Appointment of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills Contents

Appendix 5: Details of the preferred candidate

1. CV

Amanda Spielman


2011– Chair, Ofqual (national independent regulator of qualifications and assessments)—(half-time) and Interim Chief Regulator

2014– Consultancy work

2013– Education Adviser, Absolute Return for Kids (ARK) (now 1 day pw)

2004– Research and Policy Director, ARK Schools

2001–2004 Part-time study, consultancy and voluntary work and maternity leave

1997–2001 Nomura International plc, London

1995–1997 Mercer Management Consulting, Inc, Boston, Mass., USA

1994–1995 Bridgewater Business Analysis Ltd, London

1992–1994 Newstead Capital, London

1986–1992 Kleinwort Benson Ltd, London (now DKB)

1986–1986 Lloyds Bank plc

1982–1986 Thomson McLintock, Bristol (now KPMG)

Directorships and voluntary work

2001–2002 Institute of Education, London University

1979–1982 Clare College, Cambridge University

Professional membership

Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants

2. Conflicts of Interest and previous conduct

Ms Spielman declares that she has no personal conflicts of interest. She recognises potential conflicts of interest presented by her non-executive roles at Ofqual, Floreat, Brunel University, and STEMNET, her consultancy work, and adviser role with ARK. If confirmed as HMCI she will step down from these positions.

© Parliamentary copyright 2015

06 July 2016