Documents considered by the Committee on Wednesday 16 March 2016 Contents



Meeting summary

Documents not cleared

1 BIS Third country access to the EU’s public procurement market

2 DCMS Digital Single Market: Use of the 470–790MHz Radio Spectrum band

3 DfT Inland navigation: professional qualifications

4 FCO/CO Reform of the electoral law of the EU

5 HO Implementation of the European Agenda on Migration

6 HO The resumption of transfers of asylum seekers to Greece under the Dublin rules

Documents cleared

7 DfID EU humanitarian assistance

8 FCO Restrictive measures against Belarus

9 HMT Financial services: covered bonds

10 HMT European Globalisation Adjustment Fund

11 HMT Draft Amending Budget: Emergency aid in relation to the migration crisis and EUROPOL

Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the House

12 List of documents

Formal Minutes

Standing Order and membership

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Prepared 22 March 2016