Sugar consumption and childhood obesity
Public Health England’s sugar reduction evidence review
The role of the food environment
Our recommendations for action
2 Promotion of unhealthy food and drink
Placement of food and drink within the retail environment
Conclusion—promotion of food within the retail environment
3 Restrictions on advertising to children
Tightening of other advertising and marketing loopholes
Restrictions on advertising: conclusion
4 Reformulation and portion size
5 A tax on full sugar soft drinks
The case for a tax on full sugar soft drinks
The likely impact of a tax on full sugar soft drinks
The impact of a tax across income groups
A tax on full sugar soft drinks as part of a wider set of measures
Conclusion: a sugary drinks tax
Education and information—conclusion and recommendation
8 Nutrition standards in schools
9 Local authorities and the wider public sector
Healthy food in public sector facilities
10 Early intervention driven by the National Child Measurement Programme
© Parliamentary copyright 2015
Prepared 27 November 2015