abolition) [54] | Withdrawn
Winter Fuel Allowance Payments (Off Gas Grid Claimants) [135]
| Lapsed |
Withdrawal from the European Convention of Human Rights and Removal of Alleged Terrorists [55]
| Withdrawn |
Young Apprenticeships [103] | Prorogation
TOTAL: 76 | |
D House's Consideration of the several
stages of Public Bills
Title of Bill and Bill No. at each printing
| Date of 1st reading
| Date of 2nd reading
| Committed to
| Date reported from committee
| Date(s) considered
| Date of 3rd reading
| Date(s) Lords Amendments considered
| Date Royal Assent given
| Programme Motion(s)
| Consent
| Money Resolutions
| Notes
A Access to Mental Health Services [106]
| 10 Sept 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped |
D Alan Turing (Statutory Pardon) [Lords] [124]
| 30 Oct 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn |
*Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing [7] [93] [163]
| 9 May 2013 | 10 June 2013
| PBC1 | 16 July 2013
| 14 Oct 2013, 15 Oct 2013 | 15 Oct 2013
| 4 Feb 2014 | 13 March 2014 |
10 June 2013, 14 Oct 2013, 4 Feb 2014
| | 10 June 2013
| |
B Apprenticeships and Skills (Public Procurement Contracts) [17]
| 19 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 1 Nov 2013, Withdrawn
C Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) [71]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 24 Jan 2014, Prorogation
C Asylum Seekers (Return to Nearest Safe Country) [36]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn |
C Asylum (Time Limit) [61] | 24 June 2013
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Prorogation
C BBC Licence Fee (Civil Debt) [46]
| 24 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Withdrawn
C Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) [62]
| 24 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Held over, 17 Jan 2014; Prorogation
*Care [Lords] [123] [168] [208] | 30 Oct 2013
| 16 Dec 2013 | PBC
| 4 Feb 2014 | 10 Mar 2014, 11 Mar 2014
| 11 Mar 2014 | 12 May 2014
| 14 May 2014 | 16 Dec 2013, 10 Mar 2014, 12 May 2014
| | 16 Dec 2013
| |
C Charitable Status for Religious Institutions [52]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn |
B Child Maltreatment [23] | 19 June 2013
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Dropped
E *Children and Families [5] [171]
| 9 May 2013 | 9 May 2013 |
| | 11 June 2013
| 11 June 2013 | 10 Feb 2014 |
13 Mar 2014 | 10 Feb 2014
| 3R
| | Carried over Bill; amended in PBC in the previous session
B Citizenship (Armed Forces) [13]
| 19 June 2013 | 13 Sept 2013
| PBC | 11 Dec 2013
| 17 Jan 2014 | 17 Jan 2014
| | 13 March 2014
| | |
| |
B Communication Support (Deafness) [24]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
B Communications (Unsolicited Telephone Calls and Texts) [21]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
*Consumer Rights [161] [180] | 23 Jan 2014
| 28 Jan 2014 | PBC | 13 Mar 2014
| 13 May 2014 | |
| | 28 Jan 2014, 13 May 2014
| | 28 Jan 2014 | Proceedings suspended to next Session after day 1 of 2 on consideration
C Control of Offshore Wind Turbines [68]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 17 Jan 2014, Prorogation
*Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies [Lords] [181]
| 11 Mar 2014 | 17 Mar 2014
| Not committed |
| | 17 Mar 2014
| | 14 May 2014
| | |
| Consolidation bill |
A Coroners and Justice (Amendment) [113]
| 9 Oct 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
C Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) [120]
| 23 Oct 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
*Criminal Justice and Courts [169] [192] |
5 Feb 2014 | 24 Feb 2014 | PBC
| 1 April 2014 | 12 May 2014 |
| |
| 24 Feb 2014, 12 May 2014 |
| 24 Feb 2014 | Proceedings suspended to next Session after day 1 of 2 on consideration
B Deep Sea Mining [14] [156] |
19 June 2013 | 6 Sept 2013
| PBC | 15 Jan 2014
| 24 Jan 2014 | 24 Jan 2014
| | 14 May 2014
| | |
| |
*Defence Reform [84] [118] [197] | 3 July 2013
| 16 July 2013 | PBC
| 22 Oct 2013 | 20 Nov 2013
| 20 Nov 2013 | 29 Apr 2014
| 14 May 2014 | 16 July 2013, 29 April 2014
| | 16 July 2013 |
B Delivery Surcharges (Transparency for Consumers) [19]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 13 Sept 2013, Dropped
*Deregulation [162] [191] | 23 Jan 2014
| 3 Feb 2014 | PBC | 25 Mar 2014
| 14 May 2014 | |
| | 3 Feb 2014, 14 May 2014
| | 3 Feb 2014 | Proceedings suspended to next Session after day 1 of 2 on consideration
B Drug Driving (Assessment of Drug Misuse) [20]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
B Education (Information Sharing) [26]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
A Electronic Patient Records (Continuity of Care) [134]
| 26 Nov 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation |
C Employment Opportunities [69] |
24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation |
E *Energy [4] [133] | 9 May 2013
| 9 May 2013 |
| | 3 June 2013, 4 June 2013
| 4 June 2013 | 4 Dec 2013 |
18 Dec 2013 | 3 June 2013, 4 Dec 2013
| 3R | | Carried over Bill; amended in PBC in the previous session
C Energy Demand Reduction [150] |
19 Dec 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped |
C European Communities Act 1972 (Repeal) [33]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation |
C EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) [70]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation |
*European Union (Approvals) [Lords] [119] |
21 Oct 2013 | 13 Jan 2014
| CWH2 | 27 Jan 2014
| | 27 Jan 2014
| | 30 Jan 2014
| 13 Jan 2014 |
| | |
B European Union (Referendum) [11]
| 19 June 2013 | 5 July 2013
| PBC | 11 Sept 2013
| 8 Nov 2013, 22 Nov 2013, 29 Nov 2013
| 29 Nov 2013 |
| | |
| 16 July 2013 | Passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
C Executive Pay and Remuneration [105]
| 4 Sept 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped |
D Extension of Franchise (House of Lords) [Lords] [111]
| 9 Oct 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
C Face Coverings (Prohibition) [31]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 28 Feb 2014, Prorogation
E *Finance [1] [18] | 9 May 2013
| 9 May 2013 | PBC
| 20 June 2013 | 1 July 2013, 2 July 2013
| 2 July 2013 |
| 17 July 2013 | 1 July 2013
| | | Carried over Bill; not amended in CWH or PBC in the previous session
*Finance (No. 2) [190] | 25 March 2014
| 1 Apr 2014 | CWH
| 9 Apr 2014
| | |
| | 1 Apr 2014
| | | Reported from CWH and PBC, with amendments; proceedings suspended to next Session
*Financial Services (Banking Reform) [2] [142]
| 9 May 2013 | 9 May 2013 |
| | 8 July 2013, 9 July 2013
| 9 July 2013 | 11 Dec 2013
| 18 Dec 2013 | 8 July 2013, 11 Dec 2013
| | 11 Dec 2013
| Carried over Bill; amended in PBC in the previous session
C Football Governance (No. 2) [198]
| 3 Apr 2014 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
C Foreign Nationals (Access to Public Services) [66]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
C Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the United Kingdom) [35]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn
*Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) [8] [185]
| 9 May 2013 | 5 Nov 2013
| PBC | 19 Nov 2013 | 26 Nov 2013
| 26 Nov 2013 | 26 Mar 2014 |
14 May 2014 | 5 Nov 2013, 6 Nov 2013, 26 Mar 2014
| | |
C Gangmasters Licensing Authority (Extension of Powers) [78]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
B Graduated Driving Licence Scheme [22]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
A Hate Crime (People with Learning Difficulties and Learning Disabilities [122]
| 30 Oct 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
B High Cost Credit [12] | 19 June 2013
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 12 July 2013, Prorogation
*High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) [132]
| 25 Nov 2013 | 28 Apr 2014 |
Select Committee | |
| | |
| | | 28 Apr 2014
| Committed to a Select Committee; proceedings suspended to next Session
*High Speed Rail (Preparation) [10] [96] |
13 May 2013 | 26 June 2013 | PBC
| 18 July 2013 | 31 Oct 2013 |
31 Oct 2013 | | 21 Nov 2013
| 26 June 2013
| | 26 June 2013
| Money Bill
C House of Commons Members' Fund [145]
| 16 Dec 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
C House of Lords (Maximum Membership) [67]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | 2R |
| Prorogation
B House of Lords Reform (No. 2) [15] [155]
| 19 June 2013 | 18 Oct 2013
| PBC | 15 Jan 2014
| 28 Feb 2014 | 28 Feb 2014
| | 14 May 2014
| | 3R
| |
A Housing Benefit and Universal Credit in the Social Housing Sector (Regular Payments) [174]
| 12 Feb 2014 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
C Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) [63]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn
*Immigration [110] [128] [206] | 10 Oct 2013
| 22Oct 2013 | PBC
| 19 Nov 2013 | 30 Jan 2014
| 30 Jan 2014 | 7 May 2014
| 14 May 2014 | 22 Oct 2013, 7 May 2014
| | 22 Oct 2013, 7 May 2014
| |
*Inheritance and Trustees' Powers [Lords] [172]
| 10 Feb 2014 | 4 Mar 2014
| 2nd reading Committee3
| 3 Mar 2014
12 Mar 2014
| 26 Mar 2014 | 26Mar 2014
| | 14 May 2014
| | 3R
| | Law Commission Bill
*Intellectual Property [Lords] [102] [166] |
29 Aug 2013 | 20 Jan 2014
| PBC | 30 Jan 2014
| 12 Mar 2014 | 12 Mar 2014
| | 14 May 2014
| 20 Jan 2014
| 3R
| | |
B International Development (Gender Equality) [28] [144]
| 19 June 2013 | 13 Sept 2013
| PBC | 11 Dec 2013
| 17 Jan 2014 | 17 Jan 2014 |
| 13 March 2014
| | |
| Short title changed from Gender Equality (International Development), 11 Dec 2013
C International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) [74]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
C Jobs Guarantee Scheme (Research) [75]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
C Leasehold Reform (Amendment) [45] [149]
| 24 June 2013 | 22 Nov 2013
| PBC | 18 Dec 2013
| 24 Jan 2014 | 24 Jan 2014
| | 13 Mar 2014
| | |
| |
*Local Audit and Accountability [Lords] [101] [129]
| 29 Aug 2013 | 28 Oct 2013
| PBC | 21 Nov 2013 | 17 Dec 2013
| 17 Dec 2013 | | 30 Jan 2014
| 28 Oct 2013 | | 28 Oct 2013
| |
C Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (Amendment) [89]
| 10 July 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
B Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) [30]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
C Local Government (Review of Decisions) [77]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
