5 Public Bills
Information and statistics relating to Public Bills.*
*For Bills to confirm Provisional Orders and Bills
to confirm Orders under the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act 1936 see Chapter 4 relating to Private Bills and Private Business.
A General Summary
Number of Bills which received the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills |
started in the Commons
| 30 |
| 22 |
Private Members'
| 8 |
brought from the Lords
| 6 |
| 4 |
Private Members'
| 2 |
TOTAL: | 36
Number of Bills which did not receive the Royal Assent:
| |
Type of Bills |
started in the Commons
| |
| 0 |
Private Members'
| 124 |
brought from the Lords
| |
| 0 |
Private Members'
| 2 |
TOTAL: | 126
Progress of Bills
| |
introduced into, but not passed by, the Commons
| 124 |
passed by the Commons but not by the Lords
| 0 |
introduced in the Commons but proceedings suspended to next Session
| 0 |
passed by the Lords but not taken up by the Commons
| 1 |
passed by the Lords but not passed by the Commons
| 1 |
passed by both Houses but Amendments not agreed to
| 0 |
TOTAL: | 126
Total number of Bills started in the Commons or brought from the Lords
| 162 |
B Bills which received the
Royal Assent
* denotes a Government Bill
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each printing
*Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance)
(102, 174)
*Childcare Payments (7)
*Consumer Rights (3, 134, 177)
Control of Horses (20, 150)
*Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) (149, 170)
*Counter-Terrorism and Security (127)
*Criminal Justice and Courts (169, 4, 120, 136)
*Data Retention and Investigatory Powers (73)
*Deregulation (162, 5, 183)
*Finance (190, 1, 10)
*Finance (No. 2) (193)
Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) (17)
Health Service Commissioner for England (Complaint
Handling) (31)
*House of Commons Commission (169)
House of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension)
*Infrastructure (124, 172)
*Insurance (155)
International Development (Official Development Assistance
Target) (14, 119)
Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) (25)
Local Government (Review of Decisions) (21)
*Lords Spiritual (Women) (143)
*Modern Slavery (8)
Mutuals' Deferred Shares (145)
*National Insurance Contributions (80)
*Pension Schemes (12, 166)
*Recall of MPs (94, 182)
Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (16, 144)
*Serious Crime (116)
*Small Business, Enterprise and Employment (11, 190)
*Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism (9, 148)
Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences)
*Stamp Duty Land Tax (132)
*Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments)
*Supply and Appropriation (Main Estimates) (33)
*Taxation of Pensions (97)
*Wales (6, 128)
C Bills which did not receive
the Royal Assent
1. Bills which were passed by both Houses but
Amendments not agreed to
2. Bills which were passed by the Commons but
not by the Lords
3. Bills introduced in the Commons but Proceedings
suspended to next Session
4. Bills which received a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Affordable Homes (13) | Prorogation
European Union (Referendum) (15) | Prorogation
National Health Service (Amended Duties and Powers) (18)
| Public Bill Committee |
TOTAL: 3 |
5. Bills which did not receive a Second Reading
Title of Bill and Bill Number at each Printing
| Stage at which progress ended
Amenity Land (Adoption by Local Authorities) (75)
| Withdrawn |
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) (35)
| Prorogation |
Armed Forces (Prevention of Discrimination) (No. 2) (115)
| Prorogation |
Asylum (Time Limit) (43) | Withdrawn
Bat Habitats Regulation (55) | Dropped
Benefit Entitlement (Restriction) (47)
| Prorogation |
Carers Bedroom Entitlement (Social Housing Sector) (95)
| Prorogation |
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment)
| Prorogation |
Control of Offshore Wind Turbines (29)
| Withdrawn |
Convicted Prisoners Voting (50)
| Dropped |
Counsellors and Psychotherapists (Regulation) (78)
| Prorogation |
Defence Expenditure (NATO Target) (52)
| Dropped |
Dogs (Registration) (126)
| Dropped |
Electronic Cigarettes (Advertising and Legal Age of Purchase) (107)
| Prorogation |
Employment of People with Disabilities (Reporting) (178)
| Prorogation |
Energy (Buildings and Reduction of Fuel Use) (81)
| Prorogation |
Equal Pay (Transparency) (138)
| Prorogation |
EU Membership (Audit of Costs and Benefits) (46)
| Dropped |
European Parliament Elections (51)
| Withdrawn |
Firearm and Shotgun Licensing (42)
| Withdrawn |
Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (38)
| Prorogation |
Fixed-term Parliaments (Repeal) (156)
| Prorogation |
Football Governance (70)
| Dropped |
Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the United Kingdom) (62)
| Withdrawn |
Freedom of Information (Amendment) (84)
| Prorogation |
Funeral Services (133) |
Prorogation |
General Practitioner Surgeries (Rural Areas) (105)
| Prorogation |
High-Cost Credit Services (Retail Premises) (39)
| Prorogation |
House of Commons Members' Fund (91)
| Prorogation |
House of Lords (Maximum Membership) (45)
| Prorogation |
Household Safety (Carbon Monoxide Detectors) (26)
| Dropped |
Houses in Multiple Occupation (Energy Performance Certificates and Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) (82)
| Prorogation |
HS2 Funding Referendum (48)
| Withdrawn |
Illegal Immigrants (Criminal Sanctions) (44)
| Prorogation |
Job Guarantee Scheme (Research) (36)
| Dropped |
Local Government (Independence) (72)
| Prorogation |
Local Planning and Housing (139)
| Prorogation |
Low Pay Commission (National Minimum Wage) (24)
| Prorogation |
Medical Innovation (HL) (162)
| Prorogation |
Mental Health Act 1983 (Amendment) (98) |
Withdrawn |
Mesothelioma (Amendment) (185)
| Withdrawn |
National Defence Medal (118)
| Prorogation |
National Health Service (187)
| Prorogation |
National Health Service and Care Sector Workers (Credit Union and High Cost Credit) (123)
| Prorogation |
Nature (176) | Prorogation
