Terms of Reference
Meeting Summary
Documents for debate
1 BIS/FCO (36885) (36888) Better Regulation
2 DECC/DEFRA/DFID (36644) The EU and the
post-2015 development agenda
3 HMT (36821) (36899) (36900) (36906) (36955)
(36988) EU General Budgets for 2015 and 2016
4 HMT (36946) Economic and Monetary Union
5 HMT (36987) (36993) (36994) Financial assistance
for Greece
6 HO (36829) European Agenda on Security
7 MOJ (35971) (36897) EU Charter of Fundamental
Documents not cleared
8 CO (36197) Interoperability as a means
for modernising the public sector: the ISA2 programme
9 CO (36780) The European Citizens' Initiative
Annex 1: Table of proposed European
Citizens' Initiatives
Annex 2: List of proposed European Citizens'
Initiatives which have been refused registration
10 CO/FCO (36803) (36170) EU elections
11 DCMS (35305) (35304) The Telecommunications
Single Market
12 DCMS (36909) The EU and the ITU World
Radiocommunication Conference WRC-15
13 DECC (36935) Renewable energy progress
14 DEFRA (36814) (36817) Use of genetically
modified food and feed
15 DFID (34975) Food and Agriculture Organisation
16 DFID (36775) The EU's International Cooperation
and Development Results Framework
17 DFT (36950) (36951) Carriage of Hazardous
and Noxious Substances by Sea
18 DWP (36703) Employment guidelines
19 DWP (36779) Tackling youth unemployment
the Youth Guarantee
20 FCO (33569) Diplomatic and consular protection
of Union citizens in third countries
21 FCO (34890) Free movement and public documents
22 FCO (36664)
An EU regional strategy for Syria and Iraq as well as the Da'esh
23 FCO (36769) EU Special Representative
for the Middle East peace process and wider EUSR issues
Annex: Key elements of the revised EUSR
24 FCO (36777) EU Special Representative
for Central Asia and wider issues
25 FCO (36787) Strategic Partnership Agreement
between the EU and Canada
26 FCO (36825) Enabling partners to prevent
and manage crises
27 FCO (36826) (36827) (36828) The EU and
Kosovo: Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA)
28 FCO (36882) The EU and ASEAN: A partnership
with a strategic purpose
Annex: Council Conclusions on EU-ASEAN
29 FCO (36919) Common Security and Defence
Policy: EULEX Kosovo: allegations of corruption
Annex 1: the Minister's overview of
the proposed budget (figures in )
30 HMRC (36831) (36832) Customs: illicit
trade in tobacco products
31 HMT (35298) (36321) Financial services:
Money Market Funds
32 HMT (35328) Financial services: benchmarks
33 HMT (36792) European Globalisation Adjustment
34 HMT (36796) (36797) 2015 General Budget
and EU Solidarity Fund
35 HMT (36917) European Globalisation Adjustment
36 HO (34843) (36118) Europol
37 HO (35217) (36044) European Public Prosecutor's
38 HO (36922) Free movement of workers from
39 HO (36942) (36941) EU participation in
prevention of terrorism measures
40 HO (36954) A uniform format for visas
41 MOJ (33649) (33646) (35608) (35609) Data
Protection in the EU
42 ONS (36570) (36804) Statistics
Documents cleared
43 BIS (34807) (34813) Reforms to the EU's
trade mark regime
44 BIS (35257) (35192) Package and assisted
travel arrangements
45 DECC (36686) Paris Protocol: Tackling
global climate change beyond 2020
46 DECC DEFRA/DFID (36801) 2015 EU accountability
report on financing for development
47 DFID (36645) Gender equality and women's
empowerment in development 2010-15
Annex: extract from the 20 May 2015
Council Conclusions on Gender in Development
48 DFID (36933) Financial information on
the European Development Fund
49 DFT (36582)
Inland waterways: freight
50 DFT (36791) Port State Control
51 DFT (36837) International Maritime Organization
and EU law
52 DWP (33815) EU/Turkey coordination of
social security systems
53 FCO (36615) EU Pre-accession Assistance
to Serbia
Annex: Council conclusions on Special
Report No. 19/2014 by the Court of Auditors:
54 FCO (36624) The EU and Central Asia
55 FCO (36653) The EU and Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Stabilisation and Association Agreement
56 FCO (36716)
(36717) (36879) (36880) Restrictive measures against Syria
57 FCO (36759) The EU Sahel Strategy
58 FCO (36771)
(36772) Human rights in Iran
59 FCO (36802) The EU External Conflict and
Crises Strategy
60 FCO (36812) Implementation of the European
Neighbourhood Policy in 2014
61 FCO (36822) Integrated Border Management
Assistance Mission in Libya (EUBAM Libya)
62 FCO (36824) CFSP: EU support for security
sector reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo
63 FCO (36830) Citizen Security Strategy
for Central America and the Caribbean
64 FCO (36839) (36697) EU decentralised agencies
65 FCO (36894) The EU's Special Representative
(EUSR) to Bosnia and Herzegovina
66 FCO (36895) (36896) EU restrictive measures:
South Sudan
67 FCO (36913) (36927) Common Security and
Defence Policy (CSDP) Mission in the Occupied Palestinian Territories:
Annex 1: the Minister's comparison of
the current and proposed EUPOL COPPS budget:
Annex 2: the Minister's comparison of the
current and proposed EUPOL COPPS budget:
68 FCO (36936) (36937) Restrictive measures
against the regime in Yemen
69 FCO (36945) The EU and the Sahel: EUCAP
Sahel Niger
Annex: The Minister's detailed analysis
of the 2015-16 Budget
70 FCO (36956) Ukraine and Russia: EU restrictive
Annex 1: Summary of EU measures concerning
Russia's actions in Ukraine and the Crimea
Annex 2: Text of the Minsk agreement
71 HMRC (36288) Customs risk management
72 HMT (35781) (35829) (36523) Financial
services: resilience of credit unions
73 HMT (36605) (36768) Investment Plan for
74 HMT (36667) Capital Markets Union
75 HMT (36754) Europe 2020 Strategy
76 HMT (36765) (36782) (36783) Taxation:
Savings Directive
77 HMT (36840)
(36841) Manipulation of deficit data in Valencia
78 HMT (36843) (36844) (36845) (36846) (36848)
(36849) (36850) (36851) (36852) (36853) (36854) (36855) (36856)
(36857) (36860) (36861) (36862) (36863) (36864) (36865) (36866)
(36867) (36868) (36869) (36870) (36871) (36872) European Semester
2015: Country Specific Recommendations
79 HMT (36859) (36873) (36878) European Semester
2015: the UK
80 HMT (36940) Corporate taxation
81 HO (36925) The functioning of the Schengen
Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal
or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the
82 List of documents
Formal minutes
Standing Order and membership