Effectiveness of local authority overview and scrutiny committees Contents

Annex: summary of discussions at an informal workshop with councillors and officers

As part of the inquiry, the Committee hosted a workshop in October 2017 attended by over 45 council officers and councillors from across the country. Split into four groups, attendees discussed their experiences of overview and scrutiny, with each group considering three questions. The following provides an edited summary of the discussions held and is not intended to be verbatim minutes. Comments are not attributed to individuals or organisations, but seek to reflect the variety of statements made and opinions expressed. This summary and its content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Committee, or all of the attendees present at the workshop.

Q1) Do local authority scrutiny committees operate with political independence and in a non-partisan way



Q2) Do officers and members working on scrutiny have sufficient resources, expertise and knowledge to deliver effective scrutiny?



Q3) If you could make a single change, what would you change about the way scrutiny in your authority operates?



14 December 2017