Office for Budget Responsibility (Political Party Policy Costings) (34)
| Prorogation |
Off-patent Drugs (22) |
Prorogation |
Off-road Vehicles (Registration) (140)
| Prorogation |
Overseas Voters (49) |
Withdrawn |
Pavement Parking (32) |
Prorogation |
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (Statutory Requirement) (69)
| Prorogation |
Public Services (Ownership and User Involvement) (68)
| Prorogation |
Railways (67) | Prorogation
Railways (Public Sector Operators) (111)
| Prorogation |
Recall of Elected Representatives (88)
| Prorogation |
Representation of the People (Candidate's Disclosure) (189)
| Prorogation |
Responsible Parking (Scotland) (30)
| Withdrawn |
Road Fuel Pricing (Equalisation) (157) |
Prorogation |
Road Traffic Regulation (Temporary Closure for Filming) (71)
| Dropped |
School Admissions (54) |
Withdrawn |
Sugar in Food and Drinks (Targets, Labelling and Advertising) (76)
| Prorogation |
Tenancies (Reform) (19)
| Dropped |
Terms and Conditions (Migrant Workers) (37)
| Prorogation |
Transparency and Accountability (28)
| Dropped |
Transparency of Lobbying, Accountability, Non-party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014 (Repeal) (40)
| Prorogation |
Tyres (Buses and Coaches) (77)
| Prorogation |
UK Borders Control (53)
| Withdrawn |
United Kingdom Parliament (Sovereignty and Jurisdiction Over Borders) (130)
| Prorogation |
Victims (Bill of Rights) (181)
| Prorogation |
Voter Registration (163)
| Prorogation |
Wild Animals in Circuses (87) | Prorogation
Wind Farm Subsidies (Abolition) (60)
| Bill negatived |
Women's Refuges (Provision and Eligibility) (141)
| Prorogation |
Working Time Directive (Limitation) (56)
| Dropped |
Zero Hours Contracts (23)
| Dropped |
TOTAL: 75 | |
6. Bills presented, or brought from the Lords,
but not printed
Title of Bill |
Stage at which progress ended
Abortion (Sex-selection)
| Withdrawn |
Affordable Housing Contributions (Ten Unit Threshold)
| Prorogation |
Alcohol Labelling (Pregnancy)
| Prorogation |
Apprenticeships (Child Benefit and Tax Credit Entitlement) Research
| Prorogation |
BBC Privatisation | Prorogation
Blood Donation (Equality) | Prorogation
British Bill of Rights and Withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights
| Prorogation |
Buses (Audio Announcements) | Prorogation
Business of the House Commission
| Prorogation |
Child Benefit Entitlement (Disqualification of Non-UK Nationals)
| Prorogation |
Civil Partnership Act 2004 (Amendment)
| Prorogation |
Confiscation Orders (Sentencing and Offences)
| Prorogation |
Department of Energy and Climate Change (Abolition)
| Prorogation |
Divorce (Financial Provision) [HL]
| Prorogation |
Employment Rights | Prorogation
Fracking (Measurement and Regulation of Impacts) (Air, Water and Greenhouse Gas Emissions)
| Prorogation |
Free Movement of Persons into the United Kingdom (Derogation)
| Prorogation |
Horses and Ponies (Live Export)
| Prorogation |
Hospital Car Parking Charges (Abolition)
| Prorogation |
Housing (Affordability, Supply and Tenant Protection)
| Prorogation |
Housing Ombudsman (Power to Settle Disputes Between Neighbours and Tenants)
| Prorogation |
International Trade Agreements (Scrutiny)
| Prorogation |
Internet Communications (Regulation)
| Prorogation |
Job Creation Powers (Scotland)
| Prorogation |
Letting Agents (Fees) |
Prorogation |
Living Wage (Reporting)
| Prorogation |
Local Government (Planning Permission and Referendums)
| Prorogation |
Mobile Phones and Other Devices Capable of Connection to the Internet (Distribution of Sexually Explicit Imagines and Manufacturers' Anti-pornography Default Setting)
| Prorogation |
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (Abolition)
| Prorogation |
Onshore Wind Turbine Subsidies (Abolition)
| Prorogation |
Overseas Voters (15 Year Rule)
| Prorogation |
Parliamentary and Constitutional Reform
| Prorogation |
Planning Consent Applications (Contracts)
| Prorogation |
Political Party Policy Costings (Office for Budget Responsibility)
| Prorogation |
Private Rented Sector (Decent Homes Standard)
| Prorogation |
Protection of Children (Removal of Police Discretion)
| Prorogation |
Protective Headgear for Cyclists Aged Fourteen Years and Under (Research)
| Prorogation |
Public Sector Efficiency (Employee Participation)
| Prorogation |
Right to Buy and Right to Acquire Schemes (Research)
| Prorogation |
School Governors (Appointment)
| Prorogation |
Schools (Opportunity to Study for Qualifications)
| Prorogation |
Services Charges, Gratuities and Cover Charges (Hospitality, Leisure and Service Sectors)
| Prorogation |
Sex and Relationships Education (Curriculum)
| Prorogation |
Standardised Testing for Diabetes (People Aged 40 and Over)
| Prorogation |
Tax Transparency and International Development
| Prorogation |
Tobacco Manufacturers' Producer Responsibility
| Prorogation |
Tuition Fee (Transparency and Accountability)
| Prorogation |
Under-occupancy Penalty (Exemptions)
| Prorogation |
Voting (Civic Obligation)
| Prorogation |
TOTAL: | 49
D House's Consideration of the several
stages of Public Bills
Title of Bill and Bill No/ at each printing
| Date
of 1st
| Date
of 2nd
| Committed to |
| Date(s)
| Date
of 3rd reading
| Date(s) Lords Amendments considered
| Date of
| Programme Motion(s)
| Consent | Money
| Notes |
Affordable Homes (13) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 05 Sep 14
| Public Bill
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Prorogation |
Amenity Land
(Adoption by Local Authorities)
(75) (C)
| 15 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
Armed Forces
(Prevention of Discrimination)
(P) (35) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Armed Forces
(Prevention of Discrimination)
(No. 2) (115) (C)
| 05 Nov 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Armed Forces
(Service Complaints
and Financial Assistance)
[HL] (102, 174) (*)
| 21 Oct 14 | 02 Feb 15
| Public Bill
| 10 Feb 15 | 09 Mar 15
| 09 Mar 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 | 2 Feb 2015,
9 Mar 2015
| | 02 Feb 15
| Royal Assent |
