The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
IHS numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1Alzheimer’s Society (IHS0009)
2British Medical Association (IHS0002)
3College of Occupational Therapists (IHS0003)
4Department of Health (IHS0023)
5Dr and Councillor Allison Gardner (IHS0013)
6Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham (IHS0008)
7Independent Age (IHS0021)
8London Borough of Newham (IHS0016)
9London Councils (IHS0011)
10London Fire Brigade (IHS0022)
11Manchester Centre for Health Economics, University of Manchester (IHS0007)
12National Voices (IHS0001)
13NHS Clinical Commissioners (IHS0019)
14NHS Confederation (IHS0020)
15NHS Providers (IHS0014)
16Royal College of General Practitioners (IHS0018)
17Royal College of Nursing (IHS0004)
18Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (IHS0012)
19Royal Pharmaceutical Society (IHS0006)
20Scope (IHS0005)
21The Intergenerational Foundation (IHS0010)
22United Kingdom Homecare Association (UKHCA) (IHS0017)
25 April 2017