C Margaret Thatcher Day [48] |
24 June 2013 | 5 July 2013
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
E *Marriage (Same Sex Couples) [3] [94]
| 9 May 2013 | 9 May 2013
| | | 20 May 2013, 21 May 2013
| 21 May 2013 | 16 July 2013
| 17 July 2013 | 20 May 2013, 16 July 2013
| | | Carried over Bill; amended in PBC in the previous session
A Medical Innovation (No. 2) [107]
| 11 Sept 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn
*Mesothelioma [Lords] [100] | 29 Aug 2013
| 2 Dec 2013 | PBC
| 12 Dec 2013 | 7 Jan 2014
| 7 Jan 2014 | | 30 Jan 2014
| 2 Dec 2013
| | 2 Dec 2013
| |
*National Insurance Contributions [112] |
14 Oct 2013 | 4 Nov 2013
| PBC | 21 Nov 2013
| 10 Dec 2013 | 10 Dec 2013 |
| 13 Mar 2014
| 4 Nov 2013
| | |
C National Service [32] | 24 June 2013
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Prorogation
*Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) [9] [179]
| 9 May 2013 | 24 June 2013
| 9 July 2013
16 July 2013
| 18 Nov 2013 | 18 Nov 2013 |
12 Mar 2014 | 13 Mar 2014
| 24 June 2013, 9 July 2013, 12 Mar 2014
| | |
*Offender Rehabilitation [Lords] [88] [138]
| 9 July 2013 | 11 Nov 2013
| PBC | 3 Dec 2013
| 14 Jan 2014 | 14 Jan 2014 |
| 13 Mar 2014
| 11 Nov 2013
| | 11 Nov 2013
| |
*Pensions [6] [91] [183] | 9 May 2013
| 17 June 2013 | PBC | 11 July 2013
| 29 Oct 2013 | 29 Oct 2013 |
17 Mar 2014 | 14 May 2014 | 17 June 2013, 29 Oct 2013
| 3R | 17 June 2013 |
A Planning Regulations (Removal of Provisions in Respect of Gypsies and Travellers) [87]
| 9 July 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn
C Prime Minister (Replacement) [59]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 29 Nov 2013, Dropped
B Prisons (Drug Testing) [27] |
19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Withdrawn
B Private Landlords and Letting and Managing Agents (Regulation) [16]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 25 Oct 2013, Dropped
B Property Blight Compensation [25]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
C Public Services (Ownership and User Involvement) [160]
| 22 Jan 2014 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
C Railways [81] | 26 June 2014
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | Prorogation
A Registration of Stillbirths [153]
| 14 Jan 2014 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
A Regulation of the Private Rented Sector [114]
| 15 Oct 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
C Romanian and Bulgarian Accession (Labour Restriction) [56]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
C Sentencing Escalator [44] |
24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn
C Sexual Impropriety in Employment [64]
| 24 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
C Smoking (Private Members' Clubs) [47]
| 24 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Withdrawn
C Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) [76]
| 24 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Dropped
*Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) [178]
| 4 Mar 2014 | 5 Mar 2014
| | |
| 5 Mar 2014 | | 13 Mar 2014
| | |
| Money Bill
*Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) [86]
| 3 July 2013 | 4 July 2013
| | |
| 4 July 2013 | | 17 July 2013
| | |
| Money Bill
C Train Companies (Minimum Fares) [72]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
*Transparency of Lobbying, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration [97] [108] [158]
| 17 July 2013 | 3 Sept 2013
| CWH | 11 Sept 2013
| 8 Oct 2013, 9 Oct 2013 | 9 Oct 2013
| 22 Jan 2014 | 30 Jan 2014
| 3 Sept 2013, 8 Oct 2013, 22 Jan 2014
| | 3 Sept 2013
| |
B United Kingdom Corporate and Individual Tax and Financial Transparency [29]
| 19 June 2013 | |
| | |
| | |
| | | Adjourned debate on 2nd Reading, 6 Sept 2013, Dropped
C United Kingdom Parliament (Sovereignty) [136]
| 29 Nov 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
A Unsolicited Telephone Calls (Caller Line Identification) [126]
| 6 Nov 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dropped
*Wales [186] [205] | 20 Mar 2014
| 31 Mar 2014 | CWH
| 6 May 2014 |
| | |
| 31 Mar 2014, 30 Apr 2014
| | 31 Mar 2014
| Reported from the Committee; Proceedings suspended to next Session
*Water [82] [146] [201] | 27 June 2013
| 25 Nov 2013 | PBC
| 17 Dec 2013 | 6 Jan 2014
| 6 Jan 2014 | 7 May 2014 |
14 May 2014 | 25 Nov 2013, 7 May 2014
| 3R
| 25 Nov 2013
| |
C Young Offenders (Parental Responsibility) [34]
| 24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Withdrawn
C Zero Hours Contracts [79] |
24 June 2013 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Prorogation
* denotes a Government Bill
denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 23(1) ('ten
minute rule bills')
denotes a Bill brought in under Standing Order No. 14(6) ('ballot
denotes a Private Member's Bill introduced under Standing Order
No. 57
denotes a Private Member's Bill originating in the House of Lords
denotes a bill carried over from the previous Session, in accordance
with Standing Order No. 80A (Carry-over of Bills)
1 Public
Bill Committee
Committee of the whole House
Second Reading Committee
This table lists those bills which were printed.