Asylum (Time Limit) (43) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 16 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
Bat Habitats Regulation (55) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 16 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
adjourned dropped
Benefit Entitlement
(Restriction) (47) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Carers Bedroom Entitlement
(Social Housing Sector) (95) (A)
| 14 Oct 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Childcare Payments (7) (*)
| 05 Jun 14 | 14 Jul 14
| Public Bill
| 16 Nov 14 | 17 Nov 14
| 17 Nov 14 |
| 17 Dec 14 | 14 Jul 14
| | 14 Jul 14
| Royal Assent |
Civil Partnership Act 2004
(Amendment) (86) (C)
| 03 Sep 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Consumer Rights (2, 134, 177) (*) (E)
| 05 Jun 14 | 05 Jun 14
| |
| 16 Jun 14 | 16 Jun 14
| 12 Jan 15 | 26 Mar 15
| 12 Jan 15 |
| | Carried over from
Royal Assent
Control of Horses (20, 150) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 24 Oct 14
| Public Bill
| 08 Jan 14 | 16 Jan 14
| 16 Jan 14 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| |
| Royal Assent |
Control of Offshore
Wind Turbines (29) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 16 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
Convicted Prisoners Voting (50) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 05 Dec 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
adjourned dropped
Corporation Tax
(Northern Ireland) (149, 170) (*)
| 08 Jan 15 | 27 Jan 15
| Public Bill
| 05 Feb 15 | 04 Mar 15
| 04 Mar 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 | 04 Mar 15
| |
| Royal Assent |
Counsellors and
(Regulation) (78) (C)
| 16 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
and Security (127, 171) (*)
| 26 Nov 14 | 02 Dec 14
| Committee of the whole House
| 16 Dec 14 | 6, 7 Jan 2015
| 07 Jan 15 | 10 Feb 15
| 12 Feb 15 | 06 Jan 15
| 3R | 02 Dec 15
| Royal Assent |
Criminal Justice and
Courts (4, 120, 136) (*) (E)
| 05 Jun 14 | 05 Jun 14
| |
| 17 Jun 14 | 17 Jun 14
| 1 Dec 2014,
13 Jan 2015
| 12 Feb 15 | 01 Dec 14
| |
| Carried over
from 2013-14.
Royal Assent
Data Retention and
Investigatory Powers (73) (*)
| 14 Jul 14 | 15 Jul 14
| Committee of the whole House
| 15 Jul 14 | 15 Jul 14
| 15 Jul 14 |
| 17 Jul 14 |
| | 15 Jul 14
| All stages in one day.
Royal Assent
Defence Expenditure
(NATO Target) (52) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 09 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
Deregulation (5, 183) (*) (E)
| 05 Jun 14 | 05 Jun 14
| |
| 23 Jun 14 | 23 Jun 14
| 10 Mar 15 | 26 Mar 15
| 10 Mar 15 | 3R,
| | Carried over from
Royal Assent
Dogs (Registration) (126) (A)
| 26 Nov 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Electronic Cigarettes
(Advertising and Legal age
of Purchase) (107) (C)
| 22 Oct 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Employment of People
with Disabilities
(Reporting) (178) (A)
| 25 Feb 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
(Buildings and Reduction
of Fuel Use) (81) (A)
| 21 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Equal Pay
(Transparency) (138) (A)
| 16 Dec 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
EU Membership
(Audit of Costs and
Benefits) (46) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
European Parliament
Elections (51) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 09 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
European Union
(Referendum) (15) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 17 Oct 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Finance (1, 10) (*) (E)
| 05 Jun 14 | 05 Jun 14
| Public Bill
| 17 Jun 14 | 1, 2 Jun 2014
| 02 Jul 14 |
| 17 Jul 14 | 01 Jul 14
| |
| Carried over from
Royal Assent
Finance (No.2) (193) (*)
| 23 Mar 15 | 25 Mar 15
| Committee of the whole House
| 25 Mar 15 | 25 Mar 15
| 25 Mar 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| |
| All stages in one day.
Royal Assent
Firearm and Shotgun Licensing
(Domestic Violence) (42) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Fixed Odds Betting Terminals
(Betting Shops) (38) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Fixed-Term Parliaments
(Repeal) (156) (C)
| 19 Jan 15 | 06 Mar 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
adjourned dropped
Football Governance (70) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 07 Nov 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
stood over dropped
Foreign National Offenders
(Exclusion from
the United Kingdom) (62) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 06 Mar 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
Freedom of Information
(Amendment) (84) (C)
| 01 Sep 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Funeral Services (133) (A)
| 09 Dec 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
General Practitioner Surgeries
(Rural Areas) (105) (C)
| 21 Oct 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Health and Social Care
(Safety and Quality) (17) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 07 Nov 14
| Public Bill
| 10 Dec 04 | 09 Jan 15
| 09 Jan 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| | 25 Nov 14
| Royal Assent |
Health Service
Commissioner for England
(Complaint Handling) (31) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 17 Jan 14
| Public Bill
| 15 Jan 15 | 27 Feb 15
| 27 Feb 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| |
| Royal Assent |
High Cost Credit Services
(Retail Premises) (39) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
House of Commons
Commission (169) (*)
| 04 Feb 15 | 24 Feb 15
| Committee of the whole House
| 24 Feb 15 | 24 Feb 15
| 24 Feb 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| |
| All stages in one day.
Royal Assent
House of Commons
Members' Fund (91) (C)
| 10 Sep 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
House of Lords
(Expulsion and Suspension)
[HL] (151) (D)
| 08 Jan 15 | 23 Jan 15
| Public Bill
| 04 Feb 15 | 27 Feb 2015,
6 Mar 2015
| 06 Mar 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| 2R |
| Report Stage
stood over
27 Feb 2015.
Royal Assent.
