Documents for debate
Documents not cleared
2 DEEU Comitology—adapting remaining legal acts to Lisbon procedures
4 HMT Tax evasion and avoidance, money laundering, terrorist financing
5 HMT Taxation: double taxation dispute resolution
6 HMT Financial services regulatory framework: resolution and recovery and capital requirements
Documents cleared
9 DEFRA Minamata Convention on Mercury: Ratification and implementation
10 DEEU Commission Work Programme
11 DWP Modernising EU health and safety policy
Annex: List of health and safety Directives covered by the evaluation
12 FCO International ocean governance
13 FCO EU-Russia restrictive measures
14 FCO Cooperation Agreement on Partnership and Development with Afghanistan
16 HO Europol: agreement with Denmark
Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the House
24 February 2017