For bills not printed, see table 5.C.6. above.
E Consideration of Bills
in Committee of the whole House
Title of Bill |
Date on which considered
*European Union (Approvals) [Lords] [119] |
27 January 2014
*Finance (No. 2) (Clauses 1, 5 to 7, 11, 72 to 74 and 112, Schedule 1 and 41, any new Clauses and new Schedules relating to tax relief in connection with the costs of childcare; income tax allowances for parties to a marriage or civil partnership; air passenger duty; the rate of the bank levy; the subject matter of Clause 1, or the subject matter of Clauses 5 to 7 and Schedule 1) [190]
| 8 and 9 April 2014
*Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Clauses 1 to 9) [9] [179]
| 9 July 2013
*Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration [97] [108] [158]
| 9, 10 and 11 September 2013
*Wales [186] [205] | 30 April and 6 May 2014
F Consideration of Bills in General Committees
Total number of Bills: 26
Total number of sittings at which Bills were considered: 195
Total number of oral evidence sessions: 34
Total number of written submissions received: 383
Public bill committees considering Bills which are the subject
of programme orders have power to send for persons, papers and
records (Standing Order No. 84A). On 1 November 2006, the House
agreed that powers to take oral evidence would be the normal practice
for committees which considered programmed government bills starting
in the Commons.
The numbers given in brackets after each Member's name indicate
respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect
of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which
that Member was summoned.
1. Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill
Committed: 10 June 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 16 July 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 7
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 16
Chairs: Sir Roger Gale and Jim Dobbin
Members and attendance:
Stephen Barclay (16/16), Mr Jeremy Browne (11/16), Sarah Champion
(16/16), Rosie Cooper (12/16), Tracey Crouch (15/16), Simon Danczuk
(14/16), Gloria De Piero (16/16), Richard Fuller (12/16), Damian
Green (12/16), Mr David Hanson (15/16), Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck (13/16),
Paul Maynard (13/16), Stephen Mosley (16/16), Ian Paisley (0/16),
Stephen Phillips (16/16), Bridget Phillipson (16/16), David Rutley
(15/16), Chris Skidmore (16/16), Mr Robert Syms (16/16), Phil
Wilson (16/16), Simon Wright (16/16)
1. Care Bill [Lords]
Committed: 16 December 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 4 February 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 38
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 15
Chairs: Hugh Bayley and Andrew Rosindell
Members and attendance:
Debbie Abrahams (15/15), Paul Burstow (15/15), Jackie Doyle-Price
(13/15), Bill Esterson (13/15), Andrew Griffiths (14/15), Andrew
Jones (15/15), Liz Kendall (15/15), Norman Lamb (15/15), Mrs Emma
Lewell-Buck (14/15), Seema Malhotra (15/15), Anne Marie Morris
(14/15), David Morris (15/15), Grahame M. Morris (15/15), Meg
Munn (15/15), Sarah Newton (15/15), John Penrose (15/15), Dr Daniel
Poulter (15/15), Mr Jamie Reed (15/15), Jim Shannon (12/15), Nick
Smith (14/15), Andrew Stephenson (13/15), Heather Wheeler (15/15),
Dr Sarah Wollaston (11/15)
1. Citizenship (Armed Forces) Bill
Committed: 13 September 2013 | Reported (without Amendment): 11 December 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Joe Benton |
Members and attendance:
Sarah Champion (1/1), Oliver Colvile (1/1), Richard Fuller (1/1),
Mrs Mary Glindon (1/1), Mr James Gray (1/1), Mr David Hanson (1/1),
Mr Mark Harper (1/1), Dr Phillip Lee (1/1), Sir Edward Leigh (1/1),
Jonathan Lord (1/1), Guy Opperman (1/1), Ian Paisley (0/1), John
Robertson (1/1), Nick Smith (0/1), Sir Robert Smith (0/1), Phil
Wilson (1/1)
1. Consumer Rights Bill |
Committed: 28 January 2014 | Reported (with amendments): 13 March 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 28
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 15
