Business and civil society |
Devolved government |
Local government |
UK Parliament |
Consultation |
- Broad and open public consultation - Feedback from all registered groups in open dialogue sessions - Consultation and input from the Strategic Trade Advisory Group (STAG) |
Consultation and input from an intergovernmental international trade committee and STAG |
- Broad and open public consultation - Consultation and input from STAG |
Mandate (the “Outline Approach”) |
- Specific consultation through STAG, drawing on sub-committees - Feedback from all registered groups in open dialogue sessions - Production of impact assessment |
Formal advisory role through an intergovernmental international trade committee and STAG |
Formal advisory role through STAG |
Substantive vote on amendable motion to mandate the “Outline Approach” |
Throughout negotiations |
- Formal advisory role through STAG - Feedback from all registered groups in open dialogue sessions |
Formal advisory role through an intergovernmental international trade committee and STAG |
Formal advisory role through STAG |
- Ongoing private briefing by Government to Trade Committee - General updates to Parliament |
Ratification |
Production of impact assessment to inform parliamentary vote |
Yes / no vote on final deal, informed by International Trade Committee report |
Published: 28 December 2018