The majority of business units are making very good progress to achieve this minimum standard with continued signalling of leadership and good progress in developing and finalising office-wide Disability Inclusion Action Plans.
Good Practice Case Study: DFID Pakistan The Head of Office is the disability champion, with the Senior Management Team (SMT) also supporting. A robust Disability Inclusion Action Plan is in place following an office-wide mapping, being led by a group of advisors and programme staff. An audit of language and accessibility for recruitment has been completed and statements to encourage persons with disabilities to apply will be more prominent. New ramps have been built ensuring physical access for persons with disabilities. A check of communications and IT for accessibility is underway. |
The majority of business units have either undertaken, or planning to undertake, consultation of people with disabilities and their representative organisations. However, feedback from the recent stocktake has indicated this has been one of the more difficult standards for business units to engage with due to lack of existing networks, logistical difficulties and/or lack of capacity from DPOs. Notably more country offices have either met or are on track to meet this standard in comparison with Central Departments.
Good Practice Case Study: DFID Afghanistan The ongoing conflict in Afghanistan impacts the ability of all donors to travel around the country. Nevertheless, DFID Afghanistan has coordinated two Kabul based DPO roundtables and one in Mazar-e-Sharif in 2019. The regional workshop included organisations such as Women with Disabilities Social Association; Afghanistan Blind Association and Afghanistan Deaf Association to ensure a wide a range of views from local DPOs were gathered. DFID Afghanistan is also in the final exploratory stages of funding to the government’s new Ministry of Martyrs and Disability to provide capacity building support (through HI) which will include the running of regional consultation workshops with DPOs. |
The majority of business units are making good progress to meet this standard with strong consistent signalling that disability inclusion and gender equality are important to DFID, good progress engaging on disability inclusion with stakeholders including the private sector, and robust support to Governments/other stakeholders to implement their commitments.
Good Practice Case Study: Safeguarding Unit Disability was included in the commitments made by 22 donors at DFID’s Safeguarding Summit in October 2018. SU are working closely with donors on implementation of these commitments through our regular working group meetings. The Safeguarding Unit successfully advocated for the inclusion of disability in the DAC Recommendation on safeguarding against sexual exploitation and abuse and sexual harassment which was adopted on 12 July. |
The majority of country offices are making progress in achieving this standard and in completing stock takes of programmes; ensuring consideration for disability in business cases, supplier terms of references, annual reviews; designing new flagship programmes; and ensuring all programmes are marked against the disability inclusion marker. Progress is more mixed in central departments—particularly with delays in completing basic stock takes.
Good Practice Case Study: DFID Mozambique As part of the PSED process earlier this year, DFID Mozambique did a thorough review of programmes to assess level of commitment to people with disabilities. They have acted on this analysis, integrating disability inclusion across their portfolio including the UN Joint Programme on Social Protection, which is addressing disability by assessing the needs of PWDs and supporting them to access better social services. |
The majority of business units are making good progress towards the aim for all new programmes to collect and use disability disaggregated data. There was encouraging increased inclusion of disability disaggregated data using the Washington Group Questions, though some business units recorded difficulties in that no programmes had relevant indicators.
Good Practice Case study: DFID Somalia DFID Somalia are building the data and evidence on disability and disability inclusion in Somalia. This includes: encouraging all new programmes to collect and use disability disaggregated data for relevant indicators; sharing lessons from pilot programmes; supporting quantitative data-production (Somalia Health and Demographic Survey and digital reporting from internal monitoring programmes); supporting qualitative research on stigma and lived experiences through the East Africa Research Hub and K4D portal; re-examining disability-related data from our humanitarian monitoring; promoting and reviewing implementing partners’ policies and practices. |
Whilst no Country Office has yet to reach all five High Achievement Standards, we have seen examples of excellence in all areas, and are making good progress against our commitment for four offices to reach the ‘high achievement’ standards. For example:
All potential ‘High Achievement’ Country Offices have been invited to join the DFID’s ‘Leave No One Behind’ Trailblazers Group—a forum to exchange best practice on social inclusion more broadly. For example, the most recent meeting including training for all country offices on data disaggregation and the Washington Group Questions (Disability Inclusion Standard 5).
Published: 10 October 2019