Chairs: Mr David Amess and Sandra Osborne
Members and attendance:
Steve Baker (13/15), Rehman Chishti (13/15), Oliver Colvile (13/15),
Stella Creasy (15/15), Stephen Doughty (15/15), Mark Durkan (11/15),
Robert Flello (6/15), Sheila Gilmore (14/15), Mrs Mary Glindon
(15/15), Mr Sam Gyimah (15/15), Rebecca Harris (14/15), Kwasi
Kwarteng (14/15), Andy McDonald (15/15), Stephen McPartland (13/15),
Tessa Munt (13/15), Mr Brooks Newmark (14/15), Fiona O'Donnell
(12/15), Laura Sandys (15/15), Jenny Willott (15/15)
1. Criminal Justice and Courts Bill
Committed: 24 February 2014 | Reported (with amendments): 1 April 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 44
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 13
Chairs: Sir Roger Gale and Mr David Crausby
Members and attendance:
Angie Bray (11/13), Mr Robert Buckland (11/13), Sarah Champion
(13/13), Mr David Evennett (13/13), Julie Hilling (11/13), Dr
Julian Huppert (8/13), Dan Jarvis (13/13), Mike Kane (13/13),
Stephen Metcalfe (13/13), Robert Neill (13/13), Guy Opperman (8/13),
Ian Paisley (0/13), Yasmin Qureshi (6/13), Mr Lee Scott (11/13),
Mr Andy Slaughter (13/13), Sir Robert Smith (8/13), Mr Shailesh
Vara (13/13), Valerie Vaz (13/13) Jeremy Wright (13/13)
1. Deep Sea Mining Bill |
Committed: 6 September 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 15 January 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Sir Roger Gale |
Members and attendance:
Mr Simon Burns (1/1), Oliver Colvile (1/1), Charlie Elphicke (1/1),
Bill Esterson (0/1), Jim Fitzpatrick (0/1), Mrs Mary Glindon (1/1),
Mr David Lidington (1/1), Kerry McCarthy (1/1), Iain McKenzie
(1/1), Sheryll Murray (1/1), Caroline Nokes (1/1), Fiona O'Donnell
(0/1), Dr Matthew Offord (1/1), Jim Shannon (1/1), Mr Michael
Thornton (1/1), Justin Tomlinson (0/1)
1. Defence Reform Bill |
Committed: 16 July 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 22 October 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 11
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairs: Mr Graham Brady and Albert Owen
Members and attendance:
Julian Brazier (13/14), Mr Russell Brown (14/14), Oliver Colvile
(13/14), Thomas Docherty (3/14), Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (5/14),
Mr Philip Dunne (14/14), Mr Tobias Ellwood (11/14), Stephen Gilbert
(11/14), Mr David Hamilton (14/14), Sir Nick Harvey (8/14), Damian
Hinds (13/14), Mr Kevan Jones (10/14), Mark Lancaster (14/14),
Penny Mordaunt (13/14), Mark Pawsey (12/14), Bridget Phillipson
(6/14), Alison Seabeck (14/14), Heather Wheeler (13/14), John
Woodcock (11/14)
1. Deregulation Bill |
Committed: 3 February 2014 | Reported (with amendments): 25 March 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 23
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 14
Chairs: Mr Jim Hood and Mr Christopher Chope
Members and attendance:
Gavin Barwell (11/14), Andrew Bingham (14/14), Tom Brake (14/14),
Andrew Bridgen (14/14), John Cryer (12/14), Thomas Docherty (11/14),
James Duddridge (12/14), Oliver Heald (12/14), John Hemming (11/14),
Kelvin Hopkins (11/14), Gareth Johnson (13/14), Paul Maynard (14/14),
Caroline Nokes (13/14), Chi Onwurah (13/14), Toby Perkins (14/14),
David Rutley (14/14), Jim Shannon (6/14), Karl Turner (14/14),
Chris Williamson (12/14)
1. European Union (Referendum) Bill
Committed: 5 July 2013 | Reported (without Amendment): 11 September 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6
Chairs: Mr Joe Benton, Mr Gary Streeter, Jim Sheridan and Annette Brooke
Members and attendance:
Mr William Bain (6/6), Mr Aidan Burley (6/6), Mr Gregory Campbell
(0/6), Jim Dowd (4/6), Mr Tobias Ellwood (6/6), Simon Hart (6/6),
Kelvin Hopkins (5/6), Martin Horwood (6/6), Pauline Latham (6/6),
Mr David Lidington (5/6), Emma Reynolds (6/6), Mr Barry Sheerman
(6/6), Miss Chloe Smith (5/6), Keith Vaz (1/6), James Wharton
(6/6) Gavin Williamson (6/6)
1. Finance Bill (except Clauses 1, 3, 16, 183, 184 and 200 to 212, Schedules 3 and 41 and certain new Clauses and new Schedules)
(Note: The Public Bill Committee stage for this Bill started in Session 2012-13 and was continued in Session 2013-14)
