Sustainable Development Goals in the UK follow up: Hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity in the UK Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

SDF numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Aldi UK (SDF0036)

2Asda Stores Ltd. (SDF0035)

3Bond (SDF0012)

4Bristol Green Capital Partnership, Bristol SDG Alliance, Cabot Institute (University of Bristol) (SDF0007)

5Calimport, Dr Stuart (SDF0028)

6Campaign to Protect Rural England (SDF0014)

7Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (SDF0003)

8City Harvest London (SDF0039)

9The Co-op (SDF0034)

10Compassion in World Farming (SDF0005)

11Cruelty Free International (SDF0002)

12Department for International Development (SDF0029)

13End Hunger UK (SDF0021)

14Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (SDF0010)

15Fairtrade Foundation (SDF0026)

16The Food Foundation (SDF0017)

17Health Poverty Action (SDF0013)

18Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (SDF0001)

19London Sustainable Development Commission (SDF0023)

20Long, Dr Graham (SDF0019)

21McGhie, Mr Henry (SDF0004)

22Newcastle University (SDF0022)

23Ocado (SDF0033)

24Office for National Statistics (SDF0024)

25Office for National Statistics (ONS) (SDF0031)

26Royal Town Planning Institute (SDF0011)

27Sainsbury's (SDF0030)

28Sustain: The Alliance for Better Food and Farming (SDF0018)

29Tesco PLC (SDF0032)

30UKSSD (SDF0027)

31The Urban Institute, University of Sheffield and Mistra Urban Futures (SDF0008)

32Waitrose & Partners (SDF0037)

33Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (SDF0006)

34Wildlife and Countryside Link (SDF0015)

35Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC (SDF0038)

36WWF (SDF0009)

Published: 10 January 2019