Sessional Returns Session 2013-14 - Sessional Returns Contents

7 European Legislation, etc

A  Consideration by the European Scrutiny Committee
No. of documents considered by the European Scrutiny Committee No. referred to European Committee A No. referred to European Committee B No. referred to European Committee C No. recommended for debate on the floor of the House

B  Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in European Committees

Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House
No. of documents considered on the floor of the House No. of documents debated on the floor of the House No. of documents on which the Question was put forthwith
92 on 52 motions24 on 12 motions 68 on 40 motions

Documents debated on the Floor of the House
TitleDate Result
EU restrictive measures against the Syrian regime (EU Council Decision 2013/109/CFSP) 21 May 2013Agreed
Court of Justice of the European Union (7013/13) 11 June 2013Agreed
Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (15396/11; 15425/11; 15397/11; and 15426/11) 18 June 2013Agreed
Financial Transaction Tax and Economic and Monetary Union (16988/1/12; Un-numbered Report; 15390/12; and 6442/13 and Addenda 1 and 2) 18 June 2013Agreed after Amendment negatived on division
European Elections 2014 (7648/13 and 7650/13) 18 June 2013Agreed
Opt-in decision on the proposed Europol Regulation (8229/13 and Addenda 1 to 6) 15 July 2013Agreed after Amendment negatived on division
Establishment of a European Public Prosecutor's Office (12558/13 and Addenda 1 and 2)—Subsidiarity Motion 22 October 2013Agreed
Reform of Eurojust and the European Public Prosecutor's Office (Opt-In Decision) (12566/13, and 12558/13 and Addenda 1 and 2) 29 October 2013Agreed
Regulation of new psychoactive substances (13857/13 and Addenda 1 and 2 and No. 13865/13 and Addenda 1 and 2)—Subsidiarity Motion 11 November 2013Agreed
Commission Work Programme 2014 (15521/13 and Addendum) 22 January 2014Agreed on division
Presumption of Innocence and EU Law (17621/13 and Addenda 1 to 3)—Subsidiarity Motion 10 February 2014Agreed
EU proposals on criminal procedural rights (Opt-In Decision) (17621/13 and Addenda 1 to 3; No. 17633/13 and Addenda 1 to 3; 17642/13; and 17635/13 and Addenda 1 to 3) 18 March 2014Agreed

Consideration in European Committees
Title of document Date considered
Communication Networks (7999/13)20 May 2013
Cattle Identification and Beef Labelling (13701/11 and 8784/12) 3 June 2013
Youth Employment Initiative (7589/13, 7533/13, and 7537/13) 10 June 2013
Funding of European Political Parties (6321/13) 10 June 2013
Salary Adjustment for EU Staff (17322/12 and Addenda 1 and 2, 17360 and Addendum, 11964/12, 13270/12 and 13327/12) 12 June 2013
Adjustment of Direct Farm Payments for 2013 (7935/13) 17 June 2013
Economic Governance: European Semester and Macroeconomic Imbalances (COM(2013) 378 and Addendum, COM(2013) 350, 8660/13, SWD(13) 125, 16513/12, 16671/12 and Addenda 1 and 2, and 16669/12 and Addenda 1 to 2) 17 June 2013
Trade and Worst Forms of Child Labour (9198/13) 3 July 2013
EU Strategy for an Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace (6225/13) 8 July 2013
Multi-Annual Financial Framework (11295/13, 11298/13, 11307/13, and 8041/13) 16 July 2013
Freedom of Movement of Workers (9124/13 and Addenda 1 and 2) 17 July 2013
Financial Management and Audit (12810/12 and Addenda 1 to 4, unnumbered European document dated 12 November 2012, a European Court of Auditors' Annual Report concerning the financial year 2011, and Unnumbered European Document dated 12 November, European Court of Auditors' Annual Report on the Activities Funded by the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth European Development Funds in the financial year 2011) 3 September 2013
Climate and Energy Policies 2030 (8096/13) 8 October 2013
Civil Aviation Safety (12864/13)14 October 2013
Draft Budget 2014 (SEC (2013) 370)21 October 2013
Overseas Countries and Territories (12732/12 and Addenda 1 and 2) 23 October 2013
Financial Audits (16971/11 and Addenda 1 and 2, and 16972 and Addenda 1 and 2) 30 October 2013
European Union and Ukraine (Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum submitted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, dated 9 October 2013, on the signing and conclusion of agreements between the European Union and its Member States and Ukraine) 11 November 2013
Financial Service Benchmarks (13985/13 and Addenda 1 and 2) 28 November 2013
Syria: A Comprehensive EU Approach (11482/13) 2 December 2013
A Decent Life for All (12434/13, 12440/13 and Addenda 1 and 2, and 7075/13) 11 December 2013
Economic and Monetary Union (Social Dimension) (14102/13) 16 December 2013
Tobacco and Related Products (18068/12 and Addenda 1 to 7) 16 December 2013
Smart Regulation (13920/13 and 13921/13) 7 January 2014
European External Action Service (Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum dated 27 August 2013, submitted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, on the European External Action Service) 13 January 2014
Statistics (9122/12, 14320/12, and 15976/12) 20 January 2014
Nuclear Safety (15030/13)20 January 2014
Aviation (Emissions Trading) (15051/13 and Addendum) 23 January 2014
Relations Between the European Commission and National Parliaments (12989/13 and 13002/13) 30 January 2014
Financial Management (12772/13 and Addenda 1 to 5, and unnumbered European Union Documents, the European Court of Auditors Annual Report concerning the financial year 2012 and the European Court of Auditors Annual Report on the activities funded by the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth European Development Funds) 4 February 2014
Democratic Republic of the Congo (Unnumbered European Union Document, the European Court of Auditors Special Report No. 9/2013—EU support for governance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo) 5 February 2014
Food from Animal Clones (18153/13)11 February 2014
Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development (17432/13) 6 March 2014
Common Security and Defence Policy (12773 and Addendum, and unnumbered European Union Document, the High Representative's Report on the Common Security and Defence Policy ahead of the December 2013 European Council Discussion on Defence.) 12 March 2014
Europe for Citizens (18719/11 and Addenda 1 and 2) 2 April 2014
The Posting of Workers (8040/12 and Addenda 1 to 3) 3 April 2014
Hydraulic Fracturing (5644/14 and Addenda 1 to 3, 5706/14 and Addenda 1 to 5, and 5700/14) 8 April 2014
Schengen (11846/12)10 April 2014
European Police College (17043/13 and Addenda 1 and 2) 30 April 2014
Total number of documents considered: 68
Total number of meetings: 39

Chairs and Members of European Committees

Chairs (appointment): The following members of the Panel of Chairs were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Committees:

Hugh Bayley (1)

Annette Brooke (3)

Mr Christopher Chope (1)

Katy Clark (2)

Mr David Crausby (1)

Philip Davies (1)

Nadine Dorries (1)

Mr George Howarth (1)

Sir Edward Leigh (2)

Dr William McCrea (2)

Miss Anne McIntosh (5)

Sir Alan Meale (2)

Sandra Osborne (1)

John Robertson (3)

Andrew Rosindell (4)

Mr Adrian Sanders (2)

Mr Gary Streeter (2)

Mr Charles Walker (1)

Mr Mike Weir (2)

Hywel Williams (3)

Members (attendance and appointment): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Committees:

Ms Diane Abbott (1/2)

Mr David Anderson (0/1)

Stuart Andrew (2/2)

Jonathan Ashworth (2/2)

Ian Austin (0/1)

Mr Richard Bacon (1/1)

Harriett Baldwin (3/3)

Gregory Barker (1/1)

Mr John Baron (3/3)

Gavin Barwell (7/7)

Luciana Berger (1/1)

Andrew Bingham (3/3)

Mr Brian Binley (1/1)

Gordon Birtwistle (1/1)

Nicola Blackwood (1/1)

Tom Blenkinsop (4/4)

Crispin Blunt (1/1)

Karen Bradley (6/6)

Fiona Bruce (1/1)

Sir Malcolm Bruce (1/1)

Chris Bryant (1/1)

Richard Burden (1/2)

Mr David Burrowes (3/3)

Paul Burstow (1/1)

Alistair Burt (1/1)

Dan Byles (3/3)

Mr Gregory Campbell (1/6)

Mr Ronnie Campbell (1/2)

Neil Carmichael (1/1)

Sarah Champion (1/1)

Jenny Chapman (1/1)

Mr James Clappison (4/4)

Greg Clark (4/4)

Katy Clark (1/1)

Ann Clwyd (1/3)

Dr Thérèse Coffey (6/6)

Michael Connarty (9/13)

Rosie Cooper (1/2)

Mike Crockart (2/2)

Tracey Crouch (2/2)

Sir Tony Cunningham (2/2)

Geraint Davies (3/6)

Mr John Denham (0/1)

Caroline Dinenage (1/1)

Mr Jeffrey M. Donaldson (0/5)

Mr Frank Doran (1/1)

Stephen Doughty (4/4)

Richard Drax (0/1)

Jack Dromey (1/1)

James Duddridge (1/1)

Julie Elliott (3/4)

Michael Ellis (2/2)

Jane Ellison (1/1)

Mr Tobias Ellwood (2/2)

Charlie Elphicke (5/6)

George Eustice (1/1)

Graham Evans (0/1)

Jonathan Evans (2/2)

Mr David Evennett (2/2)

Michael Fabricant (1/1)

Michael Fallon (4/4)

Paul Farrelly (0/1)

Tim Farron (2/2)

Lynne Featherstone (6/6)

Mr Frank Field (0/1)

Robert Flello (2/2)

Paul Flynn (1/1)

Yvonne Fovargue (1/1)

Lorraine Fullbrook (1/1)

Mike Gapes (2/2)

Barry Gardiner (0/1)

Mrs Cheryl Gillan (0/1)

Pat Glass (1/1)

Mrs Mary Glindon (1/1)

Paul Goggins (1/1)

Helen Goodman (2/2)

Mr Robert Goodwill (1/1)

Tom Greatrex (3/3)

Damian Green (1/1)

Nia Griffith (1/1)

Ben Gummer (1/1)

Mr Sam Gyimah (4/4)

Duncan Hames (1/1)

Fabian Hamilton (1/1)

Greg Hands (4/4)

Mr David Hanson (1/1)

Mr Mark Harper (1/1)

Rebecca Harris (2/2)

John Healey (0/1)

Mr David Heath (2/2)

Chris Heaton-Harris (6/6)

John Hemming (6/6)

Mark Hendrick (1/2)

Mr Stephen Hepburn (0/1)

Nick Herbert (1/1)

Julie Hilling (11/11)

Mr Mark Hoban (1/1)

Kate Hoey (1/1)

George Hollingbery (1/1)

Kelvin Hopkins (9/14)

Martin Horwood (4/4)

Dr Julian Huppert (1/1)

Mr Nick Hurd (1/1)

Huw Irranca-Davies (3/3)

Glenda Jackson (0/1)

Mrs Siân C. James (1/1)

Cathy Jamieson (1/1)

Sajid Javid (1/1)

Andrew Jones (1/1)

Graham Jones (2/2)

Mr Marcus Jones (1/1)

Susan Elan Jones (5/5)

Sir Gerald Kaufman (0/1)

Chris Kelly (7/7)

Simon Kirby (2/2)

Sir Greg Knight (2/2)

Kwasi Kwarteng (2/2)

Mr David Lammy (0/1)

Pauline Latham (1/1)

Ian Lavery (0/1)

Andrea Leadsom (2/2)

Dr Phillip Lee (1/1)

Mr John Leech (1/1)

Jeremy Lefroy (1/1)

Chris Leslie (3/4)

Mr David Lidington (6/6)

Stephen Lloyd (1/1)

Jonathan Lord (1/1)

Mr Andrew Love (2/4)

Ian Lucas (1/1)

Sir Peter Luff (3/3)

Karen Lumley (2/2)

Andy McDonald (1/1)

Alison McGovern (1/1)

Jim McGovern (1/1)

Ann McKechin (2/2)

Iain McKenzie (1/1)

Catherine McKinnell (2/2)

Mary MacLeod (1/1)

Stephen McPartland (1/1)

Esther McVey (1/1)

Seema Malhotra (2/2)

Mr Gordon Marsden (1/1)

Paul Maynard (1/1)

Ian Mearns (1/1)

Mark Menzies (2/2)

Nigel Mills (1/1)

Anne Milton (2/2)

Mrs Madeleine Moon (1/1)

Penny Mordaunt (2/2)

Nicky Morgan (3/3)

David Morris (2/2)

James Morris (1/1)

David Mowat (4/4)

Greg Mulholland (2/2)

Meg Munn (1/3)

Paul Murphy (0/1)

Ian Murray (1/1)

Dr Andrew Murrison (1/1)

Lisa Nandy (1/1)

Robert Neill (1/1)

Mr Brooks Newmark (3/3)

Sarah Newton (1/1)

Dr Matthew Offord (1/1)

Eric Ollerenshaw (1/1)

Sir James Paice (1/1)

Ian Paisley (1/7)

Neil Parish (1/1)

Teresa Pearce (2/4)

John Penrose (2/2)

Toby Perkins (1/1)

Claire Perry (1/1)

Stephen Phillips (5/5)

Bridget Phillipson (4/4)

Mr Mark Prisk (1/1)

John Pugh (1/1)

Yasmin Qureshi (1/3)

Sir John Randall (1/1)

Mark Reckless (1/1)

Jacob Rees-Mogg (8/8)

Emma Reynolds (2/2)

Hugh Robertson (1/1)

Steve Rotheram (1/1)

Mr Frank Roy (0/1)

Chris Ruane (0/1)

Amber Rudd (5/5)

David Rutley (2/2)

Laura Sandys (1/1)

Anas Sarwar (0/1)

Andrew Selous (1/1)

Jim Shannon (1/14)

Mr Virendra Sharma (0/1)

Mr Barry Sheerman (0/1)

Gavin Shuker (2/2)

Mark Simmonds (1/1)

David Simpson (1/6)

Chris Skidmore (1/1)

Henry Smith (7/7)

Mr John Spellar (1/1)

Mr Mark Spencer (3/3)

John Stevenson (2/2)

Rory Stewart (2/2)

Graham Stringer (0/1)

Sir Andrew Stunell (1/1)

Julian Sturdy (1/1)

Mr Desmond Swayne (1/1)

Jo Swinson (1/1)

Mr Robert Syms (1/1)

Mark Tami (1/1)

Mr Gareth Thomas (4/4)

Stephen Timms (2/2)

David Tredinnick (2/2)

Karl Turner (2/2)

Paul Uppal (4/4)

Mr Edward Vaizey (2/2)

Valerie Vaz (2/2)

Dame Angela Watkinson (1/1)

Heather Wheeler (1/1)

Chris White (2/2)

Dr Alan Whitehead (2/4)

Craig Whittaker (1/1)

Mr Mark Williams (2/2)

Roger Williams (1/1)

Jenny Willott (2/2)

Phil Wilson (3/3)

Sammy Wilson (1/1)

Mr David Winnick (1/1)

Dr Sarah Wollaston (1/1)

David Wright (1/1)

Mr Iain Wright (1/1)

Nadhim Zahawi (2/2)

Other Members: the following Members attended meetings of European Committees pursuant to Standing Order No.119(5):

Mr William Cash (2)

Dr Thérèse Coffey (1)

Geraint Davies (1)

Philip Davies (1)

Mr Tobias Ellwood (1)

Chris Heaton-Harris (2)

Kelvin Hopkins (1)

Mr Marcus Jones (1)

Catherine McKinnell (1)

Greg Mulholland (1)

Jacob Rees-Mogg (1)

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Prepared 12 September 2014