Article 50 negotiations: Implications of 'no deal' Contents


Terms of Reference


Background to the inquiry

Government refusal to submit evidence

Commissioned research

Work of other Committees

1 The Article 50 process

The divorce settlement and the future relationship

2 Why ‘no deal’ is a real possibility

The UK Government’s position


Domestic politics

Negotiations inside the EU

The exit bill

Error or miscalculation

The parliamentary dimension

The European Parliament

The UK Parliament

The short timetable

3 Key implications of ‘no deal’

An “exercise in guesswork”?

Some headline findings

Disputes over the exit bill

Uncertainty for EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU

Trading on World Trade Organisation terms

The ‘regulatory gap’ and the limitations of the Great Repeal Bill

Uncertainty for UK participation in the EU’s common foreign and security policy

The sudden return of a ‘hard’ customs border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland

4 Conclusions and recommendations

Appendix 1: Submission on behalf of the Bar Council by Professor Derrick Wyatt QC and Hugo Leith

Appendix 2: Submission by Professor Kenneth Armstrong, University of Cambridge

Formal Minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

10 March 2017