Foreword from the Chair of the Committee
2 The energy revolution: preparing for the future UK energy system
Unlocking the potential of demand-side response
Digital engagement of energy consumers
Approaches to engage consumers
Economic opportunities of the energy revolution
3 Leaving the EU: implications for UK energy and climate change policy
Paris Agreement and future international climate negotiations
Further EU-derived policies and legislation
Repealing the European Communities Act
Guiding principles for the EU exit negotiations
4 ECC legacy and the need for continued scrutiny
A clear strategy for carbon capture and storage
Restoring investor confidence and developing a robust Emissions Reduction Plan
Building momentum on energy efficiency
Getting legislation right for a smarter, fairer, more competitive energy sector
A renewed cross-Government effort to decarbonise heat and transport
Scrutiny priorities going forward
Conclusions and recommendations
Annex 1: Committee visit to California and Washington, 11–16 September
Annex 2: Actions taken on issues raised by stakeholders
Appendix: Government’s response to our work on investor confidence in the UK energy sector
List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament
14 October 2016