The following witnesses gave evidence. Transcripts can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
Janahan, a former detainee in Harmondsworth and Morton Hall who now has refugee status, Voke, a former Yarl’s Wood detainee who is currently seeking asylum, and Afiya, a former Yarl’s Wood detainee who is currently seeking asylum |
Kris Harris, Policy & Research Worker, Medical Justice, Gemma Lousley, Policy and Research Coordinator, Women for Refugee Women, Tom Nunn, Legal Manager, Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) |
Rupert Soames, CEO, Serco Group plc and Julia Rogers, MD Justice and Immigration, Serco Group plc, Phil Wragg, Group Director for Kent, Essex, IRCs and FNPs, HMPPS, Karen Head, Morton Hall Centre Manager, HMPPS |
Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM, HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Hindpal Singh Bhui, Inspection Team Leader (Immigration), HMI Prisons |
Rt Hon Caroline Nokes MP, Minister for Immigration, Home Office, Hugh Ind, Director General of Immigration Enforcement, Home Office, Sir Philip Rutnam, Permanent Secretary, Home Office |
Stephen Shaw CBE, author of the follow-up report to the Home Office on the assessment of government progress on the welfare in detention of vulnerable persons |
The following witnesses gave evidence to the Committee’s inquiry into Brook House Immigration Removal Centre. The Transcript can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.
Rev. Nathan Ward, former Duty Director at Brook House, and James Wilson, Director, Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group |
Peter Neden, Regional President, UK and Ireland, G4S, and Jerry Petherick, Managing Director, Custody and Detention Centres, G4S |
Published: 21 March 2019