The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
Samantha Bradshaw, Oxford Internet Institute, and Professor Kalina Bontcheva, Professor of Text Analysis, the University of Sheffield |
David Alandete, Editor, El País, Francisco de Borja Lasheras, Director, Madrid Office, European Council on Foreign Relations, and Mira Milosevich-Juaristi, Senior Fellow for Russia and Euroasia at Elcano Royal Institute and Associate Professor, History of International Relations, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid |
Bethan Crockett, Senior Director, Brand Safety and Digital Risk, GroupM EMEA, Eitan Jankelewitz, Partner, Sheridans, and Matt Rogerson, Head of Public Policy, Guardian News and Media |
Tim Elkington, Chief Digital Officer, Internet Advertising Bureau, Phil Smith, Managing Director, Incorporated Society of British Advertisers, and Ben Williams, Adblock Plus |
Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Bristol; Professor Vian Bakir, Bangor University; and Dr Caroline Tagg, the Open University |
Dr Charles Kriel, Corsham Institute; Adam Hildreth, CEO and Founder, Crisp; and Matt Breen, Commercial Director of Media Chain (part of the Social Chain Group) |
Juniper Downs, Global Head of Public Policy, YouTube; and Richard Gingras, Vice President of News, Google |
Monika Bickert, Head of Global Policy Management, Facebook; and Simon Milner, Policy Director UK, Middle East and Africa, Facebook |
Carlos Monje, Director, Public Policy and Philanthropy, US and Canada, Twitter; and Nick Pickles, Head of Public Policy and Philanthropy, UK, Twitter |
David Carroll, Associate Professor of Media Design, The New School; Amy Mitchell, Director of Journalism Research, Pew Research Centre; Frank Sesno, Director, School of Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University; and Claire Wardle, Research Fellow, Shorenstein Centre on Media, Politics and Public Policy |
David Chavern, President and CEO, News Media Alliance; Major Garrett, Chief White House Correspondent, CBS News; Tony Maddox, Executive VP and MD, CNN International; and Kinsey Wilson, Special Advisor to the President/CEO of the New York Times |
Alexander Nix, Chief Executive, Cambridge Analytica |
Bill Browder, founder and CEO, Hermitage Capital Management, and Edward Lucas, Senior Vice President, the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) |
Elizabeth Denham, Commissioner, Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) |
Rt Hon Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport |
Sandy Parakilas, former Facebook operations manager |
Paul-Olivier Dehaye and Christopher Wylie |
Brittany Kaiser, former Director of Program Development, Cambridge Analytica |
Dr Aleksandr Kogan, Senior Research Associate, Department of Psychology, Cambridge University |
Mike Schroepfer, Chief Technical Officer, Facebook |
Chris Vickery, Director, Cyber Risk Research, UpGuard |
Claire Bassett, Chief Executive, Electoral Commission, Louise Edwards, Head of Regulations, Electoral Commission, and Bob Posner, Director of Political Finance and Regulation and Legal Counsel, Electoral Commission |
Jeff Silvester, Chief Operating Officer, AggregateIQ |
Tristan Harris, Co-founder and Executive Director, Center for Humane Technology |
Alexander Nix, former CEO, Cambridge Analytica |
Arron Banks, co-founder of Leave.EU, and Andy Wigmore, Director of Communications, Leave.EU |
Published: 29 July 2018