80.Careers education, information, advice and guidance is inadequate in too many English schools. In consequence, too many young people are leaving education without having had the chance fully to consider their future options or how their skills and experiences fit with the opportunities available in the labour market. Recent years have seen a whole host of policy changes, initiatives and new bodies: none has led to any serious improvement in provision; some have proved counter-productive.
81.We are pleased that the Government will soon publish its careers strategy. This strategy offers a timely opportunity finally to get careers provision right. In this Report, we have identified a number of areas on which the strategy should focus:
82.Careers education, information, advice and guidance have a critical role to play in ensuring both that our young people are well-prepared for their future lives and that our economy has a workforce with the skills it needs. We hope that this Report will be a step towards a careers system that at long last meets these aims.
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4 July 2016