Memorandum of understanding on data-sharing between NHS Digital and the Home Office Contents

Published written evidence

The following written evidence was received and can be viewed on the inquiry publications page of the Committee’s website.

MOU numbers are generated by the evidence processing system and so may not be complete.

1British Medical Association (MOU0015)

2Amnesty International UK (MOU0010)

3British Medical Association (MOU0005)

4Doctors of the World UK (MOU0019)

5General Medical Council (MOU0006)

6Just Fair (MOU0007)

7medConfidential (MOU0018)

8National AIDS Trust (MOU0002)

9National AIDS Trust (MOU0003)

10National AIDS Trust (MOU0009)

11National AIDS Trust (MOU0014)

12National Data Guardian (MOU0011)

13National Data Guardian (MOU0016)

14NHS Digital (MOU0004)

15NHS Digital (MOU0017)

16Sarah Wilkinson, CEO, NHS Digital (MOU0013)

17Sir Ian Andrews, Senior Independent Director, NHS Digital (MOU0012)

Published: 15 April 2018