House of Lords
(Maximum Membership) (45) (D)
| 07 Jul 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| | 2R
| | Prorogation
Household Safety
(Carbon Monoxide Detectors) (26) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 12 Sep 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second reading
adjourned dropped
Houses in Multiple Occupation
(Energy Performance Certificates
and Minimum
Energy Efficiency
Standards) (82) (C)
| 21 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
HS2 Funding Referendum (48) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 23 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
Illegal Immigrants
(Criminal Sanctions) (44) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 24 Oct 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
Infrastructure [HL] (124, 172) (*)
| 20 Nov 14 | 08 Dec 14
| Second Reading
Public Bill Committee
| 15 Jan 15 | 26 Jan 15
| 26 Jan 15 | 11 Feb 15
| 12 Feb 15 | 8 Dec 2014,
11 Feb 2015
| 3R | 08 Dec 14
| Royal Assent |
Insurance [HL] (155) (*)
| 16 Jan 15 | 27 Jan 15
| Second Reading Committee 26 Jan 2015.
Committee of the whole House
| 26 Jan 15 | 03 Feb 15
| 03 Feb 15 |
| 12 Feb 15 |
| |
| Law Commission.
Royal Assent.
International Development
(Official Development
Assistance Target) (14, 119) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 12 Sep 14
| Public Bill
| 11 Nov 14 | 05 Dec 14
| 05 Dec 14 |
| 26 Mar 14 |
| | 03 Nov 14
| Royal Assent |
Jobs Guarantee Scheme
(Research) (36) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Local Government
(Independence) (72) (C)
| 09 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Local Government
(Religious etc. Observances) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 21 Nov 14
| Public Bill
| 06 Jan 15 | 16 Jan 15
| 16 Jan 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| | 16 Dec 14
| Royal Assent |
Local Government
(Review of Decisions) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 24 Oct 14
| Public Bill
| 21 Jan 15 | 23 Jan 15
| 23 Jan 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| | 25 Nov 14
| Royal Assent |
Local Planning and Housing (139) (C)
| 16 Dec 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Lords Spiritual (Women) (143) (*)
| 18 Dec 14 | 19 Jan 14
| Committee of the whole House
| 19 Jan 14 | 19 Jan 14
| 19 Jan 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| 2R |
| All stages in one day.
Royal Assent
Low Pay Commission
(National Minimum Wage) (24) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Medical Innovation [HL] (162) (D)
| 26 Jan 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Mental Health Act 1983
(Amendment) (98) (A)
| 15 Oct 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
(Amendment) (185) (A)
| 10 Mar 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Modern Slavery (8, 184) (*)
| 10 Jun 14 | 08 Jul 14
| Public Bill
| 14 Oct 14 | 04 Nov 14
| 04 Nov 14 | 17 Mar 15
| 26 Mar 15 | 17 Mar 15
| | 08 Jul 14
| Royal Assent |
Mutuals' Deferred Shares
[HL] (145) (D)
| 17 Dec 14 | 09 Jan 15
| Public Bill
| 04 Feb 15 | 06 Mar 15
| 06 Mar 15 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| |
| Royal Assent |
National Defence Medal (118) (T)
| 11 Nov 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
National Health Service (187) (C)
| 11 Mar 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
National Health Service
(Amended Duties and Powers) (18) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 21 Nov 14
| Public Bill
| 03 Mar 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| Committee resolved
not to proceed
further with Bill, 3 Mar 2015
National Health Service
and Care Sector Workers
(Credit Union and
High Cost Credit) (123) (B)
| 19 Nov 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
National Insurance
Contributions (80) (*)
| 17 Jul 14 | 08 Sep 14
| Public Bill
| 21 Oct 14 | 11 Nov 14
| 11 Nov 14 | 03 Feb 15
| 12 Feb 15 | 8 Sept 2014,
3 Feb 2015
| | 03 Feb 15
| Royal Assent |
Nature (176) (A) | 24 Feb 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Prorogation |
Office for Budget Responsibility
(Political Party Policy
Costings) (34) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Off-patent Drugs (22) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 07 Nov 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
stood over dropped
Off-Road Vehicles
(Registration) (140) (C)
| 16 Dec 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Overseas Voters (49) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 23 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
Pavement Parking (32) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Pension Schemes (12, 166) (*)
| 26 Jun 14 | 02 Sep 14
| | 04 Nov 14
| 25 Nov 14 | 25 Nov 14
| 24 Feb 15 | 03 Mar 15
| 2 Sept 2014,
24 Feb 2015
| 3R | 02 Sep 14
| Royal Assent |
Personal, Social,
Health and
Economic Education
(Statutory Requirement)
(69) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Public Services
(Ownership and
User Involvement) (68) (C)
| 07 Jul 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Railways (67) (C) | 07 Jul 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Prorogation |
Railways (Public
Sector Operators) (120) (A)
| 29 Oct 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Recall of Elected
Representatives (88) (C)
| 09 Sep 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Recall of MPs (94) (*) |
11 Sep 14 | 21 Oct 14
| Committee of the whole House
| 03 Nov 14 | 24 Nov 14
| 24 Nov 14 | 24 Mar 15
| 26 Mar 15 | 21 Oct 2014,
3 Nov 2014
| | 21 Oct 14
| Royal Assent |
Representation of the People
(Candidate's Disclosure) (189) (A)
| 17 Mar 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Responsible Parking
(Scotland) (30) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 05 Sep 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
adjourned withdrawn
Road Fuel Pricing
(Equalisation) (157) (A)
| 20 Oct 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Road Traffic Regulation
(Temporary Closure
for Filming) (71) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 07 Nov 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Second Reading
adjourned dropped
School Admissions (54) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 07 Nov 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Withdrawn
Self-build and
Custom Housebuilding (16,44) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 24 Oct 14