Re-committed: 9 May 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 20 June 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 16
Chairs: Mr David Amess and Mr David Crausby
Members and attendance:
Jonathan Ashworth (16/16), Steve Baker (13/16), John Cryer (11/16),
Stephen Doughty (16/16), James Duddridge (14/16), Chris Evans
(14/16), Mr David Gauke (14/16), Sheila Gilmore (15/16), Ben Gummer
(13/16), Greg Hands (14/16), Cathy Jamieson (10/16), Sajid Javid
(12/16), Mr Marcus Jones (15/16), Kwasi Kwarteng (16/16), Chris
Leslie (15/16), Andy McDonald (12/16), Catherine McKinnell (13/16),
Ian Mearns (16/16), Mark Menzies (14/16), Nigel Mills (12/16),
David Mowat (16/16), Sheryll Murray (14/16), Pamela Nash (12/16),
Mr Brooks Newmark (16/16), Fiona O'Donnell (9/16), Dr Matthew
Offord (12/16), Teresa Pearce (14/16), John Pugh (15/16), Yasmin
Qureshi (8/16), Jim Shannon (5/16), Andrew Stephenson (15/16),
Rory Stewart (11/16), Mr Michael Thornton (14/16), Paul Uppal
(14/16), Stephen Williams (14/16)
1. Finance (No. 2) Bill (except clauses 1, 5 to 7, 11, 72 to 74 and 112, schedule 1, and certain new clauses and schedules)
Committed: 1 April 2014 | Reported (with amendments) (Standing Order No. 80B and Orders of 1 April 2014): 13 May 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 1
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairs: Martin Caton and Mr Gary Streeter
Members and attendance:
Lorely Burt (8/8), Nic Dakin (7/8), Caroline Dinenage (6/8), James
Duddridge (4/8), Charlie Elphicke (8/8), Chris Evans (8/8), Richard
Fuller (8/8), Mark Garnier (4/8), Mr David Gauke (8/8), Sheila
Gilmore (6/8), Mrs Mary Glindon (6/8), Duncan Hames (4/8), Chris
Heaton-Harris (8/8), Cathy Jamieson (8/8), Mike Kane (7/8), Kwasi
Kwarteng (8/8), Andrea Leadsom (2/8), Chris Leslie (7/8), Shabana
Mahmood (7/8), Iain McKenzie (7/8), Catherine McKinnell (6/8),
Ian Mearns (8/8), Mark Menzies (8/8), Nicky Morgan (4/8), Teresa
Pearce (6/8), Christopher Pincher (8/8), Amber Rudd (8/8), David
Rutley (7/8), Alec Shelbrooke (7/8), Henry Smith (6/8), Ian Swales
(6/8), Valerie Vaz (5/8), Heather Wheeler (8/8), Chris Williamson
(8/8), Sammy Wilson (3/8)
1. Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Bill
Committed: 5 November 2013 | Reported (without Amendment): 19 November 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 15
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairs: Hywel Williams and Mr Peter Bone
Members and attendance:
Karen Bradley (4/4), Angie Bray (4/4), James Duddridge (2/4),
Clive Efford (4/4), Paul Farrelly (4/4), Mrs Helen Grant (4/4),
Mrs Siân C. James (2/4), Graham Jones (4/4), Kwasi Kwarteng
(4/4), Mr John Leech (2/4), Mary Macleod (3/4), Graeme Morrice
(4/4), David Morris (4/4), Laura Sandys (2/4), Jim Shannon (4/4),
Nick Smith (2/4), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (3/4), Mike Weatherley (2/4),
Simon Wright (4/4)
1. Gender Equality (International Development) Bill
(changed to International Development (Gender Equality) Bill
Committed: 13 September 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 11 December 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr David Amess |
Members and attendance:
Fiona Bruce (1/1), Sir Malcolm Bruce (1/1), Mr Gregory Campbell
(1/1), Mr William Cash (1/1), Mr Tom Clarke (1/1), Justine Greening
(1/1), Meg Hillier (1/1), Julie Hilling (1/1), Mr Bernard Jenkin
(0/1), JeremyLefroy (1/1), Ann McKechin (1/1), Mary Macleod (1/1),
Pamela Nash (0/1), Priti Patel (1/1), Gavin Shuker (1/1), Julian
Smith (1/1)
1. High Speed Rail (Preparation) Bill
Committed: 26 June 2013 | Reported (with an Amendment): 18 July 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 33
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7
Chairs: Jim Sheridan and Annette Brooke
Members and attendance:
Mr Simon Burns (7/7), Nic Dakin (6/7), Frank Dobson (7/7), Pat
Glass (5/7), Lilian Greenwood (7/7), Kris Hopkins (7/7), Karen
Lumley (7/7), Mr Khalid Mahmood (6/7), Nicky Morgan (7/7), Graeme
Morrice (7/7), Mr Alan Reid (6/7), Jim Shannon (4/7), Mrs Caroline
