Liz Saville-Roberts
Spoken material by subject
Includes all oral questions, debate and Westminster Hall contributions from this MP during the current session.
Access to Justice: Wales [Westminster Hall] [15 December 2015]
Aerospace Industry [10 November 2015]
Armed Forces Bill [16 December 2015]
Barnett Floor (Wales) [Westminster Hall] [10 November 2015]
Brussels Terrorist Attacks [23 March 2016]
Business of the House [24 March 2016]
Business of the House [7 January 2016]
Business of the House [19 November 2015]
Capel Celyn Reservoir (50th Anniversary) [Westminster Hall] [14 October 2015]
Child Poverty [1 July 2015]
Child Refugees in Europe [25 January 2016]
Clean Energy Investment [Westminster Hall] [25 November 2015]
Coastal Flood Risk [Westminster Hall] [7 July 2015]
Connaught Income Fund [12 January 2016]
Court and Tribunal Estate [3 November 2015]
Court Closures [24 March 2016]
Criminal Offences (Misuse of Digital Technologies and Services) (Consolidation) Bill [9 March 2016]
Economic Inactivity [16 September 2015]
Education and Adoption Bill [22 June 2015]
Enterprise Bill [Lords] [8 March 2016]
Enterprise Bill [Lords] [2 February 2016]
EU Renewable Energy Target [19 November 2015]
Feed-in Tariff [17 September 2015]
Flooding [6 January 2016]
Flooding [5 January 2016]
Further Education [18 November 2015]
Future Funding for S4C [5 January 2016]
Government Digital Service (Welsh Language) [9 December 2015]
HM Courts and Tribunal Service [8 September 2015]
HMRC Office Closures [24 November 2015]
House of Lords Reform [14 January 2016]
Immigration Bill [1 December 2015]
Immigration Bill [13 October 2015]
Individual Electoral Registration [Westminster Hall] [20 October 2015]
International Women’s Day 2016 [8 March 2016]
Justice Services [18 November 2015]
Large Infrastructure Projects [24 February 2016]
Low-flying Exercises (Rural Areas) [19 October 2015]
Macur Review [17 March 2016]
Macur Review of Historical Child Abuse [Westminster Hall] [22 March 2016]
Maternity Discrimination [Westminster Hall] [3 November 2015]
National Grid [7 January 2016]
Off-patent Drugs Bill [6 November 2015]
Online Crime [11 January 2016]
Outdoor Recreation [Westminster Hall] [28 October 2015]
Police Funding Formula [1 March 2016]
Policing [4 November 2015]
Policing and Crime Bill [7 March 2016]
Prisons and Probation [27 January 2016]
Promotion of British Food and Drink [10 September 2015]
Pubs Code Adjudicator [10 March 2016]
Refugees: UK Government Policy [Westminster Hall] [10 February 2016]
Return of Kings [4 February 2016]
Royal Bank of Scotland [5 November 2015]
Rural Broadband [Westminster Hall] [10 September 2015]
S4C: Funding [13 January 2016]
Space Policy [14 January 2016]
Sport and the 2012 Olympics Legacy [24 June 2015]
State Pension Age (Women) [7 January 2016]
Superfast Broadband [12 October 2015]
Topical Questions [8 December 2015]
Transforming Rehabilitation Programme [Westminster Hall] [28 October 2015]
Under-occupancy Penalty [28 January 2016]
UNHCR: Admission Pathways for Syrian Refugees [Westminster Hall] [16 March 2016]
Welfare of Young Dogs Bred for Sale [Westminster Hall] [8 March 2016]
Welsh Government Funding [17 June 2015]
Welsh Language and Culture [4 June 2015]