| Public Bill
| 17 Dec 14 | 09 Jan 14
| 09 Jan 14 |
| 26 Mar 15 |
| | 25 Nov 15
| Royal Assent |
Serious Crime [HL] (*) |
06 Nov 14 | 05 Jan 15
| Public Bill
| 22 Jan 15 | 23 Feb 15
| 23 Feb 15 |
| 03 Mar 15 | 05 Jan 15
| | 05 Jan 15
| Supplementary
programme motion
not moved
23 Feb 2015.
Royal Assent
Small Business,
Enterprise and
Employment (11, 190) (*)
| 25 Jun 14 | 16 Jul 14
| Public Bill
| 16 Jul 14 | 18, 19 Nov 2014
| 19 Nov 14 | 24 Mar 14
| 26 Mar 15 | 16 Jun,
18 Nov 2014
| 3R,
POW 3R | 16 Jul 14
| Prorogation |
Social Action,
Responsibility and Heroism (9, 148) (*)
| 12 Jun 14 | 21 Jul 14
| Public Bill
| 09 Sep 14 | 20 Oct 14
| 20 Oct 14 | 02 Feb 15
| 12 Feb 15 | 21 Jun 2014,
2 Feb 2015
| |
| Royal Assent |
Specialist Printing Equipment and
Materials (Offences) (93) (A)
| 10 Sep 14 | 17 Oct 14
| Public Bill
| 26 Nov 14 | 05 Dec 14
| 05 Dec 14 |
| 26 Mar 14 |
| |
| Royal Assent |
Stamp Duty Land Tax (132) (*)
| 04 Dec 14 | 10 Dec 14
| Committee of the whole House
| 12 Jan 14 | 12 Jan 14
| 12 Jan 14 |
| 12 Feb 15 | 10 Dec 14
| |
| All stages in one day.
Royal Assent
Sugar in Food and Drinks
(Targets, Labelling
and Advertising) (76) (C)
| 15 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Supply and Appropriation
(Anticipation and
Adjustments) (180) (*)
| 03 Mar 15 | 04 Mar 15
| |
| 04 Mar 15 | 04 Mar 15
| | 26 Mar 15
| |
| | Royal Assent
Supply and Appropriation
(Main Estimates) (33) (*)
| 07 Jul 14 | 08 Jul 14
| |
| 08 Jul 14 | 08 Jul 14
| | 17 Jul 14
| |
| | Royal Assent
Taxation of Pensions (97) (*)
| 14 Oct 14 | 29 Oct 14
| Public Bill
| 03 Dec 14 |
| 03 Dec 14 |
| 17 Dec 14 | 03 Dec 14
| |
| Royal Assent |
Tenancies (Reform) (19) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 28 Nov 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Dropped
Terms and Conditions
(Migrant Workers) (37) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Transparency and
Accountability (28) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 17 Oct 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Dropped
Transparency of Lobbying,
Non-Party Campaigning
and Trade Union
Administration Act 2014
(Repeal) (40) (A)
| 07 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Tyres (Buses and Coaches) (77) (A)
| 15 Jul 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
UK Borders Control (53) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 09 Jan 15
| | | |
| | | |
| | Withdrawn
United Kingdom Parliament
(Sovereignty and
Jurisdiction over Borders) (130) (C)
| 03 Dec 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Victims (Bill of Rights) (181) (A)
| 04 Mar 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Voter Registration (163) (A)
| 27 Jan 15 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Wales (6, 128) (*) (E) |
20 Mar 14 | 31 Mar 15
| |
| 24 Jun 14 | 24 Jun 14
| 10 Dec 14 | 17 Dec 14
| |
| | Carried over
from 2013/14.
Royal Assent
Wild Animals in Circuses (87) (A)
| 03 Sep 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Wind Farm Subsidies
(Abolition) (60) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 06 Mar 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Bill negatived
Women's Refuges
(Provision and
Eligibility) (141) (A)
| 17 Dec 14 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Prorogation
Working Time Directive
(Limitation) (56) (C)
| 07 Jul 14 | 23 Jan 15
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Dropped
Zero Hours Contracts (23) (B)
| 02 Jul 14 | 21 Nov 14
| |
| |
| |
| |
| | Dropped
* denotes a Government Bill
A denotes a Bill brought
in under Standing Order No. 23(1) ('ten minute rule bills')
B denotes a Bill brought
in under Standing Order No. 14(6) ('ballot bills')
C denotes a Private
Members' Bill introduced under Standing Order No. 57
D denotes a Private
Members' Bill originating in the House of Lords
E denotes a bill carried
over from the previous Session, in accordance with Standing Order
No. 80A (Carry-over of Bills)
This table lists those bills which were printed.
For bills not printed, see table 5C.6 above.
E Consideration of Bills
in Committee of the whole House
Title of Bill |
Date(s) on which considered
Counter-terrorism and Security
| 9, 15 and 16 December 2014
Data Retention and Investigatory Powers |
15 July 2014 |
Finance (No. 2) | 25 March 2015
House of Commons Commission | 24 February 2015
Insurance | 3 February 2015
Lords Spiritual (Women) | 19 January 2015
Recall of MPs | 27 October 2014, 3 November 2014
Stamp Duty Land Tax | 12 January 2015
F Consideration of Bills in General Committees
Total number of Bills: 24
Total number of sittings at which Bills were considered: 96
Total number of oral evidence sessions: 18
Total number of written submissions received: 252
Public bill committees considering Bills which are the subject
of programme orders have power to send for persons, papers and
records (Standing Order No. 84A). On 1 November 2006, the House
agreed that powers to take oral evidence would be the normal practice
for committees which considered programmed government bills starting
in the Commons.
The numbers given in brackets after each Member's name indicate
respectively the number of meetings of the Committee in respect
of the Bill which that Member attended and the number to which
that Member was summoned.
