Serious youth violence Contents



1 The scale of the problem and its impact


The impact on victims’ families

Crime figures

Where is serious violence happening?

The growth in youth violence and homicide

2 The Government’s Serious Violence Strategy


Actions and commitments

Subsequent announcements

Is the Serious Violence Strategy fit for purpose?

3 Government leadership on Serious Violence


The Serious Violence Taskforce

A ‘public health’ approach

National leadership on serious violence

Our previous recommendations on policing governance and leadership

4 The changing drug market and county lines


The changing drug market

The evolution of the ‘gang’

County lines as a form of gang exploitation

The Government and police response to county lines

Safeguarding problems

Data-sharing issues

Demand for Class A drugs

5 Policing

Police funding

Social media and online platforms

Stop and search

6 Prevention, early intervention and youth services


Risk factors for serious youth violence

School exclusion

Youth service provision

Community safety teams

Effective youth interventions

Public funding for tackling serious youth violence

Conclusions and recommendations

Formal minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Published: 31 July 2019