The energy revolution and future challenges for UK energy and climate change policy Contents


Foreword from the Chair of the Committee

1 Introduction

2 The energy revolution: preparing for the future UK energy system



Barriers to deployment

The need for urgency

Encouraging deployment


Demand-side management

Unlocking the potential of demand-side response


Digital engagement of energy consumers

Data protection and privacy

Approaches to engage consumers

Nuclear innovations

Small modular reactors


Economic opportunities of the energy revolution

3 Leaving the EU: implications for UK energy and climate change policy


EU Emissions Trading System

EU Effort Sharing

Paris Agreement and future international climate negotiations

Internal Energy Market

Network codes

Northern Ireland

Security of supply


EU funding

Investor confidence

Further EU-derived policies and legislation

Repealing the European Communities Act

Guiding principles for the EU exit negotiations

4 ECC legacy and the need for continued scrutiny

Highlights from 2015–

A clear strategy for carbon capture and storage

Restoring investor confidence and developing a robust Emissions Reduction Plan

Building momentum on energy efficiency

Getting legislation right for a smarter, fairer, more competitive energy sector

A renewed cross-Government effort to decarbonise heat and transport

Scrutiny priorities going forward

Conclusions and recommendations

Annex 1: Committee visit to California and Washington, 11–16 September

Annex 2: Actions taken on issues raised by stakeholders

Appendix: Government’s response to our work on investor confidence in the UK energy sector

Formal Minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

© Parliamentary copyright

14 October 2016