Session 2017-19
Wild Animals in Circuses (No.2) Bill
Written evidence submitted by David Moore (WAC04)
Please do not ban animals in UK Circus
Dear Sirs.
I write regarding the above.
I am an Entertainer and have been associated with Circus Families since the age of 13,
although I have no Circus Background, I was always fascinated by that way of life!
Therefore I have had first hand experience of seeing Exotic Pets, Lions, Tigers, Elephants,
Horses and similar Animals close up , both in the Circus Ring and in their Stables.
I have also travelled with Carol Macmanus (Circus License Holder) in her Animal Transporter
en route from one Circus Site to another, so I feel able to give an honest account of Circus Animal Welfare,
just to see what this was like, and the animals were transported safely and unloaded immediately on
arrival to the new Circus Site.
I can categorically state that the Animal Welfare on Circus in the UK is far better than a large
proportion of animals kept in houses and on farms, and to a certain extent, even Zoos, and even more
so in recent years with your licensing and regulatory system in place, even the Circus Families agree!
To compare the transportation aspect, UK Circus tend to ensure there are no more than 30 mile
distances from one town to the next, which is great for the Animal Welfare Aspect, whereas a Jockey will think
nothing of travelling, as an example from Ayr Racecouse in Scotland after a days training and Racing to Aintree,
to do the same next day, which would be a trip of at least 220 miles. Theres a vast difference.
The animals of Circus Mondao , which I use as an example, are family pets, some are not even used in
the Circus Performance, and when poorly or dont really want to be bothered, thety are never " forced" to
perform in the Show - I have even seen performances where the Animals have not taken part in the Show
for various reasons.
The Circus with Animals, have been attacked online, with lots of online abuse, and bullying, and these families
have became targets of hate campaigns, due to the fact they continue a 200 year old tradition of presnting animals
in the Show, which the general public love to see and despite a tiny minority of people it would be totally unfair
to stop this, especially when its a genuine licensed and regulated form of Entertainment. Gone are the days of
the Freak Shows and animals jumping through rings of fire etc, These animals perform at libery and are no more
than dressage. The customers are then encouraged to visit the animals afterwards in their extensive stables
to see for themslves , and have pictures taken, and most importantly to talk to the families about the animal
Lastly, there has never been any Scientific Evidence or Findings to prove any allegations of animals being
distressed by travelling or living on a circus, and my personal findings are that they are better cared for in
this Environment and tend to live longer than say, in the wild.
UK Circus dont have any "caged animals" now either.
To summarise, I do not see the need for a ban on Animals in UK Circus , and would like you to consider the
facts I have highlighted herein, and allow one of the last few Traditions we have here in the UK, to continue.
Kind Regards.
David Moore.
May 2019