The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
LVC numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1Action for Land Taxation & Economic Reform (LVC0038)
2AspinallVerdi - Property Regeneration Consultants (LVC0036)
3Association of Consultant Architects (LVC0010)
4Assura PLC (LVC0018)
5Aylesbury Vale District Council (LVC0050)
6Banks Group (LVC0054)
7Barratt Developments PLC (LVC0022)
8Barton Willmore LLP (LVC0078)
9Berkeley Group (LVC0033)
10Bob Barnes (LVC0009)
11British Property Federation (LVC0044)
12Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (LVC0085)
13Campaign to Protect Rural England (LVC0068)
14CAUSE (LVC0069)
15Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (LVC0080)
16Centre for Progressive Capitalism (LVC0011)
17Chartered Institute of Housing (LVC0052)
18CLA (LVC0094)
19CLA (Country Land & Business Association) (LVC0082)
20Community Voice on Planning (LVC0008)
21Compulsory Purchase Association (LVC0034)
22County Councils Network (LVC0088)
23Cumbria County Council & Carlisle City Council (LVC0072)
24Daniel Bentley and Tom Aubrey (LVC0096)
25Deloitte LLP (LVC0089)
26Dentons UKME LLP (LVC0077)
27District Councils’ Network (LVC0049)
28Dr John McCone (LVC0001)
29Dr Nicholas Falk (LVC0004)
30Dr Tom Archer and Professor Ian Cole (LVC0090)
31Earthsharing Devon (LVC0074)
32East Riding of Yorkshire Council (LVC0071)
33Edward Gunnery (LVC0097)
34Figura Planning Ltd (LVC0081)
35Future Cities Catapult (LVC0058)
36Gladman Developments Ltd (LVC0021)
37Greater London Authority and Transport for London (LVC0091)
38Hastoe Housing Association (LVC0042)
39HDH Planning and Development Ltd (LVC0016)
40Henry George Society of Devon (LVC0075)
41Highbury Group on Housing Deiovery (LVC0013)
42Jonathan Flowith (LVC0076)
43Land Promoters and Developers Federation (LPDF) (LVC0065)
44Land Value Taxation Campaign (LVC0040)
45Leeds City Council (LVC0086)
46Local Government Association (LVC0059)
47Local Government Association (LVC0093)
48Locality (LVC0063)
49London Authorities Viability Group (LVC0025)
50London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LVC0024)
51London YIMBY and PricedOut (LVC0017)
52McCarthy and Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd. (LVC0028)
53MHCLG (LVC0084)
54Michael Beaman (LVC0020)
55Mr Christopher Jessel (LVC0012)
56Mr Daniel Scharf (LVC0005)
57Mr Ed Randall (LVC0060)
58Mr Freddy Fashridjal (LVC0079)
59Mr Ian Hopton (LVC0014)
60Mr Robin Smale (LVC0057)
61Mr Stephen Ashworth (LVC0039)
62Mr Terrence Clay (LVC0007)
63National Farmers’ Union (LVC0047)
64Network Rail (LVC0087)
65New Garden City Alliance (LVC0031)
66North Kesteven District Council (LVC0048)
67Northern Housing Consortium (LVC0051)
68Peabody (LVC0043)
69Places for People (LVC0030)
70Planning Officer Society (LVC0064)
71Professor Tony Crook (LVC0046)
72Professor Tony Crook (LVC0053)
73Royal Town Planning Institute (LVC0055)
74School of Economic Science (LVC0035)
75Setplan Town and Environmental Planners (LVC0003)
76Shelter (LVC0037)
77Shelter (LVC0092)
78Staffordshire County Council (LVC0027)
79Stephen Hill (LVC0067)
80Taxpayers Against Poverty (LVC0015)
81The Home Builders Federation (LVC0066)
82The Land Trust (LVC0045)
83The Peel Group (LVC0095)
84Town & Country Planning Association (LVC0073)
85Transport for London (LVC0099)
86Turley on behalf of IM Land (LVC0029)
87Urban Growth Company (LVC0019)
88Wates Developments (LVC0062)
89William Best (LVC0006)
Published: 13 September 2018