Committee’s assessment |
Politically important |
Cleared from scrutiny; further information requested |
Document details |
(a) Proposed Council Decision on signing and provisional application of an agreement amending the EC-US agreement on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety; (b) Proposed Council Decision on conclusion of an agreement amending the EC-US agreement on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety |
Legal base |
(a) Articles 100(2) and 218(5) TFEU, —, QMV; (b) Articles 100(2) and 218(6)(a), consent, QMV |
Department |
Transport |
Document Numbers |
(a) (38232), 14011/16 + ADD 1, COM(16) 693 (b) (38233), 14012/16 + ADD 1, COM(16) 694 |
13.1There is an EU-US agreement on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety, the main purpose of which is to facilitate the reciprocal acceptance of approvals and related audit findings. The Commission has presented two proposed Council Decisions to approve the signature, provisional application and conclusion of an amendment to the agreement, which would extend its scope to cover all areas for which the European Aviation Safety Agency has responsibility for establishing safety standards.
13.2The Government tells us that it welcomes the proposed amendment to the EU-US aviation safety agreement, saying that it agrees with the Commission’s view that cooperation with the US under the agreement will help reduce the burden on industry and individual licence holders.
13.3While we are content to clear these proposed Council Decisions from scrutiny, we should like the Government to tell us what it expects the position on UK cooperation with the US on civil aviation safety to be post-Brexit.
(a) Proposed Council Decision on the signing, on behalf of the European Union, and provisional application of an agreement amending the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Community on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety: (38232), 14011/16 + ADD 1, COM(16) 693; (b) Proposed Council Decision on the conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of an agreement amending the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Community on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety: (38233), 14012/16 + ADD 1, COM(16) 694.
13.4An agreement between the European Community and the USA on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety entered into force on 1 May 2011.16 Its main purpose is to facilitate the reciprocal acceptance of approvals and related audit findings.
13.5The agreement:
13.6With these two proposed Council Decisions the Commission seeks approval of the signature, provisional application and conclusion of an amendment to the European Community-USA agreement. The amendment would extend the scope of the agreement to cover all areas for which the European Aviation Safety Agency has responsibility for establishing safety standards, and would encompass the following matters:
13.7The amendment would provide for the parties to develop further annexes to the agreement on matters within scope, covering the terms and conditions of reciprocal acceptance of approvals.
13.8The Commission proposed Council Decisions are accompanied by the text of the proposed amendment to the agreement.
13.9In his Explanatory Memorandum of 21 November 2016 the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Transport (Lord Ahmad), comments first, in relation to the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality, that the EU already has competence in the field of civil aviation safety, that this area has been regulated at EU level for over a decade, and that the Government agrees with the Commission’s view that cooperation with the USA under the agreement will help reduce the burden on industry and individual licence holders.
13.10The Minister prefaces his comments on the implications of the proposals by reiterating the Government’s standard statement that until exit negotiations are concluded, the UK remains a full member of the EU, all the rights and obligations of that membership remain in force, and during this period the Government will continue to negotiate, implement and apply EU legislation. He adds that the outcome of the negotiations will determine what arrangements apply in relation to EU legislation in future once the UK has left the EU.
13.11The Minister then says that:
9 December 2016