The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
HCW numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.
1ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) (HCW0015)
2AIR-serv (HCW0006)
3Anglian Water Services (HCW0010)
4Avon and Somerset Anti-Slavery Partnership (HCW0028)
5Car Wash Advisory Services Limited and the Sandu Foundation (HCW0013)
6Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) (HCW0023)
7Defra (HCW0019)
8Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London (UCL) (HCW0007)
9Downstream Fuel Association (HCW0020)
10Dr Rebekah Schiff (HCW0018)
11Environment Agency (HCW0024)
12Environment Agency (HCW0026)
13Environment Agency (HCW0030)
14Frasers Consulting (HCW0025)
15Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (HCW0011)
16Health and Safety Executive (HCW0022)
17Local Government Association (HCW0016)
18Member of the public 1 (HCW0002)
19Member of the public 2 (HCW0004)
20Mr Kevin Hyland OBE (HCW0003)
21Ms Saeeda Bukhari (HCW0029)
22Nottingham Trent University | Nottingham Civic Exchange (HCW0005)
23Professor Sir David Metcalf CBE (HCW0017)
24The Clewer Initiative and the Santa Martha Group (HCW0021)
25The Petrol Retailers Association and The Car Wash Association (HCW0012)
26The Rights Lab, University of Nottingham (HCW0008)
27Union Street No Car Wash (HCW0009)
Published: 15 November 2018