Private Members' bills: observations on the Government response Contents

Annex 2: Letter from the Chair of the Committee, Mr Charles Walker MP, to the Clerk of the House

As you will know, the Procedure Committees in the previous Parliament and this Parliament have been considering procedures on private Members’ bills, including measures to make the process more comprehensible and transparent.

The proposals in our April 2016 report (Third Report of Session 2015–16, HC 684) in respect of the printing of private Members’ bills and the notice to be given of such bills have been endorsed by the Government in its response to our report, to be published as an appendix to our Second Report of Session 2016–17, HC 701.

We consider that some of the changes required should be endorsed by resolution of the House, and draft resolutions to achieve these changes are set out in Annex 1 to that report.

There are two recommended changes in administrative practice relating to the House’s business papers and website which in our view are of a technical nature and do not require specific endorsement. These are:

I should be grateful if you would take steps to give effect to these recommendations.

A copy of this letter goes to the Principal Clerk, Table Office.

12 October 2016

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14 October 2016