Tackling corruption overseas Contents



1 Introduction

The nature and impact of corruption

Achieving the SDGs: tackling corruption

The inquiry

2 The UK Government approach to tackling corruption overseas

The need for a ‘whole of Government’ approach

The role of the UK in facilitating global corruption

Money laundering

Tax evasion and tax avoidance

Extractive industries

The Government’s approach to anti-corruption

UK leadership on anti-corruption

UK Anti-Corruption Plan

UK Anti-Corruption Strategy

The Anti-Corruption Champion

Multilateral work

The future of UK leadership on anti-corruption

3 DFID’s anti-corruption work

The need for a context-specific approach

Anti-Corruption Country Strategies


Other Government departments


Research and learning

Fragile states

Adaptive programming: thinking and working politically to combat corruption

The challenges of a zero tolerance approach

Sector approaches

Extractive industries



Civil society


Measuring success

Conclusions and recommendations

Annex: Letter from the Chair to the Secretary of State regarding Tackling corruption overseas, 26 April 2016

Appendix: Letter from the Secretary of State to the Chair regarding Tackling corruption overseas, 11 May 2016

Formal Minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

© Parliamentary copyright

18 October 2016