The work of the Immigration Directorates (Q3 2015) Contents


Terms of Reference

1 Key indicators of the Immigration Directorates’ performance

2 UK Visas and Immigration

Visa applications

Visa applications in-country and out-of-country

Service standards

Sponsors and licensing

Sponsor applications

Follow-up visits

New asylum cases

Asylum applications pending initial decision

Applications and initial decisions by common nationality

COMPASS contracts and asylum accommodation

Red doors


Complaints and how to recognise a problem


Oversight and inspections

Dispersal accommodation

Syrian refugees

Syrian Vulnerable Person Scheme

Asylum and immigration caseload

Legacy asylum cases

Legacy immigration cases

Spouse visas and the £18,600 threshold

Appeals and tribunals performance

Staff numbers

MPs’ correspondence

Response to emails

Response to MPs’ inquiry line

3 Immigration Enforcement

The Migration Refusal Pool

Non-compliance notifications

Suspensions and revocations

Immigration detention and the Shaw Review

Immigration detention statistics

Rule 35 reports

Children in immigration detention

Foreign national offenders and ex-foreign national offenders (FNOs)

Foreign national prisoners

Recent attempts to deport FNOs

4 Immigration backlogs


Annex 1: Asylum seekers in receipt of Section 95 support, by local authority, as at end of quarter Q4 2015 [In alphabetical order]

Annex 2: Asylum seekers in receipt of Section 95 support, by local authority, as at end of quarter Q4 2015 [in numerical order of total supported under s95]

Conclusions and recommendations

Formal Minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

© Parliamentary copyright 2015

Prepared 2 March 2016