1. Affordable Homes Bill |
Committed: 5 September 2014 | Adjourned without reporting on 29 October 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairs: Sir Roger Gale and Mr Jim Hood
Members and attendance:
Bob Blackman (2/2), Annette Brooke (2/2), Chris Bryant (2/2),
Andrew George (2/2), Sheila Gilmore (2/2), Julie Hilling (2/2),
John Howell (2/2), Kwasi Kwarteng (2/2), Ian Lavery (1/2), Caroline
Lucas (2/2), Esther McVey (2/2), Grahame M. Morris (2/2), James
Morris (2/2), Mr David Nuttall (2/2), Teresa Pearce (2/2), Mr
Nick Raynsford (2/2), Jacob Rees-Mogg (2/2), Dame Angela Watkinson
1. Armed Forces (Service Complaints and Financial Assistance) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 2 February 2015 | Reported (with Amendments): 10 February 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 2
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairs: Mr Christopher Chope and Sir Alan Meale
Members and attendance:
Mr Brian Binley (2/2), Andrew Bridgen (2/2), Oliver Colvile (2/2),
Stephen Gilbert (2/2), Mr David Hamilton (2/2), Martin Horwood
(2/2), John Howell (2/2), Mr Kevan Jones (2/2), Mark Lancaster
(2/2), Mark Lazarowicz (2/2), Jim McGovern (2/2), Mrs Madeleine
Moon (2/2), Graeme Morrice (2/2), James Morris (2/2), Mr Brooks
Newmark (2/2), Mark Pawsey (2/2), Jim Shannon (2/2), Anna Soubry
(2/2), Derek Twigg (2/2)
1. Childcare Payments Bill
Committed: 14 July 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 28 October 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 8
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 8
Chairs: Jim Sheridan and Mrs Anne Main
Members and attendance:
Gavin Barwell (8/8), Alex Cunningham (6/8), Nic Dakin (8/8), Charlie
Elphicke (5/8), Chris Evans (5/8), Robert Flello (5/8), Pat Glass
(4/8), Ben Gummer (4/8), Mr David Heath (6/8), Robert Jenrick
(6/8), Andrew Jones (8/8), Catherine McKinnell (8/8), Mary Macleod
(8/8), Maria Miller (5/8), Priti Patel (8/8), Lucy Powell (7/8),
Sir Bob Russell (5/8), Chloe Smith (5/8), Sammy Wilson (4/8)
1. Control of Horses Bill |
Committed: 24 October 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 8 January 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr James Gray |
Members and attendance:
Thomas Docherty (1/1), Jackie Doyle-Price (0/1), Jonathan Edwards
(0/1), George Eustice (1/1), Jim Fitzpatrick (0/1), Mrs Mary Glindon
(1/1), Richard Graham (1/1), Grahame M. Morris (1/1), Caroline
Nokes (1/1), Neil Parish (0/1), Teresa Pearce (1/1), Angela Smith
(1/1), Julian Sturdy (1/1), Ian Swales (1/1), Mr Robin Walker
(1/1), James Wharton (1/1)
1. Corporation Tax (Northern Ireland) Bill
Committed: 27 January 2015 | Reported (with an Amendment): 5 February 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 | Number of written submissions received: 2
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairs: Sandra Osborne and Sir David Amess
Members and attendance:
Gavin Barwell (3/3), Nic Dakin (3/3), Mark Durkan (3/3), Chris
Evans (3/3), Mr David Gauke (3/3), Gareth Johnson (2/3), Andrew
Jones (3/3), Jack Lopresti (1/3), Andy McDonald (3/3), Shabana
Mahmood (3/3), Mark Menzies (3/3), Nigel Mills (3/3), Stephen
Pound (2/3), David Rutley (3/3), Ian Swales (3/3), Sammy Wilson
1. Finance Bill (except clauses 1, 5 to 7, 11, 72 to 74 and 112, schedule 1, and certain new clauses and schedules)
(Note: The Public Bill Committee stage for this Bill started in Session 2013-14 and was continued in Session 2014-15)
Re-committed: 5 June 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 17 June 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 4
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 5
Chairs: Martin Caton and Mr Gary Streeter
Members and attendance:
Lorely Burt (0/5), Nic Dakin (5/5), Caroline Dinenage (5/5), James
Duddridge (5/5), Charlie Elphicke (5/5), Chris Evans (5/5), Richard
Fuller (5/5), Mark Garnier (5/5), Mr David Gauke (5/5), Sheila
Gilmore (4/5), Mrs Mary Glindon (5/5), Duncan Hames (4/5), Chris
Heaton-Harris (5/5), Cathy Jamieson (5/5), Mike Kane (5/5), Kwasi
Kwarteng (4/5), Andrea Leadsom (3/5), Chris Leslie (3/5), Shabana
Mahmood (4/5), Iain McKenzie (5/5), Catherine McKinnell (4/5),
Ian Mearns (5/5), Mark Menzies (5/5), Nicky Morgan (3/5), Teresa
Pearce (5/5), Christopher Pincher (5/5), Amber Rudd (5/5), David
Rutley (5/5), Alec Shelbrooke (2/5), Henry Smith (5/5), Ian Swales
(4/5), Valerie Vaz (3/5), Heather Wheeler (5/5), Chris Williamson
(5/5), Sammy Wilson (0/5)
1. Health and Social Care (Safety and Quality) Bill
Committed: 7 November 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 10 December 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Sir David Amess |
Members and attendance:
Fiona Bruce (1/1), Paul Farrelly (0/1), Nic Dakin (8/8), Andrew
Jones (1/1), Mr Marcus Jones (1/1), Jeremy Lefroy (1/1), Liz McInnes
(1/1), John Mann (0/1), Mr David Nuttall (1/1), Dr Daniel Poulter
(1/1), John Pugh (1/1), Mr Jamie Reed (1/1), Jim Shannon (1/1),
Mark Simmonds (0/1), Mrs Caroline Spelman (0/1), Joan Walley (0/1),
John Woodcock (1/1)
1. Health Service Commissioner for England (Complaint Handling) Bill
Committed: 17 October 2014 | Reported (without Amendment): 15 January 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Sir Edward Leigh |
Members and attendance:
Sir Hugh Bayley (0/1), Mr David Davis (1/1), Mrs Cheryl Gillan
(0/1), Andrew Gwynne (1/1), Mr Adam Holloway (1/1), Mr Bernard
Jenkin (1/1), Alan Johnson (0/1), Andrew Jones (1/1), Greg Mulholland
