The role of the magistracy Contents


Terms of Reference


1 Background to this inquiry

The role of magistrates

Our inquiry

2 Role of the magistracy within the criminal justice system

The modernisation of the magistrates’ courts

Allocation of cases to magistrates

The Single Justice Procedure

Case management

3 Recruitment and diversity

How magistrates are recruited

Diversity and age profile of magistrates

Attracting a wider range of applicants

Encouraging employers

Fixed tenure for appointments

4 Training and appraisal

How magistrates’ training is organised

The resources available for training

The quality and range of training

Making training more accessible

Continuing professional development and appraisal

5 Magistrates’ court closures

History and rationale of the court closure programme

Impact of court closures on magistrates and court users

Digital infrastructure

6 Expanding the role of magistrates

Increasing sentencing powers

Involvement of magistrates in problem-solving approaches

Giving magistrates a broader remit

7 A strategy for the magistracy

Development of future policy

Conclusions and recommendations

Formal Minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

© Parliamentary copyright

17 October 2016