Connectivity for small businesses
Connectivity in the devolved Nations
A new Electronic Communications Code
3 Reaching the final five per cent
10Mbps: too much or not enough?
6 Openreach’s performance since 2005
Incentive to invest in national infrastructure
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex: Specialist Advisers’ advice to the Committee
Investment in superfast broadband: Regulation, competition and the cost of capital
II. The need for broadband investment
a. What sort of speed and capacity do people require?
b. What is the capability of current solutions?
c. Future developments for copper based services
d. Ultrafast broadband services
III. Regulatory treatment of investment
b. Applying RAB to the communications sector
d. Introduction of competition
d. Regulatory approaches to fibre
V. Openreach’s cost of capital and investment
a. Ofcom’s assessment of Openreach’s cost of capital
b. Openreach’s capital budgeting approach
c. How can Ofcom encourage Openreach to invest?
e. Separation of Openreach and the cost of capital
List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament
18 July 2016