Spelman (7/7), Iain Stewart (7/7), Julian Sturdy (6/7), Martin
Vickers (7/7)
1. House of Lords Reform (No. 2) Bill
Committed: 18 October 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 15 January 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Dr William McCrea |
Members and attendance:
Mr William Bain (1/1), Steve Brine (1/1), Mr Robert Buckland (1/1),
Dan Byles (1/1), Greg Clark (1/1), Dr Thérèse Coffey
(1/1), Alex Cunningham (1/1), Thomas Docherty (1/1), Andrew George
(1/1), Jeremy Lefroy (1/1), Ian Paisley (1/1), Mark Pawsey (1/1),
Rory Stewart (1/1), Karl Turner (1/1), Stephen Twigg (1/1) Dr
Alan Whitehead (1/1)
1. Immigration Bill |
Committed: 22 October 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 19 November 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 65
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 11
Chairs: Sir Roger Gale and Katy Clark
Members and attendance:
Mr William Bain (9/11), Norman Baker (9/11), Jim Dowd (6/11),
Jackie Doyle-Price (10/11), Mr David Hanson (11/11), Mr Mark Harper
(11/11), Meg Hillier (10/11), Dr Julian Huppert (8/11), Helen
Jones (9/11), Simon Kirby (9/11), Mr Pat McFadden (10/11), Nigel
Mills (9/11), Anne Milton (11/11), Guy Opperman (11/11), Ian Paisley
(0/11), Priti Patel (10/11), John Robertson (9/11), Henry Smith
(10/11), Nicholas Soames (5/11), Mr Robert Syms (10/11), Phil
Wilson (10/11)
1. Intellectual Property Bill [Lords]
Committed: 20 January 2014 | Reported (with amendments): 30 January 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 4
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairs: Mr Andrew Turner and Mr Dai Havard
Members and attendance:
Gordon Birtwistle (4/4), Mr Ben Bradshaw (3/4), Stephen Doughty
(4/4), Jim Dowd (3/4), Mr Sam Gyimah (4/4), Duncan Hames (4/4),
Mr David Lammy (4/4), Jonathan Lord (4/4), Karen Lumley (4/4),
Andy McDonald (4/4), Neil Parish (4/4), Mark Pawsey (3/4), Mr
Gerry Sutcliffe (4/4), Paul Uppal (4/4), Mike Weatherley (4/4),
Mr David Willetts (4/4), Pete Wishart (2/4), Mr Iain Wright (4/4),
Nadhim Zahawi (3/4)
1. Leasehold Reform (Amendment) Bill
Committed: 22 November 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 18 December 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Mike Weir |
Members and attendance:
Roberta Blackman-Woods (1/1), Mr Peter Bone (0/1), Annette Brooke
(1/1), Mr Christopher Chope (0/1), Mr David Crausby (0/1), John
Cryer (1/1), Philip Davies (1/1), Mike Freer (1/1), Paul Goggins
(1/1), Mr Philip Hollobone (1/1), Kelvin Hopkins (1/1), Kris Hopkins
(1/1), Mr David Nuttall (1/1), Jim Shannon (1/1), Mr Gerry Sutcliffe
(0/1), Martin Vickers (1/1)
1. Local Audit and Accountability Bill [Lords]
Committed: 28 October 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 21 November 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 7
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairs: Mr Mke Weir and Sir Edward Leigh
Members and attendance:
Andrew Bingham (8/9), Roberta Blackman-Woods (7/9), Paul Blomfield
(7/9), Neil Carmichael (7/9), John Glen (9/9), Mrs Mary Glindon
(9/9), Andrew Griffiths (9/9), Duncan Hames (7/9), Susan Elan
Jones (9/9), Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck (4/9), Brandon Lewis (9/9),
James Morris (9/9), Mark Pawsey (7/9), Claire Perry (9/9), Andy
Sawford (9/9), David Simpson (1/9), John Stevenson (6/9), Sir
Andrew Stunell (7/9), Martin Vickers (9/9), Dr Alan Whitehead
(4/9), Chris Williamson (9/9)
1. Mesothelioma Bill [Lords]
Committed: 2 December 2013 | Reported (with an Amendment): 12 December 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairs: Mr George Howarth and Philip Davies
Members and attendance:
Nigel Adams (4/4), Tom Blenkinsop (4/4), Steve Brine (2/4), Mr
Nicholas Brown (4/4), Fiona Bruce (4/4), Chris Bryant (3/4), Nick
de Bois (2/4), Paul Goggins (4/4), Kate Green (4/4), Chris Heaton-Harris
(4/4), Kwasi Kwarteng (4/4), Ian Lavery (4/4), Stephen Lloyd (2/4),
Mr Michael McCann (3/4), Ian Paisley (0/4), Mike Penning (4/4),
Claire Perry (4/4), Stephen Phillips (4/4), Mr Michael Thornton
