Digital skills crisis Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

DIG numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Apps for Good (DIG0046)

2Aviva Plc (DIG0020)

3Barclays (DIG0055)

4BBC (DIG0009)

5BCS - Chartered Institute for IT (DIG0064)

6BCS - The Chartered Institute for IT (DIG0001)

7Birkbeck, University of London (DIG0075)

8BT (DIG0037)

9Caroline Chisholm School (DIG0026)

10CCITE (DIG0076)

11Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (DIG0017)

12Cifas (DIG0045)

13City & Guilds (DIG0027)

14City of London Corporation (DIG0013)

15Communications Consumer Panel and ACOD (DIG0057)

16CompTIA (DIG0024)

17defenddigitalme (DIG0061)

18Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DIG0060)

19Dr Ansgar Koene (DIG0029)

20EMC (DIG0042)

21FDM Group (DIG0005)

22Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) (DIG0011)

23Food Standards Agency (DIG0044)

24Fujitsu (DIG0006)

25Go ON UK (DIG0054)

26Google (DIG0053)

27Greater London Authority (DIG0051)

28Hewlett Packard Enterprise (DIG0031)

29HP Inc UK Limited (DIG0059)

30Lloyds Banking Group (DIG0063)

31Met Office (DIG0022)

32Microsoft (DIG0018)

33Miss Leanne Forbes (DIG0079)

34Mr Aleks Lukic (DIG0068)

35Mr Alex Melhuish (DIG0070)

36Mr Brian Sharland (DIG0038)

37Mr Byron Calderwood (DIG0039)

38Mr Daniel Phelan (DIG0071)

39Mr Harvy Tamber (DIG0073)

40Mr Kevin Drumm (DIG0066)

41Mrs Jane Broxton (DIG0072)

42Mrs Kay Sawbridge (DIG0067)

43Mrs Kay Sawbridge (DIG0077)

44Mrs Lucy Cripps (DIG0065)

45Mrs Maria Tilley (DIG0069)

46Mrs Roberts (DIG0074)

47NCC Group plc (DIG0025)

48Nesta (DIG0048)

49Ofcom (DIG0050)

50Paul Long (DIG0035)

51Philip Virgo (DIG0036)

52Remploy (DIG0032)

53Research Councils UK (DIG0019)

54Samsung (DIG0007)

55Shropshire Council (DIG0012)

56Sky (DIG0028)

57STEMNET (Science, Engineering, Technology, Mathematics Network) (DIG0015)

58Sunderland Software City (DIG0033)

59Tata Consultancy Services (DIG0016)

60techUK (DIG0041)

61Terry Greer (DIG0003)

62The Open University (DIG0056)

63The Publishers Association (DIG0047)

64The Royal Society (DIG0014)

65The Royal Society of Edinburgh (DIG0010)

66The Tech Partnership (DIG0040)

67Tinder Foundation (DIG0008)

68UK Forum for Computing Education (DIG0052)

69University of Leicester (DIG0043)

70Wellcome Trust (DIG0004)

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10 June 2016