Documents considered by the Committee on 3 April 2019


Meeting Summary

Documents for debate

1 HMT Brexit: UK contributions to the EU budget in 2019 in a ‘no deal’ scenario

Documents not cleared

2 BEIS Market surveillance

3 DfT Second mobility package: Clean Vehicles Directive

4 DIT Negotiating mandates for EU-US trade talks

5 HO Cross-border access to electronic evidence in criminal proceedings

6 HO Cross-border police cooperation: Third country participation in the Prüm framework for exchanging DNA, fingerprint and vehicle registration data

7 HO Strengthening the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and combating document and identity fraud

8 HSE Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (Phase II)

Documents cleared

9 BEIS Online platforms

10 DIT EU safeguard measures on steel imports

11 DWP Brexit: coordination of social security and access to healthcare

12 MOJ Recast of the Brussels IIa Regulation

Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the House

Formal Minutes

Standing Order and membership

Published: 9 April 2019