UK trade policy transparency and scrutiny Contents

Annex 1: Proposed stakeholder engagement and input processes

Business and civil society

Devolved government

Local government

UK Parliament


- Broad and open public consultation

- Feedback from all registered groups in open dialogue sessions

- Consultation and input from the Strategic Trade Advisory Group (STAG)

Consultation and input from an intergovernmental international trade committee and STAG

- Broad and open public consultation

- Consultation and input from STAG

Mandate (the “Outline Approach”)

- Specific consultation through STAG, drawing on sub-committees

- Feedback from all registered groups in open dialogue sessions

- Production of impact assessment

Formal advisory role through an intergovernmental international trade committee and STAG

Formal advisory role through STAG

Substantive vote on amendable motion to mandate the “Outline Approach”

Throughout negotiations

- Formal advisory role through STAG

- Feedback from all registered groups in open dialogue sessions

Formal advisory role through an intergovernmental international trade committee and STAG

Formal advisory role through STAG

- Ongoing private briefing by Government to Trade Committee

- General updates to Parliament


Production of impact assessment to inform parliamentary vote

Yes / no vote on final deal, informed by International Trade Committee report

Published: 28 December 2018