2 Existing scrutiny in the House
Scrutiny of Estimates, and of supply legislation
Scrutiny of Government Spending Reviews
Ongoing committee work in relation to Government expenditure
3 Ex ante scrutiny in other Parliaments
Budget scrutiny in similar legislatures within the OECD
Budget scrutiny in devolved institutions: Scotland
Budget scrutiny in other OECD Parliaments
Provision of financial information for the purposes of scrutiny
International best practice and the UK
4 What a House of Commons budget committee could do
The remit of a budget committee
The Government’s view of proposals for a budget committee
Potential tasks for a budget committee
Existing financial scrutiny bodies
The case for a Parliamentary Budget Office
Our proposed solution: enhancement to the House of Commons Scrutiny Unit
Conclusions and recommendations
List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament
Published: 9 July 2019