The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
NIG numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1Adam Smith International (NIG0009)
2Adam Smith International Annex A (NIG0029)
3Africa Research Institue (NIG0038)
4Bridge International Academies (NIG0031)
5British Council (NIG0014)
6CBM (NIG0013)
7CDC Group (NIG0016)
8Chris Horn (NIG0036)
9Coffey International Development Ltd (NIG0017)
10Corner House (NIG0020)
11Crown Agents (NIG0008)
12Crown Agents (Annex A) (NIG0039)
13DAI (NIG0007)
14Department for International Development (NIG0011)
15Department for International Development (Annex A) (NIG0035)
16Dr Kate Meagher (NIG0032)
17Dr Olanrewaju Olaoye (NIG0005)
18Dr Olly Owen, ESRC Research Fellow, Oxford Department of International Development (NIG0033)
19Father Atta Barkindo, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (NIG0035)
20Gary Foxcroft, CEO, Universal Learning Solutions (NIG0034)
21Global Justice Now (NIG0003)
22Health Partners International (NIG0018)
23International Alert (NIG0025)
24Malaria Consortium (NIG0010)
25Marie Stopes International (NIG0004)
26Mott MacDonald (NIG0019)
27Mr Justin Moore (NIG0021)
28Ms Diana Good (NIG0030)
29Overseas Development Institute (NIG0027)
30Palladium (NIG0012)
31Plan International UK (NIG0002)
32Population Matters (NIG0006)
33Sightsavers (NIG0023)
34Tearfund (NIG0024)
35The Leprosy Mission England & Wales (NIG0001)
36Transparency International (NIG0026)
37UNDP (NIG0028)
38VSO (NIG0022)
39WaterAid (NIG0015)
© Parliamentary copyright 2015
25 July 2016