Serious youth violence Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

SVC numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1Ameri, Gian A. (SVC0003)

2Amnesty International (SVC0050)

3APCC (SVC0048)

4Arun District Council, Adur & Worthing Councils and Chichester District Council (SVC0010)

5Bailey, Mr Shaun (SVC0016)

6Barnardo’s (SVC0046)

7The Ben Kinsella Trust (SVC0057)

8Boff, Mr Andrew (SVC0015)

9The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (SVC0027)

10The British Psychological Society (SVC0047)

11British Shooting Sports Council (SVC0014)

12The Children’s Society (SVC0022)

13Children’s Commissioner for England (SVC0054)

14Community Links (SVC0029)

15Criminal Justice Alliance (SVC0030)

16Cybersecurity and Criminology Centre, University of West London (SVC0008)

17Faculty of Public Health, London (SVC0013)

18Greater Manchester CA (SVC0035)

19Hackney CVS (SVC0001)

20Heritage Arms Study Group (SVC0026)

21Hodgett, Professor Susan (SVC0056)

22Home Office (SVC0006)

23Home Office (SVC0058)

24The Institute of Alcohol Studies (SVC0005)

25Jackson, Mr Jerome (SVC0053)

26The Local Government Association (SVC0028)

27Local Government Association (SVC0051)

28London Youth (SVC0036)

29MAC-UK (SVC0037)

30Madge, His Honour Nic, Crichton, Dr John, Bew, Mr Duncan, and Griffiths, Mr Martin (SVC0052)

31The Magistrates Association (SVC0025)

32Mayor of London (SVC0040)

33Metropolitan Police Service (SVC0055)

34National Crime Agency (SVC0023)

35National Police Chiefs’ Council (SVC0042)

36North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner (SVC0004)

37NPCC CYP Portfolio (SVC0019)

38NPCC Independent Advisory Group for Criminal Use of Firearms (SVC0049)

39Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Northumbria (SVC0039)

40Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex (SVC0011)

41Police and Crime Commissioner West Midlands (SVC0020)

42Prison Reform Trust (SVC0034)

43Project Future (SVC0032)

44Release (SVC0044)

45Southwark Council (SVC0017)

46Squires, Professor Peter (SVC0021)

47Standing Committee for Youth Justice (SVC0031)

48StopWatch (SVC0024)

49Sussex Police & Crime Commissioner (SVC0009)

50Transition to Adulthood (T2A) Alliance (SVC0033)

51Violence and Vulnerability Unit (SVC0002)

52West Sussex County Council (SVC0038)

53West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner (SVC0041)

54Youth Justice Board (SVC0045)

Published: 31 July 2019