(0/1), Andrew Percy (1/1), Dr Daniel Poulter (1/1), Lindsay Roy
(0/1), Jim Shannon (0/1), Mr Andrew Turner (1/1), Derek Twigg
(0/1), Phil Wilson (0/1)
1. House of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension) Bill [Lords]
Committed: 23 January 2015 | Reported (without Amendment): 4 February 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Dr William McCrea |
Members and attendance:
Margaret Beckett (0/1), Dan Byles (1/1), Mr Christopher Chope
(1/1), Ann Coffey (0/1), Frank Dobson (0/1), Mr Sam Gyimah (1/1),
Mr David Heath (1/1), Jeremy Lefroy (1/1), David Mowat (1/1),
Robert Neill (0/1), Ian Paisley (0/1), Stephen Pound (1/1), Sir
John Randall (1/1), Mr Nick Raynsford (1/1), Stephen Twigg (0/1),
Sir George Young (1/1)
1. Infrastructure Bill [Lords]
Committed: 8 December 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 15 January 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 53
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 11
Chairs: Mr Jim Hood and Sir Roger Gale
Members and attendance:
Roberta Blackman-Woods (11/11), Mr Jeremy Browne (8/11), Richard
Burden (11/11), Alistair Burt (9/11), Dr Thérèse
Coffey (11/11), Tom Greatrex (11/11), Mr John Hayes (11/11), Chris
Heaton-Harris (11/11), Robert Jenrick (11/11), Graham Jones (11/11),
Kwasi Kwarteng (11/11), Andrew Miller (11/11), Mr Brooks Newmark
(10/11), Neil Parish (11/11), Mr Nick Raynsford (11/11), Chris
Ruane (7/11), Amber Rudd (11/11), Jim Shannon (6/11), Dr Alan
Whitehead (10/11), Stephen Williams (11/11), Nadhim Zahawi (10/11)
1. International Development (Official Development Assistance Target) Bill
Committed: 12 September 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 11 November 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chair: Mr David Crausby |
Members and attendance:
Hugh Bayley (0/2), Fiona Bruce (2/2), Alistair Burt (2/2), Mr
Tom Clarke (2/2), Sir Oliver Heald (0/2), Mark Hendrick (0/2),
Sir Gerald Howarth (1/2), Graham Jones (1/2), Jeremy Lefroy (2/2),
Jack Lopresti (2/2), Alison McGovern (1/1), Mrs Anne McGuire (2/2),
Michael Moore (2/2), Mr Stephen O'Brien (2/2), Gavin Shuker (1/1),
Mr Desmond Swayne (2/2), Mr Mike Weir (2/2)
1. Local Government (Religious etc. Observances) Bill
Committed: 21 November 2014 | Reported (without Amendment): 6 January 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Andrew Turner |
Members and attendance:
Jake Berry (1/1), Gordon Birtwistle (1/1), Paul Blomfield (1/1),
Mr Ben Bradshaw (1/1), Lyn Brown (1/1), Fiona Bruce (1/1), Robert
Flello (1/1), John Glen (1/1), Mrs Mary Glindon (1/1), Kris Hopkins
(1/1), Sir Gerald Howarth (1/1), Mr Stewart Jackson (1/1), Susan
Elan Jones (0/1), Mr David Nuttall (1/1), David Simpson (0/1),
James Wharton (0/1)
1. Local Government (Review of Decisions) Bill
Committed: 24 October 2014 | Reported (without Amendment): 21 January 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Sandra Osborne |
Members and attendance:
Mr Frank Field (0/1), Jim Fitzpatrick (0/1), John Glen (0/1),
Mrs Mary Glindon (1/1), Chris Heaton-Harris (1/1), Kate Hoey (0/1),
Kris Hopkins (1/1), Simon Kirby (0/1), Stephen McPartland (1/1),
Austin Mitchell (0/1), Andy Sawford (1/1), David Simpson (0/1),
Mr Mark Spencer (1/1), John Stevenson (1/1), Sir Andrew Stunnell
(1/1), Heather Wheeler (1/1)
1. Modern Slavery Bill |
Committed: 8 July 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 14 October 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 | Number of written submissions received: 37
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 11
Chairs: Mr David Crausby and Mark Pritchard
Members and attendance:
Karen Bradley (11/11), Fiona Bruce (10/11), Conor Burns (8/11),
David Burrowes (9/11), Sarah Champion (9/11), Michael Connarty
(11/11), Mark Durkan (11/11), Mr David Hanson (11/11), Damian
Hinds (11/11), Diana Johnson (11/11), Mike Kane (9/11), Karen
Lumley (11/11), Fiona Mactaggart (7/11), Caroline Nokes (10/11),
Christopher Pincher (11/11), Chloe Smith (10/11), Sir Andrew Stunell
(11/11), Sarah Teather (10/11), Phil Wilson (11/11)
1. Mutuals' Deferred Shares Bill [Lords]
Committed: 9 January 2015 | Reported (without Amendment): 4 February 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Katy Clark |
Members and attendance:
Mr Adrian Bailey (1/1), Steve Baker (0/1), Stephen Doughty (1/1),
Chris Evans (1/1), Graham Evans (0/1), Jonathan Evans (1/1), Mr
Nigel Evans (0/1), Mr Mark Hoban (1/1), Cathy Jamieson (1/1),
Mark Lazarowicz (1/1), Andrea Leadsom (1/1), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (0/1),
Mr Andrew Love (1/1), Mr David Nuttall (0/1), Paul Uppal (1/1),
Roger Williams (1/1)
1. National Insurance Contributions Bill
Committed: 8 September 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 21 October 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 | Number of written submissions received: 6
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 2
Chairs: Annette Brooke and Dr William McCrea
Members and attendance:
Harriet Baldwin (2/2), Mike Crockart (2/2), John Cryer (2/2),
Jonathan Evans (2/2), Mr David Gauke (2/2), Mrs Mary Glindon (2/2),
Mark Hunter (2/2), Chris Kelly (2/2), Mr Ian Liddell-Grainger
(1/2), Jason McCartney (2/2), Liz McInnes (2/2), Mr Khalid Mahmood
(2/2), Shabana Mahmood (2/2), Fiona O'Donnell (2/2), Bridget Phillipson
(2/2), Mr Andrew Robathan (2/2), Mike Weatherley (2/2), Sammy
Wilson (1/2)
1. Pension Schemes Bill |
