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This is a House of Commons Committee report with recommendations to the Government. The Government has two months to respond.
Date Published: 11 April 2019
This is the report summary, read the full report.
This inquiry investigates concerns about a rise in complaints about bailiffs (also known as enforcement agents) recorded by debt advice charities. We welcome the Ministry of Justice's own call for evidence on rogue bailiffs, which has just closed; our inquiry sits alongside this.
We are grateful to the enforcement agents, debt charities and others who shared their views with us.
Source: Parliamentary Copyright
We found strong differences of view on whether the 2014 reforms of the enforcement industry, which introduced individual certification of enforcement agents and a standardised fee regime, had been successful. There was a gulf between the large numbers of complaints reported by the debt advice charities and the very small numbers reported by the enforcement agencies, industry associations and others.
We found however, a general consensus that there was room for improvements in how complaints were handled. The current complaints system is fragmented and hard to navigate, especially for vulnerable people.
The Justice Committee is recommending to the Government:
We were surprised that bailiffs are apparently so under-regulated compared with other sectors, including debt collection. The existing system of individual certification by the courts seems to be a rubber-stamping exercise.
The Justice Committee is recommending to the Government:
The fee structure deserves close attention, since it has not been properly reviewed or updated since its introduction in 2014, despite a Government commitment at the time to do so annually in the light of Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation. Equally, given that these fees are paid by some of the poorest people in society, it is also vital that the fees are proportionate.
The Justice Committee is recommending to the Government:
The Justice Committee is recommending to the Government: