Drew Hendry
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Air Passenger Duty: Regional Airports [Westminster Hall] [20 October 2015]
Airports Capacity [14 December 2015]
Airports Commission Report [29 October 2015]
Aviation Security [5 November 2015]
Business of the House [17 March 2016]
Business of the House [16 July 2015]
Business of the House [9 July 2015]
Child Poverty [Westminster Hall] [15 September 2015]
City Deal Funding (Aberdeen) [30 June 2015]
Consumer Protection (Distance Selling Delivery Charges) [24 February 2016]
Contaminated Blood Products [Westminster Hall] [9 September 2015]
Cost of Public Transport [19 January 2016]
Crossrail: Elizabeth Line [23 February 2016]
Custodial Sentences: Women [8 December 2015]
Cycling: Government Investment [Westminster Hall] [3 February 2016]
Davies Commission Report [1 July 2015]
Department for Education (Living Wage) [20 July 2015]
Disability: Welfare Support [14 March 2016]
Dog Meat Trade [5 November 2015]
Engagements [27 January 2016]
English Votes on English Laws [2 July 2015]
EU Membership: National Security [29 February 2016]
European Union Referendum Bill [9 June 2015]
Feed-in Tariff [17 September 2015]
Fuel Poverty [Westminster Hall] [3 February 2016]
Fuel Poverty [Westminster Hall] [24 November 2015]
Gibraltar and Spain [Westminster Hall] [14 October 2015]
Hepatitis C Infection (Winter Fuel Payments) [17 November 2015]
High Speed 2 [30 November 2015]
High Speed 2 [11 June 2015]
High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill: Instruction (No. 3) [23 June 2015]
HMRC Office Closures [24 November 2015]
House Business Committee [9 July 2015]
Humanitarian Crisis in the Mediterranean and Europe [9 September 2015]
Immigration Bill [13 October 2015]
International Women’s Day 2016 [8 March 2016]
Inverness City Region Deal [14 December 2015]
ISIL in Syria [2 December 2015]
Lead Shot Ammunition [Westminster Hall] [8 December 2015]
Local Government Funding: Rural Areas [11 January 2016]
Local Transport Projects (Funding) [10 March 2016]
Midland Main Line (Electrification) [Westminster Hall] [16 September 2015]
Motorways [16 July 2015]
Neonicotinoids on Crops [Westminster Hall] [7 December 2015]
Nuisance Calls [26 October 2015]
Nurse Training Places [13 October 2015]
Online Retail Delivery Charges [8 September 2015]
Regional Airports [Westminster Hall] [2 February 2016]
Royal Bank of Scotland [5 November 2015]
Scotland Bill [6 July 2015]
Scotland Bill [30 June 2015]
Scotland Bill [29 June 2015]
Severn Bridges (Tolls) [Westminster Hall] [21 July 2015]
Southern Railway (Performance) [Westminster Hall] [8 July 2015]
Space Policy [14 January 2016]
Standing Orders (Public Business) [22 October 2015]
State Pension Age (Women) [7 January 2016]
Superfast Broadband [12 October 2015]
Tax Credits [29 October 2015]
Topical Questions [3 March 2016]
Topical Questions [1 March 2016]
Topical Questions [8 February 2016]
Topical Questions [17 December 2015]
Topical Questions [16 July 2015]
Trade Union Bill [9 March 2016]
Trade, Exports, Innovation and Productivity [13 January 2016]
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [10 December 2015]
Transport for London Funding [Westminster Hall] [15 December 2015]
Transport Fuels: Renewable Sources [28 January 2016]
Transport Infrastructure [10 December 2015]
UN World Humanitarian Summit [3 February 2016]
Use of the Chamber (Youth Parliament) [23 June 2015]
Victims of Contaminated Blood: Support [16 December 2015]
Welfare Benefit Changes [Westminster Hall] [14 October 2015]
Welfare of Young Dogs Bred for Sale [Westminster Hall] [8 March 2016]
Welfare Reform and Work Bill [20 July 2015]
Workless Households [1 February 2016]