Corporate governance Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

CGV numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

130% Club (CGV0126)

2Aberdeen Asset Management plc (CGV0102)

3ACAS (CGV0146)

4ACCA (CGV0100)

5Allen & Overy LLP (CGV0071)

6B LAB UK (CGV0083)

7Baillie Gifford (CGV0108)

8BlackRock (CGV0097)

9Board Intelligence (CGV0125)

10British Bankers’ Association (CGV0085)

11Building Societies Members Association (CGV0162)

12Caerus Consulting Ltd (CGV0122)

13Campaign for Merit in Business (CGV0008)

14Campaign fro Triple Purpose Capitalism (CGV0059)

15Campaigner, Artist and Inventor Bob Goodall (CGV0052)

16Campaigner, Artist and Inventor Bob Goodall (CGV0140)

17Carillion (CGV0168)

18Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (CGV0143)

19Chris Philp (CGV0089)

20CIMA (CGV0014)

21CIPD (CGV0110)

22City of London Law Society (CGV0148)

23ClientEarth (CGV0104)

24Commonwealth Businesswomen’s Network (CGV0131)

25Communication Workers Union (CGV0072)

26Confederation of British Industry (CBI) (CGV0069)

27Co-operatives UK (CGV0158)

28Council for Work and Health (CGV0019)

29DAC Beachcroft LLP (CGV0079)

30David Chivers (CGV0103)

31Deloitte (CGV0145)

32Director and Founder of Consulting company Steven Phillips (CGV0064)

33DLA Piper LLP (CGV0115)

34Dr Amama Shaukat (CGV0087)

35Dr Barnali Choudhury (CGV0160)

36Dr Ewan McGaughey (CGV0149)

37Dr Konstantinos Stathopoulos (CGV0027)

38Dr Rodion Skovoroda (CGV0042)

39Durham University/Leeds University (CGV0038)

40EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation (CGV0142)

41Emeritus Professor of Corporate Governance Laura Spira (CGV0024)

42Employment Lawyers Association (CGV0065)

43Equality and Human Rights Commission (CGV0152)

44Eric Chalker (CGV0135)

45Fidelity International (CGV0107)

46Financial Reporting Council (CGV0078)

47Financial Reporting Council (CGV0172)

48First Flight Non-Executive Directors (CGV0167)

49FirstGroup (CGV0170)

50FIT Remuneration Consultants (CGV0005)

51Hampton-Alexander Review (CGV0106)

52Hermes Investment Management (CGV0090)

53High Pay Centre (CGV0040)

54Howard Kennedy LLP (CGV0112)

55ICAS (CGV0139)

56ICSA: The Governance Institute (CGV0111)

57Inspiration for Success (CGV0138)

58Institute for Family Business (CGV0054)

59Institute of Business Ethics (CGV0016)

60Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (CGV0116)

61Institute of Directors (CGV0034)

62Institute of Directors (CGV0175)

63International Corporate Governance Network (CGV0025)

64International Institute for Self-governance (CGV0012)

65International Integrated Reporting Council (CGV0164)

66IPA (CGV0161)

67John Kay (CGV0174)

68John Lewis Partnership (CGV0099)

69Legal & General Group Plc (CGV0098)

70Legal and General Investment Management Ltd (CGV0095)

71M Garsdale (CGV0105)

72Manifest (CGV0062)

73Mazars LLP (CGV0134)

74Mercer (CGV0101)

75MobiCycle Ltd (CGV0155)

76Mr Charlie Geffen (CGV0030)

77Mr Daniel Hibbert (CGV0001)

78Mr David Offenbach (CGV0057)

79Mr Dowshan Humzah (CGV0130)

80Mr Francois Knuchel (CGV0129)

81Mr Guy Jubb (CGV0011)


83Mr John Mills (CGV0121)

84Mr Michael Nisbet (CGV0136)

85Mr Michael Nisbet (CGV0137)

86Mr Michael Romberg (CGV0002)

87Mr Ryan Turner (CGV0074)

88Mrs Helena Morrissey (CGV0017)

89Ms charlotte valeur (CGV0123)

90Ms Joy Allen (CGV0051)

91National Federation of SubPostmasters (CGV0163)

92Nestor Advisors Ltd (CGV0117)

93New Bridge Street (Aon Hewitt Ltd) (CGV0093)

94NJMD Corporate Services Limited (CGV0028)

95Oxfam GB (CGV0133)

96Patrick Andrews (CGV0004)

97Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (CGV0141)

98People Innovation Ltd Jane Williams (CGV0058)

99Phoenix Group Holdings (CGV0096)

100PIRC (CGV0169)

101PIRC Limited (CGV0154)

102PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) (CGV0159)

103Prism Cosec (CGV0066)

104Professor Alex Edmans (CGV0006)

105Professor Alex Edmans (CGV0173)

106Professor Andrew Keay (CGV0010)

107Professor Charlotte Villiers (CGV0013)

108Professor David Kershaw (CGV0120)

109Professor Lorraine Talbot (CGV0044)

110Professor Michael Gold (CGV0075)

111Professor of Finance Grzegorz Trojanowski (CGV0047)

112Professor of Finance Grzegorz Trojanowski (CGV0055)

113Professor Paul Moxey (CGV0041)

114Professor Ruth Sealy (CGV0043)

115Professor Vanessa Knapp (CGV0031)

116Public Concern at Work (CGV0073)

117PwC (CGV0176)

118Quoted Companies Alliance (CGV0056)

119Recruitment and Employment Confederation (CGV0153)

120Rosemary Greaves (CGV0127)

121Royal London Asset Management (CGV0076)

122RPMI Railpen (CGV0119)

123RSA (Royal Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) (CGV0113)

124Severn Trent Plc (CGV0070)

125ShareAction (CGV0124)

126ShareAction (CGV0171)

127ShareSoc, The UK Individual Shareholders Society (CGV0021)

128Sheetal Radia (CGV0150)

129Sheffield Institute of Corporate and Commercial Law (CGV0037)

130Short Richardson and Forth LLP (CGV0007)

131Simon Witney (CGV0114)

132Society for the Enivornment (CGV0039)

133Spencer Stuart (CGV0092)

134Standard Life plc (CGV0091)

135TBP2 Limited (CGV0048)

136The Alternative Investment Management Association (CGV0077)

137The Association of Investment Companies (CGV0053)

138The Durham Company Law Project (CGV0029)

139The Equality Trust (CGV0033)

140The Go-Ahead Group plc (CGV0020)

141The Investment Association (CGV0109)

142The Modern Corporation Project at Cass Business School and Frank Bold (CGV0165)

143TLT LLP (CGV0026)

144Tomorrow’s Company (CGV0118)

145Trade Union Share Owners (CGV0068)

146Trades Union Congress (CGV0060)

147Trades Union Congress (CGV0156)

148UK Policy Governance Association (CGV0067)

149UKSIF (CGV0157)

150Unite the Union (CGV0094)

151United Kingdom Shareholders’ Association (CGV0080)

152University College London (CGV0032)

153University of Southampton Brenda Hannigan (CGV0045)

154Usdaw (CGV0035)

155Vocational Rehabilitation Association (CGV0023)

156Which (CGV0144)

157Willis Towers Watson (CGV0063)

158Women on Boards UK (CGV0050)

159WWF-UK (CGV0015)

160Yixi Liao (CGV0166)

4 April 2017