1. National Insurance Contributions Bill
Committed: 4 November 2013 | Reported (without Amendment): 21 November 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 1
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairs: Mr Gary Streeter and Sir Alan Meale
Members and attendance:
Nic Dakin (4/4), Nick de Bois (3/4), Caroline Dinenage (2/4),
Chris Evans (4/4), Richard Fuller (4/4), Mr David Gauke (4/4),
Sheila Gilmore (3/4), Shabana Mahmood (4/4), Paul Maynard (3/4),
Anne Marie Morris (4/4), Ian Paisley (0/4), Mr Alan Reid (4/4),
Mr Geoffrey Robinson (2/4), Amber Rudd (4/4), David Rutley (4/4),
Julian Smith (4/4), Ian Swales (4/4), Valerie Vaz (3/4), David
Wright (4/4)
1. Northern Ireland (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (except Clauses 1 to 9)
Committed: 24 June 2013 | Reported (without Amendment): 16 July 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairs: Mr Philip Hollobone and Katy Clark
Members and attendance:
Mr David Anderson (2/2), Mr Gregory Campbell (2/2), Damian Collins
(2/2), Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (2/2), Mark Durkan (2/2), Jane
Ellison (2/2), Paul Goggins (2/2), Mr Robert Goodwill (2/2), Julie
Hilling (2/2), Gareth Johnson (2/2), Mr John Leech (2/2), Stephen
Lloyd (2/2), Paul Murphy (2/2), Pamela Nash (2/2), Neil Parish
(2/2), Mike Penning (2/2), Stephen Pound (2/2), Alec Shelbrooke
(2/2), James Wharton (2/2)
1. Offender Rehabilitation Bill [Lords]
Committed: 11 November 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 3 December 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 6
Chairs: John Robertson and Nadine Dorries
Members and attendance:
Steve Brine (6/6), Lorely Burt (6/6), Sarah Champion (6/6), Jenny
Chapman (4/6), Alex Cunningham (6/6), Mr David Evennett (6/6),
Paul Goggins (5/6), Rebecca Harris (6/6), Gareth Johnson (6/6),
Mr Elfyn Llwyd (6/6), Stephen Metcalfe (6/6), Caroline Nokes (6/6),
Ian Paisley (2/6), Mr Mark Prisk (6/6), Mr Lee Scott (6/6), Mr
Andy Slaughter (4/6), Mr Michael Thornton (6/6), Karl Turner (6/6),
Jeremy Wright (6/6)
1. Pensions Bill |
Committed: 17 June 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 11 July 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 75
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 12
Chairs: Martin Caton and Mrs Anne Main
Members and attendance:
Tom Blenkinsop (12/12), Karen Bradley (12/12), Oliver Colvile
(10/12), Sheila Gilmore (10/12), Richard Graham (10/12), Andrew
Griffiths (12/12), Mr Michael McCann (8/12), Gregg McClymont (12/12),
Pamela Nash (9/12), Christopher Pincher (11/12), Mark Reckless
(12/12), Jonathan Reynolds (4/12), Andrew Selous (12/12), David
Simpson (5/12), Steve Webb (12/12), Heather Wheeler (11/12)
1. Water Bill |
Committed: 25 November 2013 | Reported (with amendments): 17 December 2013
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 31
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 9
Chairs: Mr James Gray and Mrs Linda Riordan
Members and attendance:
Mr David Burrowes (8/9), John Cryer (7/9), Thomas Docherty (9/9),
Chris Evans (9/9), Pat Glass (8/9), Mrs Mary Glindon (9/9), George
Hollingbery (9/9), Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck (9/9), Anne Marie Morris
(8/9), Sheryll Murray (9/9), Dr Matthew Offord (8/9), Neil Parish
(9/9), John Penrose (9/9), Andrew Percy (8/9), Bridget Phillipson
(9/9), Dan Rogerson (9/9), Mr Mark Spencer (7/9), Hywel Williams
(5/9), Roger Williams (9/9)
Inheritance and Trustees' Powers Bill [Lords]
Referred (Standing Order No. 59): 10 February 2014
Reported: 12 March 2014 | |
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Albert Owen |
Members and attendance:
Mr Henry Bellingham (1/1), Steve Brine (1/1), Alex Cunningham
(1/1), Caroline Dinenage (1/1), Mr David Evennett (1/1), Stephen
Gilbert (1/1), Rebecca Harris (1/1), Mr Stephen Hepburn (0/1),
Meg Hillier (1/1), John Howell (1/1), Simon Hughes (1/1), Dan
Jarvis (1/1), Mr Marcus Jones (1/1), Ian Mearns (1/1), Bridget
Phillipson (1/1), David Rutley (1/1), Jim Shannon (0/1), Chris
White (1/1), David Wright (1/1)