The treatment of young adults in the criminal justice system Contents


Terms of Reference



Background to the inquiry

Activity during our the inquiry

1 The case for change to the treatment of young adults in the criminal justice system

Defining young adulthood

General characteristics of young adults in the criminal justice system

Brain development and its impact on propensity to criminal behaviour

The social context of young adults in the criminal justice system

Neuro-disabilities and mental disorders

Risk and vulnerability

Other needs and characteristics of young adults in the criminal justice system

Implications for the criminal justice system

2 Current approaches towards young adults in the criminal justice system

The Ministry of Justice and National Offender Management Service’s approach


Legislative provision: young adult specific sentences



Screening and assessment of maturity, risk and needs

The custodial estate

Self-inflicted deaths

Management of violence

Purposeful activity

Crown Prosecution Service policy

Sentencing policy

The Youth Justice Board and youth offending teams’ approaches and transitions between youth and adult system

3 Options for change

Learning from the youth justice system

Extending the youth justice system

Systematic screening and assessment

Awareness training

Developmentally appropriate practices

Addressing neuro-disabilities

Developing positive identities and fostering resilience

Family involvement

Developmentally appropriate places


Community based provision


Strategy and governance

Community based sentences and post-release supervision

The potential costs and benefits of change

4 Blueprint for a strategic approach to the treatment of young adults in the criminal justice system

Overarching principles

Understanding risks and needs

A distinct approach with specialist staff


Building the evidence base

Cross-departmental reform

Courts and sentencing

Prosecutions and sentencing

Young adult courts


Conclusions and recommendations

Annex: Terms of reference

Formal Minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

24 October 2016