Documents considered by the Committee on 21 February 2018 Contents


Meeting Summary

Documents not cleared

1 BEIS Emergency oil stocks

2 DCMS Digital Single Market: ENISA / EU Cybersecurity Agency Regulation

3 DCMS Digital Single Market: Free flow of data

4 DExEU Mandatory transparency register for EU Lobbying

5 DExEU Rule of Law in the EU and Poland

6 HMT Economic and Monetary Union: reform

7 HMT European System of Financial Supervision

Documents cleared

8 BEIS Status and outlook for investment in nuclear energy in the EU

9 BEIS EU Contribution to a reformed ITER project

10 BEIS Linkage of EU and Swiss Emissions Trading Systems

11 BEIS Euratom Research and Training Programme

12 DCMS EU-US commercial data transfers: review of Privacy Shield

13 DEFRA AAccess to EU environmental justice at EU and Member State level

14 DfT EU Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)

Documents not raising questions of sufficient legal or political importance to warrant a substantive report to the House

Formal Minutes

Standing Order and membership

23 February 2018