Documents not cleared
2 DCMS Digital Single Market: ENISA / EU Cybersecurity Agency Regulation
3 DCMS Digital Single Market: Free flow of data
4 DExEU Mandatory transparency register for EU Lobbying
5 DExEU Rule of Law in the EU and Poland
6 HMT Economic and Monetary Union: reform
7 HMT European System of Financial Supervision
Documents cleared
8 BEIS Status and outlook for investment in nuclear energy in the EU
9 BEIS EU Contribution to a reformed ITER project
10 BEIS Linkage of EU and Swiss Emissions Trading Systems
11 BEIS Euratom Research and Training Programme
12 DCMS EU-US commercial data transfers: review of Privacy Shield
13 DEFRA AAccess to EU environmental justice at EU and Member State level
14 DfT EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
23 February 2018