Prison population 2022: planning for the future Contents


Committee information



The Committee’s inquiry

1 The Ministry’s current approach to managing the prison population and its financial sustainability

The Justice Secretary’s speech to Reform

The Prisons Minister’s perspective

The Ministry’s objectives for prisons

The Prison Safety and Reform White Paper

Data-driven approaches

Specific strategies

The back to basics approach

The Ten Prisons project

Wider rehabilitative strategies

Towards an overarching strategic approach?

The financial implications of the current system and the need to invest

2 The prison population current and projected

The current prison population

The complex and challenging nature of the prison population

Overrepresentation of BAME individuals

Violent and sexual offenders

Prison population projections to 2022 and beyond

Implications of projections for resources

3 Explaining the growth in the prison population

Summary of sentencing trends

Legislative factors

Non-legislative factors

4 Getting the basics right and providing strong incentives for prisoners to reform

Safe prisons

The impact of initiatives to improve safety

Urgent notifications

Tackling organised crime and drugs

HMPPS capacity to improve safety and create rehabilitative cultures

The respective roles of the Ministry and HMPPS

Governor empowerment

Skills and leadership

Managing safely and effectively the prison population

The quality of relationships

Managing complex and challenging needs

The coordination of interventions

The environment in which rehabilitative work is undertaken

Incentives for reform

Meeting the needs of particular cohorts of prisoner

Older prisoners

Sentence progression and parole

People serving indeterminate sentences of imprisonment for public protection (IPP)

Sexual offenders

Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL)

Decent and modern prisons

The Prison Estate Transformation Programme

Progress on reforming the prison estate

Prison estate maintenance

Eliminating overcrowding

Modernisation and reconfiguration of the estate

Alternative future accommodation options

Improvements in technology

5 Tackling reoffending through a cross-departmental approach

The impact of reoffending on demand on prisons

The cross-departmental Reducing Reoffending Group

Community based treatment for mental health and substance misuse


Exploring options for, and building confidence in, non-custodial sentences

Reducing the use of short prison sentences

Confidence in community sentences

Sentencer feedback and judicial monitoring

Electronic monitoring and Home Detention Curfew

6 Conclusion

Conclusions and recommendations

Formal minutes


Published written evidence

List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament

Published: 3 April 2019