Appointment of the Information Commissioner Contents

Annex One: Elizabeth Denham’s CV

Experienced: Twenty years of experience in data protection/privacy and access to information – worked as a senior privacy regulator for 12 years in three different jurisdictions.

Knowledgeable: Thorough understanding of the related law, legal principles and decisions.

Collaborative: Able to balance and find common ground among multiple stakeholder views while upholding the values of privacy and openness.

Proactive & Innovative: Proactive approach to monitoring and enforcement of access/privacy laws.

Leading with Vision: Currently responsible for executive management of 40 professional staff for two independent offices of the legislature.

Clear Communicator: Clear and persuasive speaker (including presentations to parliamentary and legislative committees), balanced, accurate and fair in frequent media interviews.


Commissioner 2010-present

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia


Office of the Registrar of Lobbyists


Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada 2007–2010

Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) Ottawa

Director, Private Sector 2003–2007

Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (OIPC)

President 2001–2003

Denham & Associates Information Privacy Policy Consulting

Director, Legal and Regulatory Affairs 1999–2001

Calgary Health Region (CHR)

Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator 1997–1999

Calgary Health Region (CHR)

Archives Advisor 1994–1997

Archives Society of Alberta

City Archivist 1989–1994

City of Calgary

City Archivist 1983–1989

City of Richmond


Director, Canadian Advisory Board, International Association of Privacy Professionals 2011 - present

Director, Pacific Opera Victoria, 2013 - present

Member, Research Ethics Board, University of Calgary, 2000–2004


Master of Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia - 1984

Bachelor of Arts (History and Political Science), University of British Columbia - 1981


University of British Columbia Distinguished Alumni award for leadership in the field of access and privacy - 2011

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for public service to British Columbians - 2013

© Parliamentary copyright 2015

Prepared 27 April 2016