The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
BRF numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1ALMR (BRF0003)
2British Beer and Pub Association (BRF0009)
3British Specialist Nutrition Association (BRF0004)
4Confederation of Paper Industries (BRF0002)
5Council for Responsible Nutrition UK (BRF0016)
6Defra (BRF0008)
7Ferrero UK (BRF0015)
8Food and Drink Federation (BRF0010)
9GMB (BRF0014)
10PAGB (BRF0006)
11Rich Energy (BRF0013)
12Scotch Whisky Association (BRF0018)
13Tate & Lyle Sugars (BRF0012)
14Textile Services Association (BRF0001)
15Unilever (BRF0019)
16Unite the Union (BRF0005)
17Usdaw (BRF0007)
18Wine and Spirit Trade Association (BRF0011)
Published: 22 April 2018