Future flood prevention Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

FFP numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Age UK (FFP0076)

2Anglian Water (FFP0083)

3Animal Aid (FFP0030)

4Association of British Insurers (FFP0111)

5Association of Drainage Authorities (FFP0115)

6Aviva (FFP0140)

7AXA UK (FFP0098)

8Ban Bloodsports on Ilkley Moor (FFP0059)

9Barratt Development Plc (FFP0138)

10Barratt Developments Plc (FFP0145)

11British Insurance Brokers’ Association (FFP0112)

12Brompton Flood Prevention Group (FFP0064)

13Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (FFP0050)

14Centre for Floods, Communities and Resilience, UWE, BRISTOL (FFP0089)

15Churchtown Flood Defence Group (FFP0069)

16CIWEM (FFP0103)

17Climate Vision (FFP0130)

18Committee on Climate Change (FFP0110)

19Confor: Promoting forestry and wood (FFP0114)

20Construction Industry Council (FFP0087)

21Cornwall Community Flood Forum (FFP0125)

22Council of Mortgage Lenders (FFP0081)

23Country Land & Business Association (CLA) (FFP0006)

24Country Land and Business Association (FFP0137)

25Countryside Alliance (FFP0113)

26Countryside and Community Research institute (FFP0074)

27Cumbria Branch British Holiday Home Parks Association (FFP0095)

28Daphne Kelly (FFP0157)

29Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (FFP0156)

30Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Department for Communities and Local Government (FFP0129)

31Dr Rod Everett (FFP0013)

32Dr Rod Everett (FFP0025)

33Environment Agency (FFP0128)

34Environment Agency (FFP0136)

35Environment Agency (FFP0144)

36ESI Consulting (FFP0158)

37ESI Limited (FFP0107)

38Essex County Council (FFP0092)

39Essex County Council (FFP0093)

40Essex County Council (FFP0094)

41Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) (FFP0042)

42Fire Brigades Union (FFP0020)

43Flood Prevention Society (FFP0051)

44Flood Re (FFP0126)

45Forestry Commission (England) (FFP0039)

46Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics (FFP0075)

47Hampshire County Council (FFP0027)

48Home Builders Federation (FFP0090)

49J Arnold (FFP0124)

50Jenny Radford (FFP0024)

51Jeremy Chamberlayne (FFP0005)

52Jeremy Walker (FFP0152)

53Jim Asquith (FFP0100)

54Jim Penfold (FFP0133)

55Keswick Flood Action Group (FFP0033)

56Landscape Institute (FFP0091)

57Leader—National Flood Prevention Party Ewan Larcombe (FFP0078)

58Little Stour & Nailbourne River Management Group (FFP0036)

59Local Government Association (FFP0073)

60Local Government Association (FFP0134)

61Loddon Valley Residents Association (FFP0021)

62London Councils (FFP0041)

63Mary Dhonau Associates (FFP0026)

64Met Office (FFP0046)

65Miss Laura Makeating (FFP0086)

66Mr Daniel Scharf (FFP0002)

67Mr John D Anderson (FFP0047)

68Mr John Watson (FFP0009)

69Mr John Williams (FFP0061)

70Mr Mark Yorke (FFP0118)

71Mr Michael Wood (FFP0058)

72Mr Mike Potter (FFP0031)

73Mr Paul Scully (FFP0004)

74Mr Richard Farnsworth (FFP0015)

75Mr Stuart Bradshaw (FFP0018)

76Mr Tony Norman (FFP0001)

77Mrs Barbara Stevens (FFP0038)

78Mrs Carol Moss (FFP0040)

79Mrs Gillian Telford (FFP0019)

80Mrs Samantha Boocock (FFP0104)

81Mrs Sarah Chaplin-Brice (FFP0037)

82Ms Janice Johnson (FFP0016)

83National Farmers’ Union (FFP0135)

84National Farmers’ Union (FFP0120)

85National Farmers’ Union (FFP0150)

86National Flood Forum (FFP0105)

87National Flood Forum (FFP0131)

88National Flood Forum (FFP0147)

89National Trust (FFP0065)

90Natural England (FFP0127)

91Natural Resources Wales (FFP0143)

92Natural Resources Wales (FFP0149)

93Northumbrian Water (FFP0014)

94Ordnance Survey (FFP0034)

95Paul Williams (FFP0151)

96Professor Donald Longmore OBE (FFP0017)

97Professor Colin Green (FFP0007)

98Public Weather Service Customer Group (FFP0032)

99Radcliffe Residents (Bury) Flood Action Group (FFP0012)

100Residential Landlords Association (FFP0079)

101Rewilding Britain (FFP0080)

102River Severn Management (FFP0160)

103Roger Fell (FFP0043)

104Royal Horticultural Society (FFP0121)

105Royal Town Planning Institute (FFP0096)

106Royal Town Planning Institute (FFP0146)

107RSPB (FFP0084)

108Saltney Town Council (FFP0072)

109Science and Technology Facilities Council (FFP0116)

110Scottish Environment Protection Agency (FFP0142)

111Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (FFP0148)

112Scottish Flood Forum (FFP0097)

113Severn Trent (FFP0082)

114Sheffield Water Centre (FFP0044)

115Simon Tattersall (FFP0029)

116Slowing the Flow (FFP0153)

117Somerset Drainage Boards Consortium (FFP0132)

118Somerset Drainage Boards Consortium (FFP0141)

119South Tyneside Council (FFP0057)

120South West Water Limited (FFP0049)

121Southwell Flood Forum (FFP0123)

122Steve Trowbridge (FFP0154)

123Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (FFP0155)

124The Geological Society (FFP0070)

125The Royal Society (FFP0119)

126The Upper Calder Valley Flood Prevention Group (FFP0159)

127The Upper Calder Valley Flood Prevention Group (UCVFPG) (FFP0055)

128The Woodland Trust (FFP0067)

129Tone Murison (FFP0117)

130United Utilities (FFP0048)

131University of Exeter (FFP0022)

132University of Exeter (FFP0109)

133University of Oxford (FFP0106)

134University of Reading (FFP0071)

135Wanborough Anti-Flood Group (FFP0028)

136WeatherAction—The Long Range Weather & Climate forecasters (FFP0108)

137West Sussex Flood Action Group Forum (FFP0035)

138Westcountry Rivers Trust (FFP0008)

139Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (FFP0088)

140Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (FFP0139)

141Wildlife and Countryside Link (FFP0045)

142WWF-UK (FFP0102)

143Zurich Insurance plc (FFP0077)

28 October 2016