Committed: 2 September 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 4 November 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 18
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 10
Chairs: Mr Peter Bone and Mrs Linda Riordan
Members and attendance:
Debbie Abrahams (6/10), Tom Blenkinsop (10/10), Dr Thérèse
Coffey (10/10), Richard Graham (8/10), Stephen Hammond (7/10),
John Hemming (7/10), Kwasi Kwarteng (9/10), Pauline Latham (8/10),
Mr Andrew Love (9/10), Mr Michael McCann (7/10), Gregg McClymont
(10/10), Mr Pat McFadden (0/10), Paul Maynard (7/10), Nigel Mills
(8/10), James Morris (7/10), Ian Paisley (1/10), Dame Angela Watkinson
(7/10), Mr Dave Watts (4/10), Steve Webb (10/10)
1. Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Bill
Committed: 24 October 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 17 December 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Jim Sheridan |
Members and attendance:
Peter Aldous (0/1), Mr Richard Bacon (1/1), Sir Alan Beith (1/1),
Paul Farrelly (0/1), John Glen (1/1), John Healey (0/1), Meg Hillier
(1/1), Mr Marcus Jones (1/1), Jeremy Lefroy (1/1), Brandon Lewis
(1/1), Fiona Mactaggart (0/1), Jesse Norman (0/1), Emma Reynolds
(1/1), Angus Robertson (0/1), Ms Gisela Stuart (0/1), Dame Angela
Watkinson (0/1)
1. Serious Crime Bill [Lords]
Committed: 5 January 2015 | Reported (with Amendments): 22 January 2015
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: 14
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 7
Chairs: Katy Clark and Philip Davies
Members and attendance:
Norman Baker (7/7), Sir Paul Beresford (7/7), Karen Bradley (7/7),
Mr Robert Buckland (7/7), Sarah Champion (5/7), Ann Coffey (7/7),
Jack Dromey (7/7), Damian Hinds (7/7), Pauline Latham (7/7), Andy
McDonald (7/7), Mr Elfyn Llwyd (7/7), Seema Malhotra (7/7), Maria
Miller (6/7), Christopher Pincher (7/7), Mr Steve Reed (6/7),
Mr Keith Simpson (5/7), Sir Andrew Stunell (5/7), Heather Wheeler
(7/7), Phil Wilson (6/7)
1. Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill
Committed: 16 July 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 6 November 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 4 | Number of written submissions received: 84
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 16
Chairs: Mr Graham Brady, Martin Caton and Nadine Dorries
Members and attendance:
Nicola Blackwood (15/16), Oliver Colvile (16/16), Stephen Doughty
(16/16), Bill Esterson (11/16), Mark Garnier (12/16), Stephen
Gilbert (8/16), Sheila Gilmore (13/16), Andrew Griffiths (16/16),
Matthew Hancock (16/16), Andy McDonald (13/16), Anne Marie Morris
(15/16), Ian Murray (15/16), Sheryll Murray (16/16), Toby Perkins
(16/16), David Simpson (4/16), Mel Stride (16/16), Jo Swinson
(16/16), Chris White (15/16), Mr Iain Wright (16/16)
1. Social Action, Responsibility and Heroism Bill
Committed: 21 July 2014 | Reported (without Amendment): 9 September 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 2 | Number of written submissions received: 6
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 3
Chairs: Mr Joe Benton and Mr Adrian Sanders
Members and attendance:
Mr Jeremy Browne (2/3), Neil Carmichael (1/3), Nick de Bois (1/3),
Chris Evans (2/3), Pat Glass (2/3), Simon Hart (1/3), Dan Jarvis
(1/3), Robert Jenrick (3/3), Stephen Metcalfe (3/3), Grahame M
Morris (3/3), Ian Paisley (1/3), David Rutley (3/3), Mr Andy Slaughter
(3/3), John Stevenson (1/3), Ian Swales (3/3), Karl Turner (1/3),
Mr Shailesh Vara (3/3), Mr Ben Wallace (3/3), Chris Williamson
1. Specialist Printing Equipment and Materials (Offences) Bill
Committed: 17 October 2014 | Reported (without Amendment): 26 November 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: Nil | Number of written submissions received: Nil
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Jim Hood |
Members and attendance:
Sir David Amess (1/1), Mr Brian Binley (0/1), Karen Bradley (1/1),
Rosie Cooper (1/1), Jim Dowd (1/1), Jonathan Edwards (1/1), Charlie
Elphicke (1/1), Mr Roger Godsiff (1/1), Dr Julian Lewis (0/1),
Mr David Nuttall (1/1), Christopher Pincher (1/1), Mr Steve Reed
(0/1), Mrs Linda Riordan (0/1), Mike Weatherley (0/1), Mr Mark
Williams (0/1), Phil Wilson (1/1)
1. Taxation of Pensions Bill
Committed: 29 October 2014 | Reported (with Amendments): 20 November 2014
Number of oral evidence sessions: 1 | Number of written submissions received: 18
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 4
Chairs: Mr Mike Weir and Nadine Dorries
Members and attendance:
Gavin Barwell (4/4), Andrew Bridgen (3/4), Nic Dakin (3/4), Mr
Jonathan Djanogly (2/4), Chris Evans (4/4), Mike Freer (4/4),
Mr David Gauke (4/4), Pat Glass (4/4), Margot James (4/4), Cathy
Jamieson (4/4), Nigel Mills (4/4), Pamela Nash (3/4), Guy Opperman
(3/4), Teresa Pearce (3/4), Mr Geoffrey Robinson (4/4), Jim Shannon
(0/4), Henry Smith (4/4), Andrew Stephenson (4/4), Ian Swales
Insurance Bill [Lords]
Referred (Standing Order No. 59): 16 January 2015
Reported: 26 January 2015 |
Number of sittings at which Bill was considered: 1
Chair: Mr Dai Havard |
Members and attendance:
Sir Tony Baldry (1/1), Gavin Barwell (1/1), Nic Dakin (1/1), Mr
Jonathan Djanogly (1/1), Chris Evans (0/1),Mrs Mary Glindon (1/1),
Charles Hendry (0/1), Cathy Jamieson (1/1), Mike Kane (0/1), Andrea
Leadsom (1/1), Stephen Lloyd (1/1), Grahame M. Morris (0/1), Caroline
Nokes (1/1), Ian Paisley (0/1), Julian Sturdy (1